The Hidden Words

The Hidden Words

It was on Monday evening when Chanyeol had come home, only to find himself in a difficult situation. As hard as things are at work, now coming home is a total regrets. The words of his mom stabbed him like a dagger, piercing through his heart.

"Chanyeol, I have found you a bride. You are going to get engage in two weeks time, and get married in six months."

Chanyeol froze at his mom's cold words. She had always been cold ever since Chanyeol refused to get married at an early age. Chanyeol had always fight with his mother about marriage. At the age of 21, he don't feel the need to get married so early, when his financial state is not yet stabilized. He sometimes resented his mom for making up this issues, but otherwise he always love her. Seeing the determination in his mom's words, and the promises he made the last time they fought, made him unable to protest anymore, except to accept this time's marriage. Besides, since it has been cunningly arranged by his mother, he couldn't really find any excuses to not agree anymore. 

Sighing heavily, he shot his mom an irritating glance, and went to his room, before slowly closing the door and jumped on the bed. Looking up at the ceiling, he thinks about this matter the whole night, thinking that will he be able to become a good husband to his spouse later on. Glancing at the clock, he realized that the time was 5 a.m.. He decided to take a small nap, and have a talk to his mom tomorrow.



Waking up, the mere thoughts of meeting his soon to be bride was horrible. He had known a few things for his talk with mom yesterday. First, due to the respect she has for Chanyeol's uality, she had choose a guy she claimed suited to Chanyeol's preferences. He now knows a few things about the guy. His name is Byun Baekhyun, working as a cashier in the pastry shop, and have the same age as him. The thought of marrying a guy working as a cashier churned his stomach upside down. His alter ego seemed to push this Baekhyun away, with him working as a lawyer, making him very hard too accept someone whom he thought of a very lowly class.

Taking a shower, he pushed himself to get ready, taking his best clothes and make up his hair as neat as possible. Glancing into the mirror once again, nodding before he went downstairs towards the kitchen to have his breakfast. Breakfast was usual, pancakes and milk. He had his breakfast alone, his mom had gone out earlier. Finishing his milk, he then sighed again, getting ready for the meeting.

He get into his car, and drove to the nearest cafe, the place where they should meet up. Driving slowly, he knew he was dragging his time, trying to make the meeting as brief as possible. The thoughts of him hating Baekhyun makes the wedding seemed almost impossible to go on. He really can't live with someone he hate, for the rest of his life.

The thoughts that flew in his mind, made him unaware that he had arrived at the cafe. Keeping his expression firm and stern - an expression he wore when he meet his client - he went out the car and approached the cafe, only to see it empty accept for a guy who was sitting on the very edge of the balcony, his back facing Chanyeol. Making his steps slowly, he approached the guy, and went to sit on the chair the opposite of the guy.

Their introduction was simple. A name, exchanging a few questions and their phone numbers, a cup of coffee and they were done. Without realizing it, it took almost two hours. Going back to his house, Chanyeol's stern face was changed into a sweet smile, a smile he had never dreamed to have. Somehow, this Baekhyun guy managed to make him feels at ease, and relaxed.



Baekhyun returned to the pastry shop, late from his break. After a few apologies, he get back to his work. Luckily there aren't many customers coming, giving him more time to think of his situation. Chanyeol. The name slipped out his mouth, and before long he had imagined what its like to live with a person like Chanyeol. A very handsome, successful guy who is very workaholic and had no sense of romance - from what he heard. However, he had to do this. Making his mother's wish come true. The only wish his mother ever want, is to see him getting married. He sighed, looking at the watch for an umpteen times. He can't wait to get over his work, wondering if his mother was okay, or if the illness had become worse. Thankfully, Chanyeol's mother was very understanding, thus agree to take care of his mother when he was working, and in return he agreed to marry Chanyeol.

Despite every bad things he had heard from Chanyeol's own mom,he decided to give this Chanyeol guy a chance. At least a chance for Chanyeol to become his husband. Besides, he had promised himself that he will work hard and try hard to become a good husband to Chanyeol, no matter whether love is involved or not. He won't let Chanyeol felt that he was a burden clinging to Chanyeol when they get married. Even if his existence was ignored, he'd be happier that way. As long as Chanyeol is happy, he would do anything. The guilt inside his heart, making Chanyeol marrying him was unspoken. He can only do this in return, for Chanyeol's agreement to marry him.

Besides, after their first meeting, Baekhyun started to have this feelings that things gonna be okay, at least for both of them.  Chanyeol seemed like a good person, and has a really nice voice, and a cute smile. On the other hand, he felt comfortable around Chanyeol. He has this aura around him making Baekhyun feels happy and bubbly. He found himself smiling at the thought of Chanyeol.



