Walking up and lunch

The Exo House

Your POV

Arriving at school Suzy went her separate way, since she was in a grade higher. Leaving Minwoo and I to go to our own class. Plopping down at my desk, I suddenly started to feel tired again and laid my head on my desk. I heard laughter and turned to my right to see Minwoo laughing at me. I glared and he put his hands up in defense as he tried to hold back his giggles. I saw him go into his bag and pull out a book and handing it to me. My eyebrows raised in confusion.

“To cover your face, you pabo. So you don’t get caught.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

“Thanks Minnie” You said before opening the book and putting it in front of your face. I laid my head back down onto my arms and instantly closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep.

Minwoo POV

The bell rang for lunch and I sighed in relief.  I looked over to my best friend noticing she was still asleep. Shaking my head I sighed before grinning.

“How can you sleep throughout all of 2 classes?” I asked no one in particular. I was going to wake her but I decide not to. Getting my stuff I stood up and walked out the classroom door. Bumping into someone making me step back a bit. I looked to see who I bumped into. Looking up I met eyes with Tao.

“Ohh Hey Tao what’s up?” I asked leaning against the door frame.

“Nothing much. Kinda tired though had to wake up early to clean today.” He said

I nodded “Really? How come?” I asked a little curious.


“Someone is moving in with us I guess, so Kyungsoo hyung made us all get up early and clean. It was sooo much work. I just want to sleep” He groaned a little and I had to hold back my laughter at his immaturity. “Anyways how is the singing club going I have been way too busy to come with all my wushu practices for the past couple weeks. I have a match soon.”    He asked

Oh yeahh I forgot he was in the club with me. ‘Stupid Minwoo that’s how you meet him in the first place.’ I thought to myself before giving the boy a small smile.

“Good I guess, but Daehyun Hyung is not happy with you missing so many days.” I said patting his shoulder. I saw him sigh. I chuckled at his response. “Anyways I gotta go to lunch. Where you go to see Mr. Lee?” I asked and saw the boy nod in response.

“Yeah I have a few questions about the project our classes will be joining together to do today.” He said and I nodded.

“Well better hurry up so no one catches you and you lose your badass image. Haha anyways can you do me a favor and wake up my friend.” I said pointing over to Hyemi.

“Sure, why?” He asked

“She looks to peaceful to wake up and I would regret it. But you don’t know her so it won’t be a problem for you right?” I asked and he nodded. “Great I‘ll be seeing you then” I said as he nodded and headed into the room and I ran away.

Another reason I don’t want to wake her up is cause she can be one scary person.’ I thought as I kept walking away a shiver running down my spine as I remembered the last time I tried to wake her up. I laughed causing some people to look at me from the sudden outburst but I shrugged it off. 

Good luck Tao’ I smirked and walked into the canteen.


Tao’s POV


I was heading down to Mr. Lee’s class to ask a few question about the project my class was doing with his today. I looked around to make sure no one saw me, because if someone did my reputation was over. Why because I’m known as a badass at school and am a kingka (thanks to my Hyung’s). People seem to love how mysterious I can be and the fact that I’m quite attractive doesn’t help my problem much. So I put up an act for the school. When in reality I can be really open and straight forward but I’m a straight A student. I loved to study and to do extra credit work. Don’t ask why it just helps me to forget my parents. I sighed remembering what happened but suddenly was interrupted from the disturbing thoughts.


“TAO!!” Someone shouted my name and I turned to the side to see my best friend run up to me.

‘Perfect timing Minnie.” I thought before answering the boy in front of me.

“Hey Jimin” I said when the boy reached me and gave me a big hug.

“What’s up?” I asked once he let go.  He shrugged his shoulders

“Nothing really. Haha…oh are you coming to my performance tomorrow?” He asked looking up at me.

I shook my head and his bright aura suddenly darkened.

“I’m sorry Minnie but that girl is coming to live with us tomorrow and Kyungsoo wants us all home to meet her. But you know I send my support and lots of hugs. I hope you guys do awesome like you always do.” I said hoping to get him to smile again. It took him a minute but I finally saw a smile stretch across his lips.

“Okay Hyung no problem. And thanks.” He said when his phone went off I saw him look down and grin. I chuckled assuming that the person who just texted him was Jungkook another one of our friends. I shook my head an amused smile on my lips as I waited for him to finish reading the text.

“Oh Hyung I gotta go Kookie just text me. The Hyungs want to have a last minute practice now since we can’t practice again until we get to the venue tomorrow.” He said and I nodded understanding the problem.

“Alright text me later kay? Oh and tell the rest of BTS Hey for me and to do a good job.” I said and he nodded giving me another hug before he ran off down the hall. Turning for a second to wave again. I smiled once he was out off site.

 How he was my best friend I have no idea but I find myself hanging out with him if I didn’t want to be around the Hyung’s, Kai, and Sehun.

I smiled again before turning around and instantly bumped into someone making me step back.

I looked at the person and gave a small smile noticing it was just Minwoo.

