Part 2 (Final Part)

You Would Never Know


"DON'T YOU ever wanna confess, though? I'm sure she won't reject you," Tiffany murmured, wanting to punch her own face for pushing the topic.


"I want to, trust me. But whenever I have the courage to tell her, something will come up, preventing me to say my feelings," Luhan answered, sighing before taking her hand on his and intertwining their fingers together again.


"That's.. Sad. I guess it's not yet time."


"Yeah, I guess so, too."


Suddenly, Tiffany stood up, pulling the almost falling Luhan with her and eyesmiling brightly, much to his liking, "c'mon, Haniee, let's take a walk in the park."


Luhan nodded and smiled back at her, tightening his hold on her hand. Tiffany did not seem to mind.









"YAH, WHY are you in such a hurry?" he complained as he walked slower, preventing her to walk quickly, or more like hyperactively.


'I only get to see you once a week. I want to experience this precious time a little longer.'


"Just hurry up, will you? You're such a slowpoke!" and then she laughed as she pulled him with all her might.


'You're so slow! There's a lot to see right now since we only spend time together once a week. I wanna do lots of things with you.'


"Aish!" Luhan pulled her back again, and so the pulling game begins, neither giving in to the other. Unfortunately, Tiffany's hand slipped from his, making her stumble backward.


She closed her eyes and was sure that she wasgoing to fall, but Luhan was fast enough to put his arms around her waist and pull him against his body. When she opened her eyes to look at him, her heart stopped beating before pounding loudly.


Their faces are a couple of inches away, both looking at each other's eyes, dazed. Luhan swallowed as he felt her sweet breath fanning across his face, making him feel intoxicated. Tiffany blinked a couple of times, and was about to pull away from their awkward position when she felt Luhan's lips on her cheek.


Luhan kissed her. And she's going crazy again.


She felt disappointed when he let her go and helped her stood straight. "You are such a clumsy Fany," he murmured, chuckling.


She pouted and glared at him, hiding her blush by turning her back at him, "you are such a kiss stealer!"


"You like it when I kiss you anyway," he teased.


"Shut up, you kiss stealer!"


"It's not like I kissed you on the lips."


She remained silent, walking ahead of him. He followed, smirking.


"What? You want me to kiss you on the lips?"


She stopped and turned abruptly to punch his stomach, "you cocky bastard!"


"Aw! That hurts!" he yelled, rubbing his stomach.


"Serves you right," Tiffany stuck her tongue out before walking again.


"Yah!"  Luhan quickly walked and grabbed her shoulder, making her face him. And then he kissed her again on the other cheek before grinning widely, "I'm your personal kiss stealer." He then winked.


Tiffany just stood there while blushing furiously, not knowing what to do. Luhan noticed this and poked her cheek with his forefinger, still smiling like an idiot, "my lovely best friend. You are blushing. Why? Do you like my kisses?"


"Pabo!" she shouted, pushing him away and walking off yet again.


"Aish, this girl," Luhan sided with her and put his arm around her shoulder, "sorry, okay? I just love teasing you."


"Whatever! Buy me that!" Tiffany pointed to the cotton candy stall.




"The pink one!"


He let out a laugh before pulling her to the stall, "yes, my pink monster!"










AFTER FINISHING three cotton candies, Tiffany pointed at the hotdog stall near them. Luhan looked at her, stopping mid-air from putting the last bite of his first cotton candy, "are you freaking serious?"


"What? Do I look like I'm kidding to you?"


"What are you? A glutton?"


"But I want a hotdog sandwich!" she shouted at him, stomping her feet like a little girl.


"Or hotdog sandwiches," Luhan muttered quietly before eating the last of his cotton candy. The sugar melted in his tongue. He winced when he felt a smack in his head.


"I heard that!"


"Tch. Fine, let's buy then. Jesus, I'm gonna be broke when I'm with you," Luhan jokingly complained.


Tiffany snorted, "the rich kid would be broke. What a joke!"