Days changes to week. Text changed to calls. Calls leads to meetings. Meetings leads to engaging. The engagement of Park Chanyeol and Byun Bekhyun has finally comes. Two weeks had passed, and they are now officially engaged. Wearing the engagement ring, Chanyeol feels a little shaky, yet he feels warm inside. The text he had, the calls they have, the date they share, had secretly steal Chanyeol's heart little by little. Without him noticing, Chanyeol feels more comfortable being around Baekhyun. He no longer had to wear this stern expression when he was with Baekhyun. He can even laugh at Baekhyun;s silly mistakes, finding him very cute. Though he quite not sure if this feelings is love, he was pretty sure that he and Baekhyun can cooperate when they get married later.

He was not worried about getting married anymore, readily to accept Baekhyun in his life. Its not like he is going to love Baekhyun, no. His ego was too high to admit that. But he know he will somehow cope with the marriage, if the person he is marrying is Baekhyun. Not that it matters anyway. He looked at his hand, the ring shining bright. He pull out the ring, and looked at the small inscription inside that wrote '~BaekYeol~', the thing both he and Baekhyun agreed to put. He wore it again, a smile plastered on his lips, a sincere and pure smile.



Baekhyun was squirming in delight, waiting for Chanyeol to arrive. Today would be the day they would buy their wedding clothes, as weel as other needs for the ceremony. In a months time, he will become husband to the great derp, Park Chanyeol, a name he called Chanyeol with. Lately, he felt himself very strange. Hearts beats faster, temperature rising, slight blush on his face, and stuttered talking. He didn't think about it as much, since it is a minor thing to notice. He focused more on his upcoming life, the one he is certain to live. He had a whole list in his mind, ready to share it with Chanyeol Although his marriage was arranged, but he is ready to give his full attention to it, part of it because of his love towards his mom, while he can't deny that another part is because of that Chanyeol guy.

Startled when he was suddenly hugged from his back, he hits Chanyeol's arm playfully, before giving him a peck on Chanyeol's cheek. He had noticed there had always been a fleck of sparks in Chanyeol's eyes when he does any lovely gestures, but often the fleck disappeared immediately. He decided to ignore that, thinking that it might just be his feelings. But he can't deny, every time Chanyeol leave him, he yearns for Chanyeol's arms around his waist, and his hot breath around his neck, though that was the closest they ever get. Baekhyun realized, he had want Chanyeol more and more these days, and he had always hoped that their marriage went well, and good.

The shopping session was a bliss. They went and walked hand in hand, sometimes Chanyeol lightly and laughed, while he pretended to pout and hit Chanyeol's arm lightly.  That time at the shoes shop, Chanyeol decided to play a prank on Baekhyun, taking one side of Baekhyun's shoes and hide it when Baekhyun was busy trying a pair of new shoes. Baekhyun ended up having a panic attack, afraid that he had to walk barefootedly. When Baekhyun finally burst into tears only Chanyeol owns up he had hide the shoes, and give it back to Baekhyun, making him earning a few smack on his chest, and a very long hug from Baekhyun. Chanyeol took the time to calm Baekhyun down, inhaling Baekhyun's scent and listening to Baekhyun's soft sobs.

As for revenge, Baekhyun make Chanyeol pay for his food, and he eats every single thing he can see, from the ice cream to the fast food. Since they come in different transportation, Chanyeol walked Baekhyun to Baekhyun's car, help to bring all their stuff together. After putting them all in Baekhyun's car, they then said their goodbye. Just after Baekhyun opens his car door, he turned back, giving Chanyeol a kiss - a brief and sweet kiss - on Chanyeol's lips. Surprised, Chanyeol's face turned red, as Baekhyun hurriedly went inside drove away, hyperventilating. Smiling, and slowly he touched his lips, he went back to his car, his face still red, and hearts beats frantically.



One more week to go, and they will become a married couple. Chanyeol now keeps on hanging out at Bekhyun's house, though they are too shy with each other to have anyway. He found out that Baekhyun is really good in cooking, and decorating. He was amazed when Baekhyun made him his favourite food, for it tasted nice, although it taste is slightly different from what he usually eats.  He had get accostumed to the way Baekhyun cooks, and he loved it even more.

They are now not as awkward as before. In fact, things had progressed better than both of them expected. Chanyeol feels that Baekhyun's complete him, while Baekhyun always feel Chanyeol is his long lost happiness. They spent more time together in Baekhyun's apartment, watching movies, or just having some talk, or just cuddles with each other. As much as Chanyeol wanted to really confess to Baekhyun that he had fallen for Baekhyun, he is afraid that Baekhyun don't feel the same way, thus shattering their already close relationship. He decided to wait for the right time, so that Baekhyun might accept it in a positive way. He would be really glad if Baekhyun would return his love.

