What if Kyungsoo is a girl???

What if D.O is GIRL???!!!

[[A/N: this one shot will all be Kai's pov ok? Enjoy~~]]

Alarm ringing~~~~

" Argggg why do I have to get up? I wanna sleep more so shut up u annoying alarm!" Kai said with a hmp!

"Kai ya get up and get ready in an hour! We have lots of photo shoots and lots of interviews to do so BALI!!!" My manager start to fired up to wake me. Hah silly manager hyung... Seriuosly y did I choose this path... so I quickly get up and get ready to do works again heuheu poor me >.< I went down stair expecting to smell cookings from my hubby, keke its a secret relationship afterall only our member know about it, kyungsoo which they called him D.O by his stage name. But in contrast, I didn't smell anything!! Eh? Where is my d.o cooking? I miss him already..... so I ask Suho hyung who just got out from his room.

"Hyung did u see kyungsoo?" I called him kyungsoo instead of d.o cuz its cute. heehee.

"Wat? Kai ya it that your new girlfriend name? Sound like a boy! Eww u better stop dreaming abt her we've got works to do~" replied Suho with his teasing voice.

"Hyung! M not dreaming or watever! Seriuosly stop playing tricks wit me m tired of u guys jokes and m not gonna fall for it again so tell me where is kyungsoo hyung!!!!" I explode. I expect him to reply alr because whenever I explode means that guy is going for trouble but only to found Suho dumbfounded there.

"Wats happening early in the morning?" Kris came with his cold feeling again. He sounded annoyed.

"M just asking where is kyungsoo hyung is but he made jokes instead saying its my new girlfriend name.. sheesh that hyung!"

"....." Kris is speechless so he whisper sth to Suho then both shrug. Soon the dorm is fill with exo member getting ready and everyone is left dumbfounded at Kai question. They just thought he is crazy or just pretend to be crazy wit them.

"Now is everyone here? Roll call!" Suho start to roll call the member since there is 11 of them [a/n: well read more and u'll understand y its it 11 kekek ^^]

"XIUMIN?" "Here"

" LUHAN?" "Here".....(skip)

"Kai?" "Here" "Sehun?" "Here" I expect him to call kyungsoo next but instead he didn't.

"Ok everyone is here, let go~ awww" (ps. This is still wolf era)

"Wait, wat about kyungsoo hyung? U are not leaving him here aren't you?? End ur jokes now!!!" I finally really explode.

"Kaiya, wats with u today stop ur pretending and saying wierd stuff like kyungsoo hyung or watever! We don't know wat are u taking abt and exploding here!!" Suho also explode.

"But he is our main vocal!! Exo D.O!!!"

"Kai, stop with ur nonsense! We never had Exo D.O here or watever mainvocal" kris also explode. So the other exo member left for the schedule. Kai was left dumbfound there. He don't know what to think.

"Where is my hubby, my kyungsoo, my only closed member in exo...????" He cried thinking of how kyungsoo just disappear in his life. " M gonna find him. No matter how or wat happen. How can I live without him" Soon he recovered and went out for his schedule. Today there schedule is going to super junior kiss the radio. (I ♥ ryeowook kekkeke back~). Halfway through the radio there is a question for the member.

"Which of the member would u like to date if he is a girl?" Ryeowook ask the exo member.

"Soo hyung if only u r here.... I miss u alr heuheu ㅠㅠ" kai thought in his mind. "D.O hyung....." kai suddently blurt out.

"Di wat kai? So who do u want to date wit. I guess u have someone in your mind right?" Ryeowook start to tease Kai. "Soo hyung is pretty close wit ryeowook hyung" kai thought. "Maybe...just maybe......"

"No ofc hyung heehee"

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ jonginie is kiyeo (cute) ^^. Kyungsoogie sshi send this in" ryeowook said reading fans message. I was stunt. Just totally shock. Kyungsoogie? Its a girl name from how ryeowook hyung say it. Wat...wat.. wat if kyungsoo turned into a girl???? Am I dreaming? Pls wake me up god!!! I hate this dream.... wake me I don't wanna sleep and dream this kind if dream. Kai murmured in between his breathe. Finally they finish their schedule. Like other time they went back to the dorm. At time like this kai and kyungsoo would have their own time together. Kai miss kyungsoo again. Its pretty wierd to just disappear like that. Maybe its a nightmare afterall. Still kai didn't give up. He will find his kyungsoo back. Bored, kai went out to the 24/7 mart near the dorm. Usually he went their wit kyungsoo to buy stuff and met fans there. They usually argue wat to buy and stuff but he feels so lonely today.

"If only kyungsoo is here...". Kai said between sobs. He went to their usual hiding place in that mart. The owner also never notice that there is a secret hiding inside his mart.(ps. The mart is pretty big not like minimart). It feels so empty..without kyungsoo. While trying to search for kyungsoo like his house his pre debut friends and his family, a familiar voice shock him alive.

