The Ending

Honestly Honest

APRIL, 2011


"Congratulations to the both of you! You guys did a very good job!"

PD-Nim smiles. "Cheers!  Everyone!"  

Victoria and Khun bows to the members of the crew. They were both very happy because they earned the highest rating. 


His thoughts:


Today is the farewell party for the khuntoria couple. Or should I say… we, the fake idol marriage of me and Victoria. We did it for

about 1 year and 3 months. I can’t believe it’s over. I am sitting in the corner; in front of me is Victoria. She smiled sweetly.


“Victoria-ssi.. What are your future programs after?”

She frowned. “Hey Nichkhun-ssi! Why sudden formality?” She replied, emphasizing on the “ssi”

“Nothing! I just, well, I am thinking that it is going to be very awkward after? Like what if we meet in the broadcast stations or if

we were guests in a same program?”


Her face register an i-do-not-understand you expression. 


“You know, we are very good friends now. Do not think of the awkwardness. We’ll get through! Arasso?” She replied

“Well then. I think that is the answer.”I smiled at her.


She paused. Thinking deeply.


“Lets make a deal. We will always keep in touch no matter what happens. Okay?” She smiled and offered a toast.



“Gunbei.” I replied weakly. 



i really hope we'll get through. i really hope that I'll get through.



Her thoughts

Khunnie is one of a kind.

That is my thought while sipping my lightly alcoholic beverage.

I offered  him that we should stay connected after our program. 

The truth is, I will really have a hard time now that the program is over.

Even before the start of my training. I am a fan of the whole we-got-married show. 

I did'nt know, that this whole program is very scary.

It deals with feelings and friendship. Now that it is over, we are facing 'awkwardness'' stage. 

I am afraid that we will have both have a hard time.


My mind is aching on the thought.


No. We will be friends.


"We will be friends forever right?" I absent-mindedly asked him.

"Huh?" His expression looks like I caught him off-guard.

"Yeah." He replied


Yeah. We will be firends forever. *why do it feels like this?*


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peachymango #1
Chapter 1: Hey guys! Thanks. I'll try to do the next chapters MUCH better. Heheh. I'll update as soon as k-pop fairy would allow me. ♥
chunna #2
Chapter 2: Too short. Why im always complaining hehe...
BookFreak #3
Well, I Just subscribed and got feelings that I'll love this story ... Looking forward for next update Fighting (^.^)9
peachymango #4
Comments are greatly appreciated ♥
Chapter 1: Seem interesting...keep writing n i can't wait for the next chapter...
peachymango #6
Hey chunna! thanks. I'll update today I promise! ♥
chunna #7
Chapter 1: Well i just subscribed :). Really looking forward for ur updates