"Hey, I'm serious. I'm using my allowance here. If I continue hanging out with you, I'm gonna starve for weeks not eating lunch at the university, "and then he laughed out loud.


"Stop hanging out with me then," Tiffany said, rather serious and stared straight ahead. Luhan noticed the sudden change of her tone and he immediately looked at her and tightened his hold on her hand.


"Yah, Tiffany Hwang. I'm kidding," he softly murmured in her ear, making her shiver. She then shoves him away and ran to the hotdog stand and ordered two sandwiches.


She felt Luhan's arms wrapped around her waist and his head leaned on her shoulder, "yah, you know I'm joking, right? I'm not serious, Tiffany. Come on, don't be mad now."


She remained silent even though she doesn't know why she took it by heart. Sometimes she thinks that maybe they should stop hanging out with each other. Because no matter how fun it is to be with him, at the end of the day, Tiffany hurts herself by not telling him her real feelings. And he hurts her even more by being such a dummy and dense. She thinks she will never have the courage to do so, so she sometimes wants to be far from him. Sometimes. Because the thought of not seeing him pained her too much it is hard to breathe.


"I always love being with you, Tiffany. Can't you tell?"


She was about to say something when the ahjussi handed her the sandwiches with a grin, "you two should quit this lovers' quarrel and eat these babies. You look perfect for each other, by the way."


Luhan unwrapped his arms from her and took a shy step away from her, trying his best to hide the blush on his face and faking coughs. Tiffany blinked a few times and took the sandwiches from the ahjussi with a bashful smile, "ahjussi, he is not my boyfriend," 'unfortunately,' she added in her thoughts, "he is my best friend."


"Uh yeah, she's right. Best friend," Luhan said, annoyed at how quick Tiffany was to deny. Can't she at least pretend even just for a minute?


"Oh? Best friends, eh? But you look lovely together, though. There's chemistry and everything," the ahjussi said, grinning wider at the two.


"Aish, ahjussi, you're so nosy," Tiffany said before handing the payment and biting on the sandwich, leaving the other one on the small counter of the stall. She left the stall and started walking away.


Luhan smiled apologetically at the ahjussi while bowing his head, "I'm sorry, she's just too frank. I'm sure she did not mean it. Sorry, ahjussi!"


"Ah, that's nothing. Go ahead and follow her, son. And just tell her how you really feel. Before someone else got to her first. Catch her before anyone caught her," he winked.


"W-what?" he asked, a tad bit astounded.


"You like her, don't you? Now go. Tell her, son. Tell her now," the ahjussi said with a cheering smile.


Luhan then broke into a wide smile himself, bowing twice at him before taking the sandwich and ran to catch up with Tiffany.


"Tiffany!" he called, excited and feeling the adrenaline rushing through his veins. The courage he has right now is overwhelming he is giddy. "Tiffany!"


She stopped and turned, and Luhan smiled gently at her while catching his breath, holding her hand with his free one.


"What?" she asked confused.


"I need to tell you something!"


"Uh, okay..? What is it?"


He swallowed and inhaled deeply, never breaking eye contact with her, "Tiffany Hwang, I---"


Tiffany's phone rang, interrupting whatever he was about to say.


"Wait, I got to answer this," she let go of his hand to fumble with her phone in her bag, and Luhan's heart fell.


"But I have to tell you--" Tiffany signaled him to keep quiet with her index finger on her lips. Luhan frowned.


"Hello? .. Yeah .. At the park .. Uhm, not really .. Oh, like right now? .. Sure! .. Okay, I'll head to your apartment .. Yes, see you in a few .. Yeah, I will .. Bye."




"It was Baekhyun," she said with an excited smile.


Oh, someone caught her already.


Luhan's overflowing courage drained. His heart crushed in pieces.


He just raised his eyebrow, as if asking what about him, not trusting his voice at the moment.


"He has this extra class in fine arts and he wants me to model for him for a painting! Wah~ isn't it so sweet for him to pick me as the model?"


He just looked blankly at her, but she did not notice. "So, Haniee, you were saying something?" she asked excitedly.