Spending his time in Baekhyun's again tonight, he decided to break the news. He waited for Baekhyun to finish showering, while he - being a hyperactive person he is - browse through Baekhyun's room. Looking through the bookshelf, he took a fancy book that caught his attention. Figuring that as a diary, he pulled the book out before something dropped out from the book. Startled he then  put the book on the shelf, and went down to get the paper - a picture to be exact. He flipped the picture. It shows Baekhyun and a tall, handsome man. Baekhyun was smiling happily towards the camera, while the man looked at Baekhyun. Baekhyun was hugging the arms of the man while the man had his hand on Baekhyun's waist, both of them seemed very close. Chanyeol continued to inspect the picture, only to notice and small writings below the picture.

'Wu YiFan - Baekhyun ~ May our love be cherished~'

Chanyeol gripped his hand, making the picture tore up a bit. With the ruined picture in his hands, he heard the bathroom door clicked open. Standing up, he went to Baekhyun, and held the picture high up. "Who is this?" Baekhyun looked confused, before his eyes went wide. He tried to say something, but somehow there is a lump in his throat, the only sound he managed to let out is a small shriek.

Throwing the pictures towards Baekhyun's face, Chanyeol turned back and walked out of the room, grabbing his jacket and bag before storming out from the apartment. With only towel wrapped to his body, Baekhyun runs after Chanyeol, calling Chanyeol's name desperately. He somehow managed to grab Chanyeol's wrist just before Chanyeol went into his car, and Chanyeol stopped, pulling his hand forcefully from Baekhyun's hold.

"Ch- Chanyeol, listen!"

"What's there to listen Baek??? You are never serious in our marriage! Who is that YiFan?"

"Let me expl"

"What's there to explain Baek? What excuses you want to give me?"

"Please just listen"

"Stop it, Byun Baekhyun! I never want you in my life! Just leave!"

With the words, Chanyeol went inside his car and started his engine.

"Fine! I got no problem in leaving either!"

Baekhyun screamed it out of anger, knowing that Chanyeol heard his words. Chanyeol slammed his car door, and drove away, leaving Baekhyun standing at the car park alone, with only towel on his body. Slowly, Baekhyun dragged his feet towards his house, and shut the door before he slumped down on the floor, crying his heart out loudly.



It's been three days since the incident. Baekhyun had tried to get to Chanyeol in every possible ways. Chanyeol had blocked his calls, and never returned his texts. He even went to Chanyeol's workplace, only to know that Chanyeol had taken two weeks holidays for their marriage arrangement. Hearing that made Baekhyun's tears glistened. He tried to go to Chanyeol's apartment, but Chanyeol never answered the door. He was on the edge, and he didn't know what to do anymore. Little by little he felt his heart aches, and his body longed for Chanyeol's touch. He always looked at the couch where Chanyeol used to sit when they cuddled together, and he realized his house had never felt as empty before. His head started to get heavy, and he fell asleep on the couch, dreaming of Chanyeol's arms around him that night.

On the morning, he was ready to get to work, when he received a new email. It was from Chanyeol, and he opened it, his heart is beating fast.

'To Mr.' Byun Baekhyun.

After thinking carefully on our issues, I think its best if we both go our own way. I don't want to be the one that holds you back in doing whatever you want in you life, as well as what you should have achieved. So, with this, I officially had ended our engagement, and canceled our wedding. Don't worry about the filing matters and the law, I settled them already. I hope that we should never meet each other again. Thank you for coping with me during the times before.

From Park Chanyeol."

While reading the email, Baekhyun's heart shattered, his tears flowed endlessly. He sobbed uncontrollably, unable to bear the hurt in his head and heart anymore. He can only think of one place now. Canada to where YiFan, his best friend is. With that in mind, he immediately booked a flight to Canada, at the same day he was supposed to get married. After a while, he cried again, thinking how irony it is for him now. The place he called home, is now very strange to him. The smell of Chanyeol's hair gel, and perfume that stuck everywhere in his house reminds him every second of his Derpyeol.

That night, he decided to reply Chanyeol's email, since it is the only thing he had left now to communicate with Chanyeol.

'To my derpy Chanyeol,

I'm very sorry for not having the chance to explain to you earlier. But since it has become this far worse, i guess there really is no turning back. I will go away from your life, if that is what you really wish. Thank you for being with me, you are an angel. I had so much fun with you, like i never had. Thank you again for everything Chanyeol. I'm sorry things had turned out this way, but if this is the best for us, i admit defeat.

But my last wish, can you come to the airport, the morning we were supposed to get married? At least just before I go, please. I will be waiting for you. My plane will take off in 10.30 in the morning. Please, as it will be our last meetings together.

Thank you.

From your aegyo angel, Baekhyun'

I love you, and will always will. The truth is, I can't live without you.