“Ohh Hey Tao what’s up?” I heard him ask as he leaned against the door frame of Mr. Lee’s class. I just shrugged before answering.

“Nothing much. Kinda tired though had to wake up early to clean today.” I said and I saw him nodded while he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

 “Really? How come?” He asked sounding pretty curious. I sighed before answering.


“Someone is moving in with us I guess, so Kyungsoo hyung made us all get up early and clean. It was sooo much work. I just want to sleep” I groaned a little as I looked at how Minwoo was trying to hold back his laughter. But hey you can’t blame me for wanting to sleep more. Right? 

“Anyways how is the singing club going? I have been way to busy to come with all my wushu practices for the past couple weeks. I have a match soon.”  I asked.

 ‘I already know Daehyun Hyung wants to murder me for missing so much’ I thought sighing to myself.

I saw him give a small smile before he spoke. “Good I guess, but Daehyun Hyung is not happy with you missing so many days.” He said as he patted my shoulder I sighed and I saw him chuckle. “Anyways I gotta go to lunch. Were you go to see Mr. Lee?” He asked and I nodded in response.

“Yeah I have a few questions about the project our classes will be joining together to do today.” I said and He nodded.

“Well better hurry up so no one catches you and you lose your badass image.”

‘Yeah right what badass gets straight A’s’ I thought shaking my head.

 “Haha anyways can you do me a favor and wake up my friend.” He said pointing over to a girl who had her head down on the desk and was peacefully sleeping.

“Sure, why?” I asked glancing back at him.

“She looks to peaceful to wake up and I would regret it. But you don’t know her so it won’t be a problem for you right?” He asked and I nodded.

“Great I‘ll be seeing you then” He said as I nodded and headed into the room. Walking in I saw Mr. Lee about to leave and called out to him.

“Hey Mr. Lee!!” I called as the said teacher turned at the sound of his name. He smile brightly at me and walked over to me. I bowed and I heard him chuckle.

“Now, now Tao you know I’m not into all that formal stuff. I’m not that much older then you. I would like to think at least.” He said as I stood.

He was right actually.

Lee Taemin was the schools dance and art instructor. He was only 25 now and he was one of the best teachers in the school in my mind at least.

I stood again and gave him a bright smile causing him to laugh again.

“So what do you need?” he asked as he sat on a desk.

“Umm I just wanted to know about the project that my class 2-B and 2-C was going to be doing so I can be prepared.” I answered honestly. He nodded before answering.

“Well it’s going to be a group thing were we put you in groups 6 or 7 with a bunch of different level students. All female or all male groups and they will have to write and cerograph  a dance to it by the end of two months where it will be showcased in front of the whole school ad some special guest. That will not be named.” He finished with a smile and I noticed I myself grow a bigger and bigger smile as he was explaining.

“Whoa this sounds like fun.” I said as I felt myself get filled with excitement. Mr. Lee grinned back at me and nodded.

“Yup it’s the same thing me and my Hyung’s had to do when we came to this school. That’s also how we became known as SHINee. Haha those were the good old days.” He said causing me to laugh.

“You say that like it happened 20 years ago when it was like 5.” I said trying to hold in my laughter and failing miserably.


He glared at me playful before looking at his watch.

“Well I need to get going now Jiyoung Hyung needs me to watch his class for a while.” He said standing up and giving me one last smile before heading towards the door.

“Thanks Mr. Lee.” I said and he turned and nodded in response leaving me in the classroom. I was about to walk out when I remembered the girl Minwoo had asked me to wake up earlier. I turned to my left to still see her fast asleep. I walked over to her and took a closer look at her face. I gasped quietly as I noticed who it was.

‘Hey it’s Hyemi the new girl.’ I thought as I felt my checks start to burn. I’ve had a crush on her since I first saw her. So I guess it could be love at first sight. I shrugged as I looked at her sleeping face. She looked so cute while sleeping and I found myself just starting at her. Taking out my phone I took a picture of her and smiled at the result. She just looked so beautiful in the picture. It may have been creepy but truthfully I did not care at the moment. Moving over to her I sat in the seat next to her before shaking her shoulder.


No response.


I sighed ‘wow heavy sleeper.’ I thought before moving to my second attempt of waking the girl next to me.

Moving my hand up to her check I poked it multiple times. I saw her stir slightly but still nothing.  Trying again I poked her check a few more times. Finally I saw her eyes start to open. I flinched when I saw her glare at nothing.

“YAH MINWOO!! WHY WAKE ME UP!!” She yelled causing me to jump back in fright. My eyes wide as she turned to face me.


“U-um it’s time for lunch and Minwoo left already.” I said stuttering a little. I saw her eyes widen as she stared at me. Her checks turning pink.

‘Omo she’s blushing so cute.’ I thought as I looked at her. It seemed like she was staring at me for a while and I started to get restless. So I waved my hand in front of her face. I saw her blink a couple times before shaking her head.

“Uh right I’m sorry. Did I scare you?” She asked causing me to chuckle.

