Chapter 2: Home New Home

Wolf: The Unkown

                Luhan sat on his bed, fiddling with the sheets. Kris walked into his room. “Luhan, hurry up. We need to pack.” Luhan turned back to him.

                “Why do we need to leave? I don’t wanna!” he whined. Kris sighed and came over to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

                “Don’t you wanna be able to go outside?” he asked. Luhan shook his head.

                “No, I want Mother.” He cried. Kris put his arms around his younger brother.

                “We need to get moving.” He said, taking him by his arm, and leading him out of the room. They turned and took one last look at their home.

                Their mother’s stitching was sitting on her chair, unfinished. The table was empty, the kitchen sparkled. Everything was just as it had always been. Kris nudged Luhan to come with him.

                “Will we ever come back?” Luhan asked, looking up at him. Kris sighed.

                “Maybe someday, but right now, we need to move on.” They exited the house and Kris locked the door. He sighed, grabbing onto his mother’s necklace, which was now around his own throat. “Let’s go.” He took Luhan by the arm, and began their descent down the mountain.


                The snow bit at their noses, covering their hair and face with bitter flakes. Kris pulled Luhan along as they made their way through the trees. The wind was strong, pulling them backwards. Several times they lost their footing, and dragged one another down the hill, tumbling head over heels into the heavy snow banks. 

                “K-Kris,” Luhan stuttered. “Whe-where are w-we g-g-going?” he asked.

“T-to a new h-home, L-uha-an.” He stuttered back.

“Whe-when are we g-g-gonna be th-there, hyung?” Kris shrugged.

“Soon, I h-hope.”


They emerged about half an hour later on an abandoned road. Their toes were stiff and numb, as were their fingers. Luhan could feel his cheeks tingling from the biting cold. Kris had ot hold him up to keep him from collapsing. Their comfortable life with their mother did not prepare them for travel by foot, especially over such a long distance.

Kris looked over at Luhan after some time. The small boy was lagging behind, pulling back on Kris’s arm, trying not to be left behind. Kris took off Luhan’s bag, put it on his arm, and carried his younger brother.

It was nightfall by the time they reached the edge of a town. Luhan was snoring softly on his shoulder. Kris sank to his knees, clearing away some snow so he could lie his brother down. he took off his own knapsack and gently tossed his brother’s into the snow.

There were towering buildings, lights flooded the night sky. Swirling, colorful shapes filled giant boxes on the towering buildings. His mother had told him these were called, ‘televisions’. He had never personally seen one, only in books. His mother only ever had a radio in the house. There were loud noises coming from the city, at least, that’s what his mother had called it.

‘Mother,’ Tears stung at Kris’s eyes, but he took a deep breath and shook off the feeling. He needed to be strong. For Luhan. He gently shook him awake.

“Luhan, Luhan, come on. We’re almost there. Just a bit farther.” Luhan groaned as he stretched. His hands quickly retreated as he realized he was on the ground, and touching snow. He shivered, giving his hands to his brother. Kris helped him up and brushed him off.

Luhan let out a sigh as he saw the city. “Where are we, hyung?” he asked.

“I don’t know exactly, but we’ll be at our new home soon.” He grabbed his brother’s hands as they picked up their bags. Kris got into position.

“Mother said we shouldn’t do that near so many people,” Luhan whispered urgently. Kris looked up at him.

“We need to get there before we die of hypothermia, now just get on when I say so.” Luhan silently nodded.

Kris breathed deeply, expanding his lungs. His ribcage stretched, his muscles contorting, stretching and bulging. He could feel the blood pumping through his veins with every beat of his heart. Sharp talons broke through the skin on his back, slits stretching through his skin as wings protruded. Crimson scales shimmered down his body as his legs grew to the size of sycamore tree stumps and his neck elongated. A tail sprouted, stretching out as long as eight feet. Horns burst through his scalp, his eyes took on a reptilian façade, glowing yellow as sharp fangs protruded from his gums. Kris cocked his head.

Get on,’ Luhan heard his brother tell him through their special bond of telekinesis. Luhan looked around.

What if someone sees us?’ he asked. Kris shrugged. Or as much as an eighty foot dragon could.

Don’t worry about it; we’ll hide in the shadows.’ Luhan nodded. He adjusted himself in between his brother’s shoulder blades, wrapping his arms around his neck. ‘Hold on tight,’ Kris instructed. Luhan nodded, and braced himself as his brother took off.

His heart dropped into his stomach, and beat wildly as they steadied in the air. His brother’s slim body weaved in and out of buildings. As Luhan looked down, he saw kids milling about an abandoned warehouse. A girl with a kind face and long ebony hair happened to glimpse up at him as they sped past. His brother sensed his thoughts.

You know you’re still a hatchling when it comes to your powers, don’t you Luhan?’ his brother nodded. Interacting with other people was a rare occurrence, but he was determined to fit in.

I know hyung; I still want to try, though.’ Kris thought for a moment. Luhan was still pretty young. He needed the interaction. Or he’d never fit into normal society. But he still worried about him. Kris would now need to get a job, and he himself would need to at least get a GED in order to support them both properly. His eyes traveled back in his brother’s direction.

It’s going to be hard for them to accept you, once they found out what you truly are.’ Luhan thought for a moment. Perhaps, as long as he kept himself in check, he could function normally, and he wouldn’t have an episode. He could be normal.

That’s a risk I’m willing to take.’ His brother nodded.

So be it.’ They landed in an abandoned alley. Luhan dismounted, and Kris shrank, his scales, horns, wings and tail receded. His clothes, unscathed, did not show any signs of having just been a part of a dragon the previous moment.  He picked up his bag and grabbed Luhan by the shoulder.

“Whatever happens, I’m here for you.” Luhan smiled sweetly.

“I know, thank you hyung.” Kris ruffled his hair before putting his arm around his brother’s shoulder, and leading him up to a door. He knocked.

An elderly man answered the door. “Yes?” he looked at them, giving them a thorough inspection. “Are you Hara’s children?” he asked. Kris nodded. The man nodded as well. He opened the door further and let them in.

“Hara told me that she might pass soon. That was over six months ago,” the man explained. “She wanted you two to be taken care of, and said to have the apartment she had in college ready, just for this time.” They reached a winding staircase with a grated railing. He his hand into his pocket and pulled out two little keys. “These are for you. The apartment is on the top floor.” He said, nodding to them, and heading off.

Kris looked over at his brother. “Well, come on then. Let’s get settled.” Luhan nodded as they adjusted their backpacks, and made their way up the winding staircase.

They slumped against the wall as they finally made it to their apartment. Kris fumbled with the keys, taking them out of his pocket. He stood up, a bit lightheaded from the climb. He twisted the key, and opened the door.

“Welcome home, Luhan.” He said, as he pulled up his brother and made their way into their new home.


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tiffani123456 #1
Chapter 7: please update please I'm so excited and may i ask how old are you ??
Chapter 7: Yaaaaaaaah! It can't end like that!
Chapter 7: sister? What? Ohhhh now I wanna know.
Link once you've got the update done!
Khamila #4
Chapter 7: wow...magical...sister? I like that xD
jongkey65 #5
Khamila #6
Chapter 4: chan chan chan! this is going to be fun
Chapter 4: Oh dear this is going to be interesting
Chapter 3: likey. Keep on going!
Chapter 2: oh cool! Kris turned into a Dragon! Like that so much!
This is definitely getting interesting. Write more please!