Mystery Girl

Mystery Girl

"Araaaaaa my girlfriend dumped me AGAIN" I could hear Chanyeol's voice whine down the phone and I sighed, rolling my eyes. Making sounds of acknowledgement, I speaker phone and let him complain. I had never met his girlfriend that he kept going on and off with but if I did, I would spend a good hour of my time giving her a piece of my mind. 

"So I ask her out on Saturday and then she's like 'no, sorry, I'm busy' so I a bit more and I was TEASING her alright, not forcing her..." silently groaning to myself, I thought how much of a girl Chanyeol sounded like himself. The only thing that separated him from my girlfriends who gossiped like this was his deep, seductive voice, or so I've been described to it was like by the majority of my girl best friends. His voice, I had to admit, was the best feature about him. I sometimes wondered if his girlfriend had only agreed to go out with him because of his voice. 

"...and then she just hung up the phone!" finishing with a flourish he waited for my answer, the silence a rare break from his ever present voice. 

"Maybe you should just end the relationship with her, once and for all. No more getting back together or any of that bull" answering on autopilot, I repeated the advice that I had gave him a thousand times. 

"But I really like her!" as always, his quick answer to my suggestion came and I groaned silently to myself. 

"Didn't you ask me to go out on Saturday?" I asked, suddenly realising that maybe his story wasn't true and that he just wanted to annoy me. 

"Yeah, but that was after I called her. Duh" retorting back, I felt him roll his eyes over the phone. 

"Yeah yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" 

"Arraso Ara. See you" barely waiting for his quick reply, I hung up the phone. 


"Morning sweetie!" I felt someone's heavy arm fall across my shoulders and I glanced up, already having recognised Chanyeol's voice. Raising my eyebrows at him, I shrugged him off and put some distance between us. I was still peeved about yesterdays phone call. Deciding that I had had enough of his troubles, I had made a decision that he could deal with it himself. 

"What's wrong? Come love meeeee" pouting, he came forward with his arms wide open, expecting a hug. Growling at him, I struggled to break free of his tight embrace. 

"What is wrong with you? Aren't you meant to be all sad about your girlfriend breaking up with you?" snapping at him, I picked up the books that I dropped and stomped off with Chanyeol following in hot pursuit. 

"Ah but here's the thing. I am depressed, but I'm trying to act cheerful so you, my best friend in the whole wide world, will go out with me next Saturday" he grinned at me, showing all his pearly white teeth. I studied his face, the way that his ears stuck out like a monkey, and how sometimes he wore glasses and sometimes he didn't, so no one knew if he actually needed them or not. The way he smiled innocently, his sweet expression equivalent to a child's. There was just something about him that prevented me from staying upset at him. Not being able to help it anymore, I burst out laughing and he smiled at me, eventually laughing along. 

"Alright, I will. Just don't come to me again when she breaks up with you for the thousandth time, alright?" grinning widely at him, I held up my arm and he took it. We skipped along the corridors, ignoring the stares and eye rolls that we received along the way. 

"So, are you happy now?" curious, I watched him smile. He turned his head in my direction and stopped us. 

"Yes, because I just made up with my girlfriend" holding onto my hands, he chuckled at my confused expression. 

"When?" I asked, feeling clueless and in the dark. Had he made up with her when I was looking in the other direction? 

"Just then when I asked her out and she said yes, you babo" pulling me closer to him, he whispered softly and smirked at me. 

"What? But I agreed to go out with you, not this unknown girl of yours" suddenly fearing for my own life and keeping a watchful eye on him, I tensed myself, ready to bolt. He grabbed my waist and drew me closer until our faces were only a few centimetres apart. My breath caught and I stopped breathing. What did he think he was doing?

"Won't uh, won't your girlfriend get a little bit jealous?" stammering, I desperately tried to stop him from leaning in, closer and closer. Our foreheads were touching now and his hands tightened around my waist, holding me secure. 

"No, unless it's possible you can get jealous of yourself" winking, he closed the gap between us and gently placed his lips on mine. Shell shocked, I felt my body go slack. Finally, when I had gotten over the initial surprise, I felt a peculiar sensation start from the tips of my fingers to the bottom of my toes. Something warm and tingly had begun to spread over my body and slowly, I realised that Chanyeol's lips felt good on mine, his lips felt right. Losing all control of my senses, I pulled he closer to me, if that was possible and I felt him smile against my lips. Feeling myself smile as well, we lost ourselves in our world for what felt like an eternity. Finally pulling apart, Chanyeol grinned at me. 

"Glad to know that my long time girlfriend is an amazing kisser" smirking, he pulled me in for another kiss. It was what I liked to call temporary bliss. 

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