Pressing the send button, he then continue to pack his things, hoping that Chanyeol will come. He then slipped his engagement ring off his finger, looking at the inscription inside. '~ChanBaek~'. He smiled at the memory, thinking about both ChanBaek and BaekYeol name they comes out together. He just can't bear to hold any memories of Chanyeol anymore, so he put the ring inside an envelope, and taking his best photo, he put the photo inside the envelope too.



The morning was windy, but calm. The clouds was rolling, giving the impression that the day was going to rain soon. Baekhyun sighed, looking at his watch. It was almost 10. Looking at the envelope in his hand, he can feel his knees shake out of fear. He keeps on glancing at the watch, when he heard a deep husky voice calling him. "Baekhyun." He looked up, the stern expression when they first meet greeted him. Chanyeol's looked a liitle messy, and his eyes were a bit swollen. Baekhyun forced himself a smile, and standing, he bowed. "Thanks for coming. I just...want to give you this." He said, giving the envelope to Chanyeol. "That moment, the call for his plane had been sounded, so he smiled again.

"I should go." He said, and Chanyeol just nodded. "Goodbye, Park Chanyeol."

He dragged his heavy feet, slowly turning away, his throat clenched tight. He cannot hold his tears anymore, and he kept on walking and walking, never turning back. He didn't ever want Chanyeol to see him crying again. Taking a seat inside the plane, he cried his heart out, unable to stand it anymore.



Chanyeol felt like collapsing. His sense had been shut off completely, he is lost in the midst of the busy airport. He was still standing at the chair where Baekhyun was sitting 2 minutes ago. He wanted to leave, yet he finds that he had lost the strength to even move his leg. He sit down on the same chair, and buried his face in his palm. He finds himself hard to breathe, and a voice inside his head - his own voice - is screaming for him to stop Baekhyun from leaving. Sighing, he opened the letter, and found himself staring at the inscription inside the ring, before he took a long stare at Baekhyun's photo.

He knew that Baekhyun had left, but somehow he wanted to know where Baekhyun had gone too. He took out his smartphone, and reread the email, trying to find some hint as to where Baekhyun is going. He desperately read the emails over and over again when he noticed something strange in Baekhyun's email. There is a thick black line just under the email, which he somehow had missed before. Emails don't usually have that line. Curious, he tapped the line, when his phone highlighted all the writings from Baekhyun's email, and these words popped out from the black thick line.

'I love you, and will always will. The truth is, I can't live without you.'

Shaking, he stand up, looking at the plane that had just take off. The plane where Baekhyun is inside. He found himself crying, and cursing over his stupidity for not noticing earlier. Baekhyun was always giving him the hint, but he was to late to notice. He look at the hidden words again, holding back his tears.

That is when he heard the loud noise. That's when he saw the fire, the explosion. Right in front of his eyes, the plane has exploded mid air, and it crashed down the field, burning with fire as it went down. Chanyeol took a few seconds to process, when he heard the emergency sirens wailing. He looked at the plane in disbelief, before Baekhyun's face popped in his mind.

"No. Baekhyun!"

He run towards the departing gate, and knocked the glass when the security guards dragged him away,yelling about there another explosion and debris flying. Chanyeol was too stunned to protest, and there is nothing in his mind except for Baekhyun's last words. 

'I can't live without you.'



Chanyeol still did the same thing everyday. Sneaking into the unused airport, and lie down on the field, where the plane had crashed. "Gas leaked." That was what had trigger the explosion. That was the day Baekhyun and Chanyeol was supposed to get married. That was the day Baekhyun left the world. And that was the day Chanyeol had stuck in, unable to move forward. That was the day, when Chanyeol had lost his mind.

And it was all because he was too late. Too late too realize there was a hidden words from Baekhyun.

I love you.



Some notes~

Thanks for reading this fic. It is my first Baekyeol fic, so i really hope you guys enjoy reading it. :)

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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Very intense ending.
Chapter 2: Wow why just so sad?.. Everything was so sad especially the ending.. But I don't understand why chanyeol was so angry about the pic and he didn't even let beakhyun speak.. And chanyeol just canceled the wedding!!.. Why so fast.. I think beakhyun deserved to protect was really cool.. Thanks
jongwoobaekdaekyu #3
Chapter 1: Kamsahamnida *bow TT.TT..lately I've been so sensitive..dunno why
_OhSehunnie_ #4
Chapter 1: Why..why did Baekhyun died!!Poor Yeollie~ :'(
chanKIMKEY #5
Chapter 1: and again , friends . can i punch you? i'm crying so hard . bye life
Sedih nye.. T.T huhu
*cry* XD
I love this fanfic . :D
TT_TT but my bacon die .. in this fanfic :3
Chapter 1: OMG.. I just decided to start reading BaekYeol's fiction today... I've on y read three... and all in all of it, Baekhyun dies... I'm going yo hunt for some more Baekyeol.. and BTW, I love the way you write and also the plot. Thanks for the nice read..^__^