His Last Letter

1 Week Love Letters

The next letter he sent me was personally delivered to me by his sister...

I was very afraid to open it... 

Somehow I felt that if I read that letter, something bad would happen....






Dear Yobo, 


What day is it today?

Is it Monday again? Saturday? Friday!?

Yobo, it really hurts to know that you are now reading this letter...

I never wanted to give this to you...

But I guess 'that day' really came, huh?


By the time you're reading this, 

I'm probably in heaven, begging God to let me

continue sending you letters of my love.


But I also made a back up plan in case He won't let me...

I wrote you 100 more letters that Friday when my letter was short...


You won't be missing me for 100 more days!



Yobo, can I be honest with you?

Right now, I'm crying...

My tears are blurring my sight and my hands are getting shaky...

My heart is breaking into pieces upon every word I add up to this letter...


But I want to be happy so you can be happy!

I wiped my tears!

I pinky swear my eyes are dry now!

I'm smiling, yobo!

I'm smiling for you!



I love you!

I love you more...

I love you so much more!


I love you...


I love you...


I love you...



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awwwww~ wae? if it's not an accident (ur jongkey fic), a disease, .. T^T and lmao! it's for marieke!!! what's her reaction about this? <br />
tomyidol #2
thank you^~
Aww ~~ It's making me cry.... ahuhu
AKreiko #4
...........;_;<br />
How sad...But I love it...^_^