
Because I'm Stupid

Chapter 3


Ms. Kwon droned on and on about how they were very lucky students be here and not many people have this opportunity and they should take advantage of it and not cause trouble.

In short: Shut up and do your work.

Luhan wondered how someone could manage to wring so many unnecessary sentences out of something that simple. Ms. Kwon, head of the SM Academy, had been lecturing them for at least half an hour.

When can I see my schedule already? Luhan wrung his hands nervously under the table and glanced at the four other transferring students. When she said she was going to have a meeting with the new kids, he had assumed that there would be a lot, but it made him more nervous to see that there were only five.

He started glancing at his classmates. All their eyes were fixated on Ms. Kwon, but judging from the way their eyes were glazing over, they probably didn’t hear a word she was saying.

To his right sat Sandara Park, but she went by Dara. She was Korean, but had lived in the Philippines until this year, when her parents decided to move back. She was also a junior, and in an attempt to make herself look taller, she had her hair up in a rather odd braid: It vertically stood on her head and reached towards the sky like an antennae. Her brother, Thunder, a freshman sat next to her.

To Thunder’s right sat Nichkhun, a senior, and a girl named Tiffany sat to Luhan’s right. Nichkhun was Thai, and Tiffany was Korean but she had lived in America until now.

“Well, then!” Ms. Kwon clapped her hands suddenly. Luhan flinched a bit, startled, and the other students giggled at his reaction.

So much for my first impression.

“I suppose I should hand you all your schedules. You will find your room number on them, as well as the name of your roommate. I’m sure you are all anxious to see them…” They were all handed a piece of paper, and she continued, “Your roommates have been instructed to wait for you in your rooms. They will welcome you and give you a short tour of the campus. Remember, classes start tomorrow.” She gave them a pointed look. “Good luck.”

It was their cue to go. So they did.

As they dragged their heavy luggage to the dorms, Nichkhun said, “I heard her name is Kwon Bo-ah, but the kids here call her The BoA, like she’s an actual snake, you know?”

They walked in silence for a while until one by one they headed in different directions for their rooms. Luhan glanced at his schedule again. Room 88. Why did he have to get one so far?

Finally he reached his room and unlocked the door. He peered inside. It didn’t look like anyone was here.

“Hello?” he called. “Hello?”

No response.

He checked in the bathroom, and in the closet. There was no one in either. He was alone.

Your roommates have been instructed to wait for you in your rooms. They will welcome you and give you a short tour of the campus.

Luhan pulled out his schedule and squinted at the name.

Roommate: Oh Sehun. Junior. Room 88.

Where the heck is this ‘Oh Sehun?’

He started reading a book and waited in the room for about fifteen minutes, but there was still no sign of him. He decided that there was no point in waiting for him and started exploring the campus by himself.

He saw Dara walking a short distance from the dorms.

“Dara!” he called.

She turned around and smiled at him. “Where’s your roommate?”

He started walking beside her. “He didn’t show up.”

“He didn’t?” She scrunched up her nose. “That’s not nice.”

“Where’s yours?”

“…She didn’t show up either,” Dara admitted.

“That’s not nice,” Luhan echoed and Dara laughed.

“It’s not like that. She left me a note saying that she’ll be kind of late and I should meet her in the library…wherever that is.”

It was only his first day and the school already felt like a museum. From the enormous arts center to the state-of-the-art science equipment, this school had more than it knew what to do with.

“I’ll try to help you find it,” Luhan offered, and she gave him a bright smile. He smiled back. She was really very pretty, once you got past the weird hairstyle. And cute too. Maybe this year wouldn’t be so bad after all.



Sehun rode his skateboard through the campus, pushing his leg against the ground with all his might.

He had woken up at nine o’ clock this morning, only to be informed by his mother that “surprise! You’re having a roommate this year! And by the way, he’s a transfer and you were supposed to be at school to meet him about half an hour ago.”