He shook his head and just smiled. A smile that never reached his eyes. "So you're going now?" he spoke in a low tone.


"Yes. But we can continue next week right? We'll be seeing each other again on Sunday," Tiffany said with her eyesmile, but for the first time, Luhan was able to resist it.




Next week. Luhan sighed. Another week will pass, and his feelings are still locked up inside.







THEY REACHED the lot where Luhan parked his car, and he opened the door of the shotgun for her. She shook her head, "nah, I'm gonna take a cab, Haniee. It's out of your way."


"But I want to take you there," he insisted.


"No need. Just go home and rest, you have 7 am class tomorrow, remember?"


"You, too.."


"Yes, but I can manage."




"I'll be fine, Luhan."


'That's not it!' he wanted to say. He just wants to stay with her a little longer. He's trying to summon all of the courage he had earlier in the park, but he reckoned that the moment it drained, it completely faded away as well.


"Are you sure?" he asked instead.


"Yes. See you next week. And be careful in driving, okay? Bye, Haniee," and then she kissed both of his cheeks.


She turned to walk but Luhan grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.




'Don't go,' he wanted to plead. 'Please, don't go. I have to tell you something,' but the words never left his mouth.


"What is it, Haniee?" she asked again, a bit worried this time.


He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "nothing. Just take care as well. I'll see you next week." This time, he kissed her forehead lovingly.


She nodded after and waved, walking away from him again.


With every step she made, her heart feels heavier. She wanted to run back to him. To hug him and kiss him. And then tell him that she loves him. She wanted to do that. But she never had the courage. She did not even know why she agreed to Baekhyun. She just wanted to spend her day with Luhan and no one else. The only reason she can think of about her abrupt plan was that she wanted to see how Luhan will react. She wanted him to stop her from going. He never did.


She thought earlier in the park that he's going to tell her something important. She guessed that he likes her, his expressions said so. But then again, he never did tell her what it was.


When will she ever tell him then? Another Sunday passed without her confessing. She is still his best friend. Just his best friend. Until whenwill she have to hide her feelings? It's very frustrating how he would never know.



Luhan watched as Tiffany walked away and hailed a cab. He watched how the cab took her away from his sight. He sighed for the nth time as he got in his car and started the engine. But he did not drive it yet. Instead, he sulked.


He was about to tell her! He was so close, but what happened? Another interruption. He promised himself to punch Byun Baek Hyun when he sees the shorter guy. He is mad at him for interrupting such a moment. Luhan never had so much of the courage he felt earlier, but all went to waste. Now he has to wait for Sunday to be with her again. To maybe, just maybe, confess to her.


He cannot continue hiding his feelings for her forever. He has to tell her he loves her so much as soon as possible. Interruption or no interruption. He has to or else, she would never know.

















-the end-







Sorry it took so long. The first ending that I typed, the one that got away (aka deleted) was much more emotional than this. It actually made me cry while typing it. And this one here is not angsty at all, is it? ㅠㅠ


I don't know what to do with this LuFany here. They are so fluffy and funny and romantic and angsty at the same time ORZ~ I can't explain what I feel.


So, sequel?


Idk. But just subscribe here, I'll post the sequel if ever.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! For once, I did not make a happy ending for LuFany! Or is it the ending yet?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ






Chin <3



TW: @chinshidae120


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[You Would Never Know] 130918 I am trying to fix the ed up spacing of this part. Blame AFF, seriously :)


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Fany_029 #1
Chapter 2: I'm crying now.. My feels..
Chapter 2: this made me cry ya know... lufany :'(
Chapter 3: I LOVEE IT~
mouse2814 #4
Chapter 3: Finally a sequel!!! Thank you very much authornim~~
LuFany_bias #5
i love lufany <3
Chapter 2: sequel please :)))
Chapter 2: SEQUEL, PLEASEEE! ;;
Chapter 2: SEQUEL!!!!!
minbae #9
Chapter 2: this is not enough for me ;_;
sequel plsssssss
Chapter 2: frustrating :| sequel pls.