Taking a risk.

Only Exception.

Your POV

Ever since my parents got divorced, I knew there was no such thing as love. It does not exist. How could a so called loving couple go from sharing sweet kisses to screaming and cursing each other with so much hatred plastered in their glares within just a number of weeks?

Seeing my father cry was painful. He was cursing at nothing in particular. I watched silently has he tried fixing is own broken heart.   

My mother swore she would never let herself forget the pain he inflicted on her, the wounds he created that may never heal completely, the scars he left within her.

Ever since then I promised myself not to fall for it, love was just a lie. Love never lasts, and we’ve got to find other ways to make it alone.

I was happy with this mindset. I always tried keeping a safe distance. I was trying to convince myself that I was satisfied with loneliness.

It wasn’t worth going through all the pain. It wasn’t worth the risk. Or was it?

No. I couldn’t believe it in. It wasn’t true. Why am I suddenly starting to deny reality?

Let me tell you why, or rather who.

Nam Woohyun.

I never thought this would happen. I had built walls around me not allowing anyone in. I always blocked everyone out who tried getting too close, guys in particular. But yet that jerk somehow managed to fall for me, or so he claims.

I didn’t believe it. How could I?

Yet I keep finding myself thinking about him unconsciously.

I mean this is Nam Woohyun who we are talking about, one of the most attractive people at school. Girls would dream to be in my position. But I couldn’t accept his heart. I know I’ll end up hurt, it’s not worth it. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it.

Was I sure that it wasn’t or was I just chanting it over and over again in my head in attempt to convince myself?

I had to make a decision. Despite my cold attitude, I wasn’t rude. I knew he deserved a reply, whether it was a rejection or acceptance.

I don’t understand why I am thinking so hard about it anyway, shouldn’t the answer me obvious?

Nam Woohyun.

A blush slowly crept up my cheeks as I thought of the male again. I widened my eyes after realising this and knocked my head with my fist lightly over and over again. “Babo, Babo, Babo you can’t no.” I said to no one but myself.

I knew what I had to do.

I got up from my seat, I had been sitting in an empty classroom for about an hour just thinking about things. It had been 4 days since he told me, it was about time I gave him my final reply.

Before leaving the room a grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something on it quickly.

Before I left the school to go back home, today it was dad’s place. Tomorrow it would be mum’s.  I slipped the note in Woohyun’s locker.

~The next day~

Woohyun’s POV

I laughed along with my friends whilst making my way to my locker to grab my book for the next lesson. As I opened it and grabbed my book a note fell out. I tilted my head in confusion before bending down to pick it up.

Meet me on the roof at lunch.

I didn’t even need to guess twice on who it was, although she hadn’t left her name I could recognise her hand writing within thousands. It was so incredibly neat. Whenever she got up in class and was told to answer a maths equation, or translate a sentence to English or Korean on the board I paid extra attention.

Not only did she have a nice handwriting, she was smart too. She always got the answer right!

She also had one of the most beautiful, no scratch that. THE most beautiful smile I have ever seen. It’s sad that she doesn’t smile much.

She didn’t interact with a lot of people either, but when she did she looked so shy in the cutest way possible.

To top it all up; she was simply beautiful, breathtaking even.

I honestly don’t know when it started but somewhere along our years at school together I fell for her. Hard.

I was sitting in class now, one lesson before lunch. The only class we didn’t have together. It was honestly the longest lesson in my life. All I could think about was her, I knew there was a higher chance of her rejecting me than accepting my heart but at least I finally got to let it out.

Plus, even if the chance of rejection is higher, there IS still a chance of acceptance. I would never know her final answer if I never told her. It was definitely worth the risk.


But the thought of her rejecting me stung my heart.




I got up as soon as the bell rang and threw everything in my bag as fast as I could. Ignoring the calls from my teacher I raced out of class making my way to the roof.

This was it.

Your POV

I was already on the roof, where we’re supposed to meet at lunch. I’m not usually the type to ditch class but I was extremely nervous and rehearsing my reply.


That was the bell. It was lunch time.

This was it.

My pulse rate sped up. I could feel sweat droplets forming as I looked at the door knowing he would be here any minute.

This was it.

I turned around instead and stared into the distance trying to calm myself down, this was ridiculous. Why was I so anxious for?

A sound of a door opening was heard.

He was here. This was it.

“Kim Hana.”

I took a deep breath before slowly turning to face him. “Nam Woohyun.”

We stared at each other in silence for a while, he was waiting for me to say something but I had no idea where to start.

How to say it.

How to explain it.

How to make him understand.

“I… I ehh…” I finally started; he continued looking at me attentively.

I pressed my lips together. This was even harder than I thought, especially when he’s watching me so closely like that.

Come on Hana. This was it.

“Ever since my parents got a divorce I swore to myself no to believe in love, if it does not exist. And it doesn’t, not in my eyes. I only see people falling apart. Get hurt and it affects them, badly. Deep inside me I believed that love never lasts. I always told myself that none of it was ever worth the risk. I was content with loneliness.”

“It’s doesn’t have to be like that, I—“

“I know. You didn’t let me finish.” I interrupted him in his midsentence. The sides of my lips curved up as I said the following.

“Sometimes in life, that’s exactly what we’re supposed to do. Take a risk. I’ve always rejected guys, not that I had a lot of guys confessing to me in the first place. But the guys who did would always be turned down. But well, you are the only exception.”




And I’m on my way to believing.

Oh, and I’m on my way to believing. 

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Chapter 1: This was beautiful, to say the least, author-nim . I have always loved the song, and your story adds onto my obsession with it. Everything felt real and simple at the same time. It is also really well written, without over-describing things. Well done, author-nim, your one-shot is one of the best I've read. It is flawless :).
Chapter 1: Great fic! Waiting for your next masterpiece author-nim! ^^
Chapter 1: the only exception ;_;
it's lovely<3
Chapter 1: Beautiful T^T
Chapter 1: I actually liked this a lot. The idea was good. c:
nycbean #6
Chapter 1: First off, I love this song sooo much and I listened to it while reading this and had perfect timing because right at the end of the song, I reach the end of the fic.
Second, you're a good writer~ idea-wise. It's a really solid plot to follow. Although I feel like you didn't really use the lyrics to enhance the story, but rather copy them. Instead of incorporating (I think I misspelled that xD) the lyrics into your own words, you used the lyrics as the story. Does that make sense? I hope that wasn't confusing.