Taste of your own medicine


Yixing likes to nurse a broken heart back to health, but only so he can break it once again.

He's a charmer, full of warm smiles and a dimple to top it all off and baby, it works. Every. Single. Time.
Whats so great about breaking hearts? Nothing in particular just that you had control over that persons mind and body because they trusted you, and you threw it right back in their face.
Joonmyun is an easy target, he's just been dumped and Yixing is all over that like flies on hot .
But Joonmyun isn't what Yixing was expecting, sure the older boy let him fix his broken heart but he's determined to not let the past repeat itself.
If anyone's heart is gong to get crushed under foot, then it's Yixing's and Joonmyun is going to make damn sure he gets a taste of his own medicine.


"Where are you going?! You're not allowed to go out!" Yixing pulled the shorter back by the wrist, an angry expression plastered on his face. He got a scoff in return.

"Oh, so you can stay out till the early morning, but I'm not allowed to do the same?!" Joonmyun knew what his boyfriend was doing, he saw right through the sweet lies and the fake smiles.
"No! Now go to bed, sleep!" Joonmyun pulled his wrist free from the harsh grip, narrowing his eyes at the taller male.
"I know what you're doing Yixing, I know that you are cheating on me" Joonmyun continued his walk to the front door, "But jokes on you because I'm doing the exact same thing to you" Joonmyun turned the door handle, opening the door, looking back one last time.
"Two can play at this game Yixing and I'm not about to lose"
I can't stop writing, I have other things to update but I keep wanting to write one shots and they take up a lot of time. 
I'm not a big fan of Sulay but I had this idea and I thought it would fit them because Lay heals people so he's gonna heal and then break what he's healed *devil smile* I know it's completely out of character but whatever.
I would say this is a one shot but look how the other two turned out, they were all three shots, so I'll see how it goes. I have rough plot yet again so please be patient because I need to think things through.
I do not own any pictures used, copywriter goes to the rightful owner(s) 


I'm sorry...


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Just found this and it looks like u're not update for a long time already.. but i wish u will continue this story cuz the story line is really interesting.. please update :)
Cant 'chu update soon?!?! I Really REALLY want too read it woman!!!! TT^TT

And a badass-jerkass Lay..~KYAAA serious update!!!TT3TT
This is going to be a hell of an interesting story !
Evil Xing OMG ∑(O_O;)
I have never seen that! ((((;゜Д゜)))
I will be waiting, autornim ^^
oh god i am so excited! HOOOOHHHH