Thanks To

Thanks To [Repost]

My body hardly has any energy left. It feels so drained and exhausted; it's almost numb. My muscles are aching so much, I can hardly feel the pain anymore. I feel like my arms and legs are about to give up on me from holding up something so heavy. I'm tired. I'm way beyond tired. All I want is to stay on this bed and sleep for as long as I want. But of course, I can't do that. Filming is not over yet. We still have a few days here in Saipan. But my body feels so tired, I'm no longer sure if I can still keep going. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, I let my heavy eye-lids drop and let the exhaustion I'm feeling consume me, even just for a few hours. Pillows have never supported my head like they are now and a mattress on a bed has never felt this amazing, supporting all my weight before. I start to feel my own breathing even as I slip into unconsciousness when I heard my room door slowly open. I frown, not wanting my probably very short time of peace to be interrupted. I don't bother opening my eyes. Hopefully, whoever was checking on me would realise I'm asleep and just leave me alone for a short while. But unfortunately, they don't. Instead, I start to hear their footsteps coming closer to me.


"Taemin-ah," a familiar deep, soothing voice calls out. Slowly, I heavily open my exhausted eyes. The view of Minho-hyung hovering above me with concerned eyes immediately comes to my sight.


"Minho-hyung, I thought you were with the sunbaenims? What are you doing back here?" I give him a tired, questioning look.


"I was. But then I noticed you weren't there anymore so I got worried and started looking for you. I couldn't find you anywhere so I figured you came back here to our hotel room." I give him a slight nod in response. "Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good." He frowns with worry as he lifts his hand up and land it on my forehead.


"I'm okay, Minho-hyung. I'm just a bit tired from the activities that we did today, that's all." I give him the best smile I could muster but it probably still looked tired to him because the frown on his forehead stays. I let out a light laugh, "I'm fine, Minho-hyung. Really. Go back to where the sunbaenims are and have fun. Don't worry about me."


The frown on his face slowly disappears as the mood in the room slowly lightens up. "No, that's okay. I think I'd rather stay here with you. Move over." He lightly shoves me over to give himself room and climbs into the bed, diving under the covers with me. I feel his arms automatically wrap themselves around my waist and I smile. "Besides, how can I have fun when you're not there?"


"Hm, I suppose that's true. I do tend to be the life of the party, don't I?" I joke with a laugh. Suddenly, the exhaustion I was feeling not long ago is slowly starting to disappear. My eyes no longer feel like they're about to close involuntarily any second.


"Hey, don't flatter yourself too much," he flicks my forehead lightly.


"Ow, hung," I pout and he laughs. 


Without even realising it, I feel light again. I don't feel tired anymore. I no longer feel the need to sleep for such a long amount of hours and my limbs don't feel like they're about to give out anymore. Thanks to my Minho-hyung is here, all the exhaustion I was feeling earlier are gone.


I wrap my arms around Minho-hyung's waist and bury my face in his chest, "Thank you, Minho-hyung," I say into his chest.


He looks down at me with a confused expression, "For what?"


"For being my source of energy," I smile before leaning up a little to place a gentle, soft kiss on his lips.




A/N: As I said in the foreword, this is an old fic which I wrote a couple or so years ago. It was inspired by the song with the same name by BEAST's Yoseob and Junhyung :)

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Chapter 1: how do write such cute fluffballs? They are so bloody cute and adorable :D