Dreams Do Come True

Just A Phone Call

I was shaking vigorously. Come on. Come on Seung Hyun, you will win it! Oh god, please. I want this so badly. I nervously refreshed my email’s inbox again. Please…ugh. I wanted this so bad, I would cry all night if I didn’t win it this time round.

Suddenly, beep.

1 New Message.

Congratulations. You’ve won yourself an opportunity to talk to G-DRAGON on the phone. Please stay tuned tomorrow at 7pm as G-DRAGON, he, himself would be initiating the phone call.

Thank you.

-9:46 p.m.


I literally bounced off my couch. The day I’ve been waiting for forever has finally came. Holy Christ, I think I’m going to swell up and outburst of happiness. Indeed, my lucky day. Immediately, I couldn’t help but kiss the poster of ‘him’ on my bedroom wall.

What do you mean by who is he?

Of course I was referring to the mighty, holy, saint and blessed, G-DRAGON! Oh gosh, the thought of him is making me hyperventilate again and the fact that I’ll be speaking to him on the phone the next day…I’m blessing the lords for that I don’t embarrass myself on the phone then.

I still can’t believe it myself. I won. I freaking won. Can someone pinch me?

It actually took me quite a while to type that contest entry though because of my poor Korean. My lagging phone didn’t help either. Damn.

Such a miracle. I should phone my best friend about it. He would be so jealous…not.

I’m glad I had inputted his number on speed dial. Totally came in handy in such a situation right now. Giving the button a press, I waited for him to pick up the phone.

Ugh, what is it again, Seung Hyun?” He seems cranky today.

“DAESUNG! GUESS WHAT?” I tried to arouse his curiosity.

What?”  He still sounded cranky and monotonous.

“You wouldn’t believe it…” I was trying to stifle an excited giggle.

Just shoot it. A new Bearbrick toy again? Haven’t I told you to stop spending money on that plastic ?”

“I’M GOING TO TALK TO G HOLY DRAGON ON THE PHONE!” I tried my best not to turn Daesung deaf. (Sorry darling, G-Dragon is just that irresistible)

Yah, what? That moronic dragon again? So not happy for you, bestie. Please don’t accuse me of not warning you but that—“

I slammed the phone down. I was too elated that I didn’t want anybody especially Daesung to ruin my mood.

Tsk. That fella. Always so good at bursting my bubble.

Well, you see, I’ve been an avid fan of G-DRAGON or what I would like to call him informally, Jiyong instead for 4 consecutive years already. (and counting!) In fact, it’s even longer than my friendship with Daesung.

Daesung always hated Jiyong, somehow and for somewhat reason I would always never get to figure out.

Geez. He’s such a major party pooper whenever it comes to anything related to Jiyong.

I should turn in now and get some sleep, I wouldn’t want to sound like a half-dead zombie tomorrow. I would probably scare Jiyong.

Alright, light’s off.


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Guys...i lost one of my drafts...so im going to take a while to update. Sorry! T__T


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Chapter 1: Omgmsnfiajgjqinfiiajiwozjfkijfjs why so adorable Seunghyun?
OegraetijasoZxfofkgogkhovsdfodkcosdk I just can't process.
Update sooooooon!
This is so so so so soo cute c:
Chapter 1: Aww, interesting! Seunghyun being a cutie cute fanboy is sooo adorable!