“I’m fine really just thought you should go and eat something before lunch finishes.” I said. I saw her eyes widen as she looked around the classroom. Before she franticly got her phone and wallet from her bag and stood up. As she moved towards the door. I blinked a couple times at how fast she just moved.

“Umm Thanks again um…” She said as I looked at her.

“Tao. My name is Tao.” I said and she nodded.

“Thanks Tao.” She said smiling turning about to head out the door.

“Wait!” I said moving over so I was right behind her as she spun around. She blinked a couple times before looking up to me. Her checks once again turning a pinkish color.

‘Time to work my magic.’ I thought before giving off a y smirk. Well I thought it was y.

“What’s your name?” I asked as she blushed more.

“H-Hyemi. Kim Hyemi” She said.

My eyes widened

‘Isn’t that who Kyungsoo said will be living with us??’ I thought as I changed my face back to my smirking face to keep her from getting worried. ‘This is awesome but a little embarrassing’ I thought. My smirk got bigger as I decide to leave an impression on her for now. I bent down to her ear seeing her freeze before letting my breath blow against her ear. I saw her shiver slightly causing me to smirk more.

“Well I guess I’ll be seeing you then. Hyemi-ah” I spoke ily into her ear. Before standing up and walking out the door.  And heading down to the canteen. I was extremely happy now knowing that my crush was going to be living in the same house as me. But I frowned as a thought ran across my head.

‘What if the others start to like her to? What if she falls in love with someone but me?’ I thought as I continued to frown. ‘I won’t let that happened. I like her and I won’t lose to anyone.’ I told myself. Smiling again at how determined I just sounded. ‘Damn I sound desperate.’ I thought shaking my head a smile gracing my lips.

Heading into the canteen I looked up and noticed Kai waving me over to a table that Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were also sitting at.

“Hyung over here!!!” Kai shouted. I chuckled at his childish behavior before heading over to the table and taking a seat.

“Hey Kai, Sehunnie, Baek, and Yeol” I said smiling at each of them as they smiled back. “Have you guys seen Jimin and Jungkook?” I asked

“No I haven’t today.” Baekhyun said as he pushed his tray over to me allowing me to take some of his food. I smiled and nodded. Looking to the other three to see if they had any answers.

“Oh yeah me and Hunnie did. They are still practicing for their show tomorrow. Did you know they came up with a new song and dance?”  Kai answered and asked. I shook my head indicating I hadn’t known about the new song that Bangtan was doing.

‘How come Minnie didn’t tell me? Maybe that’s why he looked so sad when I said I wasn’t coming. I should try to go.’ I thought as I frowned at the new information.

“No I didn’t know that.” I admitted as Kai sighed.

“Hyung, Jimin looked really upset when I asked if you were going to go see him tomorrow night.” Sehun said glancing at me. Hearing him say this caused me to feel even worse.

“Look guys I really want to go, but if I sneak out I need you guys to cover for me if anyone notices I’ve gone out. You know how Kyungsoo will be if he finds out.” I said trying to get there help on this so I can go and see my Minnie mouse preform.

Kai smirked and nodded along with the other three at the table now that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were listening in on the conversation.

 No worries we got you Tata. We know how Minnie feels when you can’t make it to his shows. Plus you haven’t been able to go to the last two performance’s right?” Chanyeol asked and I sighed before nodding.

Every time I tried to go something came up and he couldn’t.

“Okay then operation getTaotonotgetcaughtwhilegoingtoseeJimin’spreformance starts tomorrow!!!” Chanyeol stated really fast making all of us to bust out laughing. At the now out of breathe grinning maniac

“Really hyung!! You look really creepy now.” I mustered out in between my laughter.

“Channie don’t ever do that again.” Baekhyun said as the later pouted. I saw Baek sigh before leaning over and peeking the pouting giant on the lips before moving back to his seat as the other grinned and ate his food happily again.

“Eww Hyung’s TMI!!” Kai said shielding his eyes as I did the same.

“Haha guys you know its okay to look right?” Sehun asked. As I peeked through my fingers to make sure the cost was clear. Before removing my hands.

“Oh Hyung remember the girl I was telling you about?” I asked turning to Baekhyun as he nodded his head.

“I finally talked to her today for a little bit at least.” I said and I saw him smirk.

“Are you finally gonna make a move?” He asked and I grinned. Nodding my head in response. As he smirked again I saw him open his mouth about to speak, but I cut him off.

“Well I’m gonna go sleep now. Text me when last block starts.” I said to them before getting up and leaving the table. A small smile played on my lips as I headed up to the roof were I normally go to sleep during a school day.

“You guys will be so surprised when you find out she will be living with us and will be all mine.” I said to myself getting to the roof and laying down on the bench that was up there. Putting my arms under my head I looked up to the sky and watched the clouds pass by. I sighed happily

‘Tomorrow can turn out being the best day or the worst day ever in my life.  Hopefully the best’ I thought as my eyes drifted close leading me into a peaceful darkness.

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