"Kai.." Kai look up only to see the person he is trying to find the whole day. But not everyone have luck, that person appeared to be...kyungsoo in a ...a ... girlversion???? Even her height, her body, her way of calling kai is exactly like kyungsoo but its just that she is a girl.

"Kyungsoo?"is the only word he can say. It was too shock for him. Sudently that girl faint in his arm..... Panic jongin, he carried the girl out of the mart in bridle style without no one notice cuz of his makeup tricks. (Well just imagine d.o is a girl make me...... xD). But he don't know wat to do. Where should he keep her.....

" the DORM!!" But the member gonna ~~~~ who cares anw I have to help kyungsoo first.

>> At Exo dorm <<

"Kai came back wit a girl~" there goes the baekyeol. (Cute^^) Kai ignore them anw. He took the faint girl version of d.o into his room.

>>outside the room<<

"Ooooohhhh wat is he doing wit a girl~~~~~ Suho hyung go tell kai that this is a dorm not...." Chanyeol was cut by kris.

"Shut up u ert" "That hyung is really....." Sehun finished.

>>inside the room<<

"Wat to do. Wat to do???" Kai was panicking. Just then the girl version of kyungsoo woke up.

"Oh! U r awake! A r ok?" Kai asked, looking concerned.

"K...ka..kai oppa?? M I dreaming??? Waaa" pinching her cheek. "Ouch! So m not dreaming ehhh?"

"Pabo" Kai said finding its cute.

"Waaa wat happen? Kai oppa u look cute without makeup waaa" admiring kai. "So this is ur room? So neat!" "And... wat happen why am i here?? I remember meeting u at the mart and..."

"U suddently faint and i carry u here" but... wat is ur name?" Kai asked suddenly sounding curious.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, Do Kyungsoo ibnida" She suddently get up and bow to me.

"U have a boyish name huh?",curious abt her name but wat is more shock is that her name is exactly the same as his kyungsoo name. "How come? Its D.O real name....?" He murmured in between his breathe again.

"Actually, before I born the doctor said I am a boy. So my omma and abba start to think of a boy name for me and since all my sibling is girl they are very happy to hear that m a boy. They even tell to all my aunt, uncle and everyone of my family that m a boy and name me Do Kyungsoo. But when m born, I...I turn out to be a girl instead. And my parent really upset alot. They treat me like a boy until now and I just ignore it. I got kick out from the house since I was 15. They were just too upset to accept the fact that I was a girl....anw its fine since I born alr I'll just consider it a bad luck. Heehee thanks for listening kai oppa!! I can go now if u hate me too. Its just too great to meet u heehee u r so handsome and thanks... annyeong", then kyungsoo just stormed off leaving kai dumbfounded again. Kai thought wat should he do now. Maybe he should go after he and tell her to be his girlfriend since its just a matter of time that he could fall for her cuz her figure is exactly like kyungsoo. But wat would he do if kyungsoo is back again, meaning the time when we woke up from this nightmare. But it could be that the girlversion-kyungsoo will disappear or wat. He is going crazy now!!! Wait, I need some help. Since the member thinks m crazy right now saying that there is exo 12th member, D.O. so if I ask them for help, they'll just thought m crazy again. Hmmmmmmmnm oh! RYEOWOOK HYUNG!!! (A/N: Since most if kai fanfic put taemin as his helper or like his close friend but this time imma change the helper to ryeowook for 2 reason: 1) m tired of taemin since he appear alot or millions time in kai fic and 2) did I told u I♥ Ryeowook heehee so taemin fan mian!! Keke)

Kai's pov~~

I decided to go visit d.o house tomorrow to see if he is there or not. Then I would go talk wit ryeowook hyung later. Tomorrow morning came I went to d.o house. As expected there is no d.o there. There is a new owner so thats when I went to meet with Ryeowook hyung.

"Hyung can I talk to u?" He nodded and I started to tell him from when I woke up and d.o disappeared until now. Like I expected he didn't laugh at me or say m crazy like those member said to me. That's why i trust ryeowook hyung the most, after my kyungsoo ofc. "Well, I don't know if it helps but I think u should go talk to that girl. This is like a spell for u. U should make her fall for u so that the spell broke. I've heard about it before abt this kind of spell but 90% they fail to broke the spell. So, lets just try first ok?" Ryeowook hyung advised me. Oh god, this is getting more harder. Wat spell? Its so childish and y did u do this to me!!!! But it worth trying since I must get my kyungsoo back.


A/N: well I wanna inform to the readernim that I decided to make this a twoshot since i have tons of idea. And thx for waiting and reading this. It is right? Its just for fun anw but komawo!!! Keep calm and ship KAISOO♥ I have twitter and feel free to follow: @hangooji Annyeong~

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happygirl3434 #1
Chapter 3: I love this! It's so hilarous! IT MADE MY DAY....
Sorry everyone if its hard to read cuz I wrote it inside my phone so it must have error. Mianhae!!!! Komawoyo♥
Chapter 2: i have the urge to beta this but sadly my laptop is having a problem ㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: I think it'd be better if you paragraph it :) so it could be easily read ^^ nice idea btw :D