Chapter 2: You Again

Because You Came, I Know You’d Stay



Kris’ POV

I was sauntering through a busy street with a cup of iced green tea latte on my 4th day here in Qing Dao.  I found it safer and much easier to explore around the places that were closer to my hotel.  This province was more urbanized than I pictured it to be and I was fine with that because I was originally from Guang Zhou, a highly urbanized capital and largest city of Guangdong province.  Vacationing here gave me a sense of home and familiarity.  After migrating to Canada for years, I felt like it would do my Mandarin justice if I could be back in China for a vacation.  I came here alone.  I love travelling alone.  This was not exactly because I have no friends or anything like that.  I just prefer doing things alone and I felt more comfortable when no one was interfering my every doing.  I thought stopping by Qing Dao after visiting Guang Zhou was a great idea until...

“Oh my god!”  (In a thick Qing Dao accent)

I turned around in that very instant when someone crashed into my back.  I was surprised and spun around quickly and what I did not expect was my cup of iced green tea latte went flying that moment.  By the time I regained my composure, I saw my drink dripping off this young man’s face.  “Oh my, I’m so sorry!”  I bent down hastily to pick up the stranger’s belongings.  I collected a few bags of Gucci before looking up.  My jaw dropped when I saw his features clearly this time.  He was busily wiping his face with a handkerchief and was pouting like a pissed off child.

“You again.”  was all I uttered.

He was going to shoot me a scornful look; I could tell until he looked up and remembered who I was.  It was kind of interesting how this young fella before me was behaving in such an unpredictable manner.  Actually, he looked very well built and not much shorter than me.  In fact, he has these dark circles under his eyes which made him look kind of stern and manly but his expressions and reactions just showed otherwise.  Instead of me apologizing for getting him into such a sate, he grabbed his bags of stuffs from my hands, bowed and apologized in an almost voice-breaking tone before scurrying off in the opposite direction.  I thought this was an amusing sight.  To be honest, I was quite angry with him the day before when he hit me and we went into an un-glam kiss while lying on the road.  But seeing him speeding off away from me like a timid mouse right now just made me smile unknowingly.  He’s just weird, or maybe adorable.  Somehow, I smelled a hint of adventure in my stay here.  Perhaps, vacationing here was a good idea after all. 


Tao’s POV

I was so lucky to be able to make it to the Gucci sale.  It was the last day of the sale season and I managed to get a few I really wanted.  I was counting the number of bags I have in these carriers until I realized I may be late for my my Wushu class that afternoon.  I quickened my steps in fear of being late.  My Wushu instructor was someone I would not want to mess with for sure.  Being late would mean another few more hours of practice. On top of that, I was his favourite student and a well respected senior for our Wushu team.  It would be a terrible idea to demolish the exemplary image of me in his mind with my own hands.  Worst if it was because of Gucci.  I was rushing down the street but came to a halt when I crashed right into someone’s back.    “Oh my god!” was all I managed to get through my mouth until a cold drink splashed onto my face.  Hell, I was standing there and dripping wet like a fish.  The most unbearable thing was that whatever that was flowing down my face at that very moment was not even plain water to begin with.  It was sticky and it smelled so sweet.  I quickly wiped them off with my handkerchief.  I was just about to glare and curse at whoever did this to me but held back when I looked up and scrutinized his features.  It was him.  Yes, that beautiful stranger.  I have no idea why but I could literally feel a surge of blood to my cheeks.  Was I blushing?  Well, I supposed so.  I was glad he squatted down to pick up my stuffs.  It would be so awkward if he had seen my blushing face.  Like why was I even blushing!?  I did not even have an answer myself.  The very moment when he got up with my carriers, I almost snatched them over and bowed for a quick apology and shot off in the opposite direction, a longer route to my Wushu class but I could care less.  All I wanted to do then was to get out of his sight.  My heart was beating really quickly.  I thought it was because of my hurried steps, or maybe I was just really freaked out to see that beautiful giant again.  

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Chapter 4: You should try to avoid using Pin Yin (romanized Chinese. You're target audience is reading this story in English and using Pin Yin is unnecessary and confusing. Just a tip.
Mawezi22 #2
Chapter 15: Can you please put more jealous Kris? It's maderparking adorable, it's killing me. And Tao being so considerate!! Shems! I LOVE YOU!!
Chapter 15: awwww why are they so cute ^^ i want more jealous kris lol
Chapter 15: Cute panda and dragon fight^^
Chapter 14: Kris, you tease :D Poor panda >.<
Chapter 14: really but the way you write the teasing part is really good.. i hope you can write one .next chapter maybe? LOL is that too much to ask? hehe
Chapter 14: Haha I loved it!! Couple shirts, hehe^^
emowk84 #8
Chapter 13: Clumsy panda, smartass dragon. ♥ •﹏•