Hybrides Mechaniques

“You smell like a .” Yixing comments as soon as he comes in, eyes switching from purple to blue and back to brown; it’s something that only happens when he’s pissed off. Jongdae’s never quite been sure why Yixing had that mechanism installed, especially as it’s so fleeting. Why have something beautiful if you can’t display it to the world?

He rolls his own eyes in response, the yellow flashing brighter for a second; Yixing only stares back steadily, eyes still flittering through their many colours. “You can’t smell, Yixing. You had that removed.”

“Alcohol’s strong enough a scent for me to pick up on.” Yixing mutters, angrily tossing his book aside – what do classics matter when there’s someone to get angry at? “Besides, I don’t need to smell it. I can tell by your face that you were ing someone else.”

Is he pissed off by the fact that it was a human, or the fact that it was just someone other than himself? Jongdae can’t tell, but he can hear the cogs that make up Yixing’s mechanical heart whirring and for a second – just a second – he wonders if he Yixing is capable of caring. Because they’ve never really staked a claim on each other, even as they wander the world for a little extra cash.

They’re not the kind of droids to make it in the movies; they’re cheap and flashy, tinkered with and sparky – but not special.

“Why do you care?” He groans, fingers digging into his impossibly tight jeans for the fistful of credits he got for his trouble. “It keeps us in business – don’t tell me you haven’t been running on empty these past few days.” If he could still blush, he’d be flushing right now. He drops the money on the table next to the bed, thumping down next to his lover.

The tick-tick-tick of Yixing’s motorised heart is all that breaks the silence as Jongdae lays his head on his shoulder.

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sehunpipi #1
Just wow! This fic is soooo amazing. Update soon pleaseee T^T
ChubbyChoco17 #2
Chapter 16: ; ~ ; It's been so long since you've updated this omg still so good though <3 I hope you're able to find time to update this every new and again
EXOticJassy #3
Chapter 16: Whoa, it's been a while! (I think..) Poor driods.. ㅠㅠ Not too far from reality, with people of today obsessed with the newest tech, huh?
World-Class #4
I've finished the chapters you've published so far and my gosh, you're a talented writer.
Sure, the chapters were brief, but that was the beauty of them. They went by quickly and ended as soon as they started, but every chapter just added onto the last, filling in empty spaces and answering questions.

Anyway, fantastic job!
World-Class #5
Hello there; I came across this story of yours after seeing the poster in MusicChibi's A King For a Day graphic shop, and let me tell you how glad I am after reading the first few chapters of it.

First of all, I am absolutely in love with your writing style: it's flowery, fluid, and professional, things I love to see in stories. The way you describe things indirectly so perfectly, so beautifully, is amazing. You use colors and textures and features of objects and ideas to allow readers to visualize your work, and it's pretty effective!

Secondly, there aren't many sci-fi fics in aff's community so in glad you've posted a story in the genre. I'm a er for all things robotic and this fic is stupendously compiled together. Everything seems like short clips of a movie, a movie full of creativity and unique twists.

Thank you for this wonderful story and being the author of one of my - now - favorite fics!
Chapter 15: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yixing T.T

But yeah, feeling too much is really tiring *huggles them both even though she'd probably bruise herself*
Selisel #7
These stories are so bittersweet they make my heart break. I really like them. Thanks for wirting these lovely stories :)
ChubbyChoco17 #8
Chapter 14: MMMMHMHMHMHMHMHM~~~~~~~ ;) better in bed aye??? HAHA OMG SUCH AN ENJOYABLE CHAPTER * U * I love each and every one of your chapters, ty for updating & patiently waiting for the next as always!
Chapter 14: I wonder how they got the money for re-machination

and llllllllllol. they would make people better at orz
ChubbyChoco17 #10
Chapter 13: So short.... But so so good...! ( ;∀;)