
Tugging my dress infront of the mirror, I deep breathed and smiled.

My best friend's words rang in my ear, "Don't be nervous and act normal!"
Today is my very first date with my very first boyfriend.
Being a newbie, I can't help but seek help from my best friend.

I grabbed my keys and valuables and stuffed them in my bag.

"Mum, you don't have to cook my share tonight!" I shouted to the kitchen while wearing my cute cream-coloured flats.

Putting the strap of my bag back on my shoulder, I closed the door behind me took a cab to the amusment park.

The distance isn't very far hence I reached early.

I handed the security my ticket and headed in.
Looking at the map, I spot the bench where we were supposed to meet.

I made my way there, still smiling and getting excited.

When I neared the bench, I saw a guy wearing a denim shirt with a red striped t-shirt and then finally a black blazer on the outside at the bench.

"Chunji?" I called.
He waved at me, revealing the cutest eye-smile I've ever seen.

I smiled and increased my pace, wanting to be next to him right there and then.
"Am I late? Sorry about that." I said.

"Nope, you're earlier by 1 minute!" he said.
The both of us laughed.

We walked side by side, our hands occasionally hitting each other.
I blushed at the thought of holding hands with him.

It was really crowded at the road ahead of us.
Suddenly, I felt warmth on my hand.
I jumped a little and look down to see Chunji holding my hand.

"S-so we won't be seperated." he stammered.
I nodded and giggled a little. He is so cute when he's shy.

We made our way out of the crowd and studied the map.
"Do you love rollercoaster rides?" Chunji asked, smiling awkwardly.

"Um.. I... I'm really afraid of them... Sorry.." I confessed, looking down.
*Damn, I must be a boring girlfriend to him...*

"Frankly speaking... me too. I thought you would love it but now I'm kinda glad." he said, showing his super adorable eye-smile again.

"Aha! What about bumper cars?" He suggested, pointing towards a direction.
"I'm fine with that!" I said.

We made our way with my hand still in his to the bumper cars section. We started playing the bumpers car after paying for the tickets.
Chunji purposely bump my car several times and I started chasing him to get revenge. We laughed a lot. At that moment, I realise all my nervous-ness disappeared.

"____, what are you thinking?" Chunji nudged me and asked.
"Huh?" I said, suddenly realising our turn ended.
Chunji grabbed my hand and helped me get out of the car.

"Thanks." I said, dusting my dress.
I looked up suddenly to see Chunji's hand coming near my face.
I gulped waiting for what's going to happen. Chunji chuckled and tug a strain of my hair behind my ears.
"You look lovely today." he whispered, grinning at me.

I can feel my cheeks heat up and I laughed.
"Thanks." I said.

"How many times have you thanked me?" Chunji asked giggling at me.

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and grinned cheekily at Chunji.

"Excuse me!" a voice was heard from behind us.
The both of us turned around to see a lady holding a rather big signboard with the word, "COUPLES RIDE!! Take the test for your courage for your love! Come join now and get a plush toy after completing!" with lots of heart shapes drawn on it.

"Both of you look really sweet! I was wondering if you would want to join us?" the lady continued.
I look at the photo of the plushie.
"Wah~ its so adorable!" I exclaimed, staring at it.

"Then count us in!" Chunji said. He paid the lady the tickets and we followed her.

Right infront of us is haunted mansion. I shivered and look at Chunji.
Chunji looked at me and whispered, "I'll protect you~"

I smiled weakly at him and took his hand which he reached out.
We got into the ride and fastened our seat belts, my hand still in his.

Creepy creaky and spooky sounds could be heard as the door closes, leaving both of us in complete darkness.
"C-Chunji..." I shivered, grabbing Chunji's arm tight.
He patted my head and told me, "I'll be here for you."

The train started moving. Maybe it was old or perhaps it is the sound effect, the whole train made cracking noises here and there.

Darting my eyes nervously around, I saw a creature carrying its head staring at us.

"OMG, OPPA!" I screamed, burying my face into his chest.
He pressed my head to his chest deeper and rubbed my back gently.
I dare not look up at all so I just stared into the darkness of his chest.

"Ah!" Chunji yelled.
"What's wrong?!" I yelled back.
"A stupid bloody hand just touched me." Chunji said, continuing to rub my back softly.

At a certain point, ghostly voices started filling in the atmosphere.
I felt a bony hand carressing my cheek. "GO AWAY! AHHHHH!" I screamed.
Evil laughters could be heard so close to my ear.
"Hush, baby, hush." Chunji comforted me as he hit the bony hand away.

My heart calm down for a minute and then I opened my eyes wide. *Oh my god, did he just call me 'Baby'?* I thought.
I clutched onto his blazer and smiled a little. In that moment, I wasn't afraid.

