Marrying Luhan, the Jerk


Parents agree to arrange their child in to a marriage.

The Girl and the Boy hate each other.

They develop feelings.

They fall in love.


We all know the cliche story of 'Arranged Marriages' but you never thought that you would be arranged in your own marriage.


Kim Nayoung was harshly dumped.

Dumped by her boyfriend who she had been dating for a year and a half. He was 'tired' with their relationship and didn't feel the 'spark' they used to share when they were together.

Eversince that day, Nayoung has never been the same.

She has become a tad bit colder, she developed trust issues, hardly shows emotion, and most of all ... she has been anti-social, which leads her to getting bullied by her boyfriend's new girlfriend, Seohyun, who is the iest girl on campus.

One day she was walking around on the streets after lunch and a guy comes up and gives her a card with a deal for marrying the cold, pretty-boy model, Luhan. She hesitates, but was dragged in to it, because of her stubborn parents. 

Will she survive this whole thing?







Kim Nayoung has always been picked on in the past year, because of her arrogant ex-boyfriend who crucially dumped her over her worst enemy, Seohyun. She became quite, and finds in hard to trust people. She hates her parents when they become stubborn and tries to change her life all the time. Her Father owns Seoul's most popular theater and her Mother owns a fashion line.


Luhan is the rising star of Korea and his hometown, China. After debuting as a model, he joins the new Idol Group, EXO. Before they debut, Luhan has to agree to marry a girl for popularity sake. He is a caring, sweet person, but he hides that with a Jerk side of him. He never breaks his promise and tries to not be fragile in front of people.



Jihoo is no other than the caring brother of Nayoung. He is musician who can play almost all the instruments in the world. He has always thought that Jaejoong and Nayoung would last, but he was wrong. He somehow likes Luhan, but he is worried if Nayoung would get hurt again. He's a hardcore perfectionist who won't take mistakes easily.


Junhee is one of those bad- big sisters. She likes to rebel with the family, because she is the oldest of her other siblings, Nayoung and Jihoo. She is engaged to Jinwoon, her boyfriend. They have been dating for around 4 years and getting married a couple months after Nayoung and Luhan's wedding. She accepts Luhan, because she has a good feeling about him. Hates Jaejoong's guts, but she is an excellent big sister.


He used to be player, but when he met Nayoung his whole world changed. He called it love at first sight and he was head over heels in love with her, but something in his life changed and he had to break up. No matter how hard it was for him to pour his love to her, something was holding it back and that's when he knew that he had to end it. He is the son of a strong mafia leader and is currently dating Seohyun. 


They are Luhan's Best Friends and they 100 % ship Nayoung and Luhan. They care for Nayoung, because they see her as their little sister. EXO is going to debut soon and they super excited to pursue their dream. Each member has a unique quality and hidden talents. EXO is nothing more than 12 humble boys who are described as a family.

A HUGE Thanks to Luxicity Graphic Shop! I love the Poster they made, so If you like it too, go ahead and check out their shop here: 









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Anime_watcher #1
Chapter 26: Please Update T__T
intannursyafiqa #2
Chapter 26: please update T___T
Missfaceless_exo #3
Chapter 26: I can't believed that I read this story only a day. But I want to know more. Please update author-nim !!!!!ㅠㅜ
vitey_sanhong #4
Chapter 26: author-nim update more please!!!! im waited for everyday!! btw i ship luhanXnayoung
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 24: I love Luhan so much, and I came into this story loving him. But...this story just makes me want to hurt him so bad.
Kahanbo123 #6
Chapter 4: I should hate you!!! Does he really love someone else?!?!!! I NEED TO FIND OUT!!!
Chapter 26: Please update^^
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 26: I keep re-reading this story and im still soooo curious as to what's going to happen next please update soon x
Chapter 26: chapter 26: the story is very good!! i like it!! i hope you update sooner autor-nim!! fighting :D
Chapter 25: cries bc missed this fic