This was a shock, especially since Sehun had never had a roommate before. He gulped down his breakfast at top speed, and headed over to SM Academy as fast as he could. This wasn’t easy; he didn’t live far but it wasn’t too close either.

He dropped off his luggage in the room, only to see that his roommate had already left. And frankly, Sehun couldn’t blame him; he was an hour late. So he decided to rush over to the Administration to pick up his schedule, so he could see the name of the guy. And maybe then he could ask around the school for where he was.

Sehun rode his board as fast as he could when one of his wheels got caught in a crack in the sidewalk.

I’m going to embarrass myself before school even starts.

Luckily, the fall didn’t hurt much because he never actually hit the concrete. But unfortunately, the reason he didn’t hit the concrete was because something got in the way. Or should he say, someone. For a few seconds, he was flying through the air but crashed into someone who was walking a few feet in front of him.

The other student fell backwards against the ground, and Sehun on top of him. Double .

He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the pain, but surprisingly, he barely felt anything. In fact, it felt kind of…good?

What the heck was wrong with him?

A normal person would have stood up and apologized immediately, but for some reason, Sehun felt that his body was unwilling to move.



“Luhan, watch ou-oh no.”

Dara’s warning was a little too late because before he knew it, another student who was riding his skateboard through the campus (A. Bikes, scooters, and skateboards weren’t allowed on campus anyway, so who did this guy think he was? B. He was riding crazy fast, in fact so fast it looked a little like he was high. Was he high? And C. If he’s high, get him off!)

He was just about to wrestle the when the other boy panted and the top of his head brushed against the nape of his neck. And it sounded stupid even to him, but when that happened, Luhan felt like he had been electrified, except in a way that felt good. And he found that he didn’t want the stranger to leave. He actually wanted to pull the boy closer into a tight embrace.

And this was before he even opened his eyes.



Both boys opened their eyes and even though they were both aware that they were in the middle of a school, and they should probably get off each other, when their eyes met it was like time stopped. And they both knew that that sounded cheesy, but sometimes reality can be a little cheesy.

They stared into each other’s eyes and it was like everything was just right, like a plug being plugged into an outlet or two ends of a seatbelt finally snapping together.

And then they both realized: What the hell were they even doing.

The whole incident had only lasted about second, even both boys felt like that was much longer.

Luhan wriggled out from under Sehun. Who does this jerk think he is anyway, to just break the rules like that and not even look upset when he crashes into me?

Sehun pulled away quickly. Why is he just staring at me like that? And why does he look so offended? What an idiot; it wasn’t really a big deal.

They both gave each other a glare and Sehun mumbled a “sorry” and Luhan responded with a halfhearted “it’s okay.”

And that was that.

As they made their way in opposite directions, Dara looked at Luhan and said, “Wow.”

Luhan just nodded, unable to speak.

Yeah. Wow.



I know, I know...crash-into meetings are cliche, especially in romance stories, but it fit in so well, ya know? So I just had to.

I felt like it was a little dragging. Forgive me if it was a little boring. There wasn't anything significant in this chapter except for them meeting of course lol. 

Also not much dialogue...coming chapters will be after their school starts and there will be MUCH more dialogue, I promise. They will also be much more entertaining, so just hang in there until then.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you liked it even though it was a little boring! The story will get more interesting as the plot develops. They're not in love...yet. Or at least they don't know it lol.

Have fun, guys!

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leedino #1
Chapter 7: i like this chapter!
update as soon as possible! <3
leedino #2
Chapter 6: Update soon! This fic is very interesting! I love it.
Chapter 6: Aaaahhg i like this fic!! Please update soon, ne~~?
Oh my.. I should've read this sooner!! This is awesome. Sehun is such a brat. Poor Luhan he just transferred to Korea and he has to face all these troubles.
Chapter 4: Ohhh please update soo... We need more :(
Chapter 3: more more more
leedino #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!
Hunhaaaaan <3 You are doing great! I can't wait for the next chapter :D And stay positive! Fighting!