"___, light! Look!" Chunji excalimed suddenly. Waking up from my daze, I looked up. Hooray, its the end!

"Here's your award!" the same lady with the board said and handed us a cute plush toy.

"Sorry, about your shirt.. almost tore it..." I apologised as we got out of the creaky train.

"Its alright, I told you I'll protect you." he beamed.

He held my hand again, this time ever so easily.
I guess my hand really fit in his. I was used to his touch this soon.
"You're hungry huh?" he asked, putting a strain of my hair behind my ear again.

"Yeah~" I replied.
We made our way into a cafe for dinner. Chunji pull the chair for me to sit before settling down on his.

"Hi, what may I get for the both of you?" a waiter wearing a Peter Pan costume asked.

We looked through the menu and settled with two sets of spaghetti.
The food soon came and we had our dinner done.
I wiped my lips with the tissue provided.

"___." Chunji called me.
I looked up and put down the tissue, "Hm?"

"This is for you." he said as he raise up a cute necklace with the letter 'C' on it.

"Omg, thank you Chunji!" I said, my eyes gleaming at him.
He stood up and helped put it on for me. I took the 'C' pendant and arranged it in place, smiling happily.
"Do you love it?" he asked, making his way back to his seat.

"Thanks, I love it." I replied, taking out the gift I prepared for him.
I placed it on the table and waited for his reaction.

He furrowed his eyebrows curiously and opened the box.
It revealed a black digital watch that cost me... ouch, don't even want to remember it...

"Thank you, ____, that's really awesome!" he said, rubbing his hands together.
I took it out and put it on for him.

We smiled and left the cafe.
I followed him to the carpark and he sent me home. We had endless topics to talk about and I really wish there's a second time.

"There." Chunji muttered as he pulled up infront of my house.
He got out of his seat and opened the door for me.

"You don't have to sent me out, y'know." I told him.

"But I'm your boyfriend." he said and held my hand.
We stood infront of my house and we stared into each other's eyes.

"Today was fun..." he whispered.

"Yeah." I said.

He smiled and the back of my hand.

He bit his lip and stared at my lips for awhile.
I blushed at thought of what's going to happen later on.

He slowly lean in, I can even feel the smell of his shampoo. Its lavender flavour, it wouldn't go wrong.

He tilted his head to the side a little and landed his sweet lips on mine.

He deepened the kiss by pulling me closer to his body.
I closed my eyes. I hope this moment would last forever.
It was my first kiss.

We parted slowly and he ruffled my hair.

"Goodnight sweetie." he said.
He made his way back into the car.

We waved at each other until his car when out of sight and then I realised I was blushing and smiling along because of the sweet kiss.

I went into my house.
"____, you're back! How's your date?" my sister came and asked me.

"Its... really good." I replied.

"Omg Plushie!!" she screamed and point to the the plushie I was holding.

"Its mine ok!" I defended, pulling the toy closer to me.

"Did your boyfriend give that to you?" she asked.

"Yeah..." I blushed and ran into my room. I grabbed my pajamas and went to take a bath.
I took a quick bath and dried myself.

"____! Your phone is ringing!" my mum called out.

I got out of the bathroom with my hello kitty pajamas and picked up the phone.

"Hello, ____." it was Chunji's voice.

"Oh.. oh.. Hello!"

"This is Chunji and... um.. I as wondering if you would like to watch a movie with me tomorrow?"

"Wait a minute." I said and checked my calender.
Great, nothing special tomorrow.
"I would love to." I replied.

"Okay, that would be lovely."

"You've reached home right?" I asked.

"Yep." he replied.

We started talking craps and things about us till it was 12 in the morning.

"Oh my, its really late now. Sorry for talking nonsense because... I kinda miss you... haha!" he said.

I blushed and replied, "Nah, its ok. I'm anticipating the date tomorrow. Goodnight~"
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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 1: Wow <3 hahaha i love roller coaster but i hate scary ride with the ghost and stuff >__< hahaha nice date with chunji!
Chapter 1: A perfect first date!! But I can't imagine myself being all weak, I love scary rides xD
twinkle_blossom #3
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD!! *fanning myself*
I love this! >.< it's shoo cute!

But seriously, are you TRYING to kill me!?
Shawol11 #4
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is great!
Niecy313 #5
Chapter 1: OMO it was so amazing!!! :)
Kittenkat #6
Awwww this sounds so cute!!!! Update please!!! :3
Kyaaaah~ <3 <3 yaaaaaay~ :'> haha .. please update soon! update T^T keke~ ^O^ saranghae author nim.. :') hwaiting!!~ :D