Spicy Cheese

Marmar's Revenge Drabble

Haileu woke up that morning never expecting that anything like this would happen. She rolled out of bed just as every morning before. She got dressed, went to work, got hit on by the guy, ate lunch, got hit on again, and then went to the store. She needed some of that spicy cheese that Addy brought to lunch before. Because let me tell you, that stuff is de-licious. I went and stared at the cheeses but never found it. I have tried cheese, after cheese, after cheese, but none are the same. “Will I ever find it?” I thought to myself. I began walking away, when I saw that guy again. It was the adorable flower boy; he held the key to my heart. I stared at him for a moment, he was sweeping the floors. I never knew his name, I wish I did. Maybe then I could write it all over my diary. Wait. Scratch that. All over my wall, his face rules my mind, my dreams, my life even. I always saw him and his beauty. I decided I just wasted 30 minutes of my life so now I must go home. I was about to leave when he stopped me. “Hey,” That was all he said. It made my day. I turned back and whispered, “Hello.” I stared at him and he stared back. He began to walk towards me and caught me in his embrace. It was warm and soft, I had never felt such joy. I felt free I was flying in my mind. His arms so warm, his essence invaded my senses. I felt his arms tightened around me, I felt the breath be pushed out of me. I couldn’t breathe in anymore, the arms were too tight. I couldn’t see anymore, there were only black spots invading my vision. I tried gasping for air but it failed. The arms continued to tighten, and I felt it crushing me. I screamed in agony but no sound came out. Here in the middle of this store I was dying, but it was so warm, so kind, and so very sweet. I felt my body being crushed by the pressure. No air came into me and soon my vision was gone. I saw nothing. I felt nothing. The pain was gone, the air was gone, and the light was gone. I was only surrounded by darkness.

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