

Reminiscence (noun)- The vivid recollection of past events, memories, etc.



He closed his eyes and let himself drift off, into a world of reminisence. 


Wake up soon Baek.



I don't know what this is but it'll be my first chaptered story :) 

Baekyeol because it's baekyeol XD who can resist :3

To be honest I won't know what i write half the time so if you're ever confused don't hesitate to leave a comment !

Happy Reading !


**If the storyline is similar to any fics, it is truly coincidental.

&& Please please please don't plagiarise

Feedback would be appreciated :) it gives me motivation and SUBSCRIBE! Let's be fwends :3 


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Chapter 1: OMG no for real
Girl~! This is so amazing! How dare you tease people like this hurry up and update I want Moar!!! >:) ohmy gosh such a tease, ;A; very well written prologue your so good at writing no lie!! Seriously so good I live this and ohmy gosh BAEKYEOL who doesn't love BAEKYEOL? Huh?! Great love it BBY <3 ^^ keep it up the good work!! Well I know you will ahah <3 xoxo awesome!