Grew fonder.

I lost the game, but I won you.

Ever since then, Kris and I would always meet at the basketball court, that basketball court that once belonged solely to Kai and I, to have a friendly match. Well, friendly for Kris but not for me. His skills were supreme, so good that he did not even have to waste a single ounce of energy to win me. Such a mediocre competitor I was. Sometimes, I did ponder, why was it that Kris was always in smiles and all when he played with me, despite of me being such a lousy player. The matches were not even near to being exciting to him, for the results were always so obvious: Kris would win the match, and I would have to treat him drinks. Nevertheless, the idea of having basketball matches with Kris excite me so much, I certainly would not mind exchanging a can of drink with endless fun and long meaningless chat with him thereafter. Surprisingly (or not), Kris also seemed to adore the idea of spending his Friday evening with me, and solely with me. There were many stories, or should I say rumours, that Kris was a cold soul who would never be willing to spend his time with anyone in the school. Well, I did not know if this was true, but indeed, I had never seen Kris being accompanied by any of his schoolmates or peers, he was always alone in school. Perhaps this was why others branded him as cold and unapproachable. It did not bother me anyways, for I knew Kris was not such a person. He was nice and really nice. 

Perhaps it was Kris's presence that made me grew fonder of him, and also, to grow less dependent on Kai. For the past few months without contact with Kai, the thought of meeting Kai had never once flashed across my mind. It was as though I had completely forgotten about him and the sweet trainings that we had every week. Perhaps I was too occupied by Kris, but Kris's accompany really made my heart waver. Maybe, maybe Kai was not that important in my heart. I was doing really well without him, though I did feel upset over us being drifted apart. Kai too was upset, or should I say, devastated. He knew that I had been avoiding for the first few weeks after the confession, but he had never expected me to cut off all the contact I had with him, to the extent of not meeting him for months. That itself pained Kai so much. The worst part? He had no idea that I was slowly falling deeper and deeper in love with Kris... Sorry, Kai...


Author's Note: So sorry for the lack of updates! Have been really busy with school :( Here is a short update! Hope you guys like it :) Oh, and in case any of yall are wondering, this story will end with 15 chapters! (I will try my very best to keep it as short as possible, I know this story has become rather draggy and all. I'm sorry! :< ) 

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ExOtIc43v4 #1
Chapter 11: Wahhh.
sorry for the caps hehehe.
Loving the story authornim<3
Please update soon~!
mauge92 #2
Chapter 11: Nooo i want her to be with Kai T-T
mauge92 #3
Chapter 10: I feel so sorry for Kai, everytime a guy shows up i like it if only makes the other jealous, and i always pity the loser xDDD, thanks for the update
Chapter 10: im seriously gonna cry! Kai, poor baby...
valeriemillenia #5
Chapter 10: Great fanfic ^^ but felt sorry for kai because of his one sided love :(
mauge92 #6
Chapter 9: _feel- wonderful update my dear writer, i can wait to see Kai jealous xD
mauge92 #7
Chapter 8: Whaaaaaaaat? She doesnt like Kai? That girl is craaaazy, oh well, so the main couple will be with Kris? Cant wait to see what will happen
Chapter 7: Omg! Kai confessed?!!!