Troubles came.

I lost the game, but I won you.

Staring at the empty basketball court, I let out a loud sigh as I collapsed onto the ground. This basketball court had never felt this empty before. After Kai had confessed to me, I had been avoiding him whenever I could; during trainings, classes and even lunch breaks. Kai had certainly noticed the sudden change in me, yet he maintained his distance and respected me for my choice, he knew I needed some time alone to settle this sudden gush of emotions. I just simply could not face him again like how I did in the past, everything was too awkward and uncomfortable for me now. As much as I wished to remain close with him, a part of me was dying to have a definite rest from each other. I began to ponder on our relationship status. Perhaps our relationship was not merely just a noona-dongsaeng relationship. I did not know. Really.

Annoyed, I ruffled my hair angrily as I attempted to find the ideal solution to my problem. This problem had been haunting me for weeks and I had been trying to come out with a situation when both parties would be alright. As much as I loved Kai dearly, I was fully aware that Kai was just my little brother. Nothing more than that. Scanning across the basketball court that was once filled with Kai’s and my laughter, I could not help but to feel a tug in my heart. Things were so different ever since his confession. To avoid Kai, I even skipped the personal training that we would have every week. For a person who regarded basketball as her life, missing basketball trainings with Kai was probably the worst thing that could ever happen to me. Yet, skipping trainings was now a better choice than meeting Kai. It has been almost two weeks since Kai confessed and we had not been contacting each other during these two weeks. I looked around the empty court as memories of Kai and I rushing over here to have our personal trainings filled my confused mind. I could still remember how Kai would patiently teach me the footwork and techniques, followed by a friendly match after the drills. Kai would have won me effortlessly with his marvelous basketball skills, yet this dorky would always act as though he was unable to be of same match with me, and would always deliberately miss the shot. He thought I could not see through his mediocre acting. Hah, that dork, even a 5-years-old could see through his acting and intentions. I smiled upon thinking of him and his kind gestures to me. It had been only two weeks without Kai, yet I was missing him like crazy. If only he did not confess… if only he could always remain as my dongsaeng only… If only I could return his love with good heart…

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ExOtIc43v4 #1
Chapter 11: Wahhh.
sorry for the caps hehehe.
Loving the story authornim<3
Please update soon~!
mauge92 #2
Chapter 11: Nooo i want her to be with Kai T-T
mauge92 #3
Chapter 10: I feel so sorry for Kai, everytime a guy shows up i like it if only makes the other jealous, and i always pity the loser xDDD, thanks for the update
Chapter 10: im seriously gonna cry! Kai, poor baby...
valeriemillenia #5
Chapter 10: Great fanfic ^^ but felt sorry for kai because of his one sided love :(
mauge92 #6
Chapter 9: _feel- wonderful update my dear writer, i can wait to see Kai jealous xD
mauge92 #7
Chapter 8: Whaaaaaaaat? She doesnt like Kai? That girl is craaaazy, oh well, so the main couple will be with Kris? Cant wait to see what will happen
Chapter 7: Omg! Kai confessed?!!!