What Lies Beyond The Woods


I have never been into the center of the woods before.

Have you?

I heard myths about mystical creatures who lived deep in those dark woods.

Ofcourse, I was intrigued. I'm already 19. I can do what I want.

So I decided to go on a journey and find answers for the myths.

Were they real or not.. I'm going to find out.

I brought books and I started walking into the bewilderness. 

I was amazed by the strong tall trees that surrounded me. 

I grabbed a book and read while I was walking.

Suddenly, a very strong breeze came and something knocked the book away from my hands. 

The pages flipped back and forth. I stared at it.

The wind was still strong but the flipping of the book stopped at a page.

I hesistantly picked it up. I looked around.

I stared at the book and something was written on the page.

And it said " No way back"

The loud swaying of the trees and the harsh wind abruptly stopped. 

I had a feeling that I was being watched.I wanted to run but I was frozen scared.

A twig snapped from afar. I trembled in horror. I was petrified. 

Suddenly, darkness swooned over me and I almost saw nothing.

I look back up and I was no where near my human kind. I saw no way back.


What Lies Beyond the Woods is a mystery, romance and horror kinda story. It is based on my dream and I have never written a story like this before. This will be different. Very different and I want you readers to be open minded. Clues are everywhere and so is danger. 


You need to help me out of this. I need you to give me some clues. Someone is playing a trick on me and you're the only one that can stop it. Oh and I have one more to say, don't read this at night if you feel scared right now. You need courage.


I believe in you. You can help me.


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