Chapter Two



Kyungsoo wasn't sure what to expect when Kai had pulled of the road and had parked in front of a seemingly abandoned building. 
"You live here or something?" Kyungsoo asked feeling as if he was in something straight from a Fast and Furious movie. 
Kai grinned and pulled up closer and that's when Kyungsoo noticed it. The building had a parking structure about 6 levels up attached to it. He couldn't see much from the ground but he could tell people were up there and he could hear the loud music from above. 
"What is this place?" 
"It's the underground." Kai responded as he pulled closer to the building before stopping at the entry way. A tall dark clothed man stood there and when Kai rolled down his window and held out a Twenty the man only took it silently turning to look at Kyungsoo who shuttered. 
"It's cool he's with me Hobbes." 
The man nodded and stood back and Kai moved on. From behind Kyungsoo could see the other 5 drivers pulling in as well.
"What do you know about.... Fighting?" Kai asked as they went through he first level of the parking lot. Kyungsoo tried to ignore the faces staring in. 
"The windows are tinted. They can't see you. Now again. What do you know about fighting?" 
"That I'm not good at it." Kyungsoo responded truthfully now fully regretting his decision to get in the car. But then again he would take a bullet for Chanyeol and Chanyeol had taken more than a bullet for him. 
"What about gambling?" 
Kyungsoo shrugged not having much experience with cars.
Kai seemed to take this all in as they got to the roof. Kai Parked along with the other five cars and unlocked the doors. 
"What's going on?" 
Kai said nothing as he got out the car and not sure what was happening he got out to. 
"This, is Sehun." Kai Said pointing to a tall blond haired boy who looked exceptionally gumpy. He was standing next to a Bright Green Ferrari with orange and red flames on the side. He looked at Kai slightly annoyed. 
"You know what Kris said. No outsiders." 
"We'll Kris is at home isn't he? He doesn't have to know. Besides I like this guy." Kai winked a Kyungsoo who was not feeling any better about the situation.
"This is Baekhyun,  Chen, Xuimin , And Luhan." 
He pointed them out and each one nodded or ignored Kai completely.
Kai clapped his hands together to begin speaking when another voice was heard. Kyungsoo turned and saw a man who had just parked his car hop out and move towards the group. 
"Oh so you didn't bring all 10 of you today how intres- oh who is this?" Jonghyun came closer to Kyungsoo who seemed rooted to the spot. 
What the hell was going on?
"He's with us." 
Jonghyun snorted and rolled his eyes. 
"Now you see I doubt that Kris let in another person into to your little 'group' " 
"I said he's with us." Kai said stepping forward. Junghyun raised his hands in the air. 
"Alright, Alright. You goin' race shirt stuff?" Jonghyun asked Kyungsoo but Kai answered for him.
"He's Taking the passenger today." 
Jonghyun nodded as if he was expecting this. He waved behind him and another younger boy came up and handed Jonghyun a pink sheet of paper. 
"I'm a little low in funds so I tell you what Kai. We'll race for pink slips today." 
Kai grinned and pulled a pink slip out of his pocket.
"Kai." This was a warning sound from Xuimin. 
Ignoring him Kai waved the pink slip in his face.
"What are we racing?" Kai asked accepting the challenge. 
"." Chen mumbled under his breath. 
"Two laps. Just around the Underground. Kai grinned even wider and they shook hands. 
To Kyungsoo the atmosphere seemed to change it changed to an excitment that he really didn't understand. Jonghyun and his crew hopped back in their cars and quickly pulled off.
"ing ." 
"Kris is going to kill you." 
"What the Kai?" All at once everyone exploded on him but Kai once again ignored them. He turned to Kyungsoo and pointed at him. 
"Your coming with me." 
"What?! Kai! Why are you bringing him into this what the hell is wrong with you?" Xuimin yelled. 
Kai moved Kyungsoo roughly to the door of the car and shoved him in. Kyungsoo's heart was beating as Kai got In. 
"What the hell is going on?" Kyungsoo asked eyes wide.
"You haven't figured it out yet? We're street racers." 
Kyungsoo was having a hard time breathing as he heard the countdown. Everyone had surrounded the track and from across him Kyungsoo could see Jonghyun in the car next to him. 
"This isn't safe. This isn't even legal!" Kyunhsoo said panicking. 
Kai only laughed when the crowd reached down to 1 and he stepped on the gas. Kyungsoo flew back I'm his seat his hair flipping back and over his face. The rows and sea of people disappeared before him almost as if he was entering some kind of vortex. Even though he hated to say it was thrilling. He could feel his heart banging and for the first time that night he wasn't scared or worried about anything. 
The first lap was brilliant not a single mistake on Kai's part and they were close enough in front of Jonghyun to win. 
Kai seemed to have been In his own world just as Kyungsoo was. It was only into the middle of the second lap when the bang came. It was aloud pop that brought the both of them back to reality. Kai pulled off to the side as the car seemed to slow down completely. Kai looked in horror at the smoking top of the hood. 
"Oh !" Kai clambered out the car, Kyungsoo after him. 
"Pop the hood." Kyungsoo said and Kai looked at him strangely. 
"Just do it!" Kyungsoo said. Kai ran back and popped it and Kyungsoo pulled the up over his head and be inside. Within a few seconds the car was roaring back to life and Kai was looking suprised at Kyungsoo as he slammed the good closed. 
"How did you do that?!" 
"We don't have much time!" Kyungsoo said surprising himself because he actually wanted to get back In the car. 
They slid back in just In time for Jonghyun to round the corner they stepped on the gas and made their way back to the finish line. 
It was an amazing feeling when they reached the end. Kyungsoo didn't want the feeling to be over but he desperately wanted to go home. 
They were met at the end by the cheers of everyone. 
"Hand it over." Kai said getting out the car and Jonghyun angrily tossed the paper at Kai. Not before leaving a warning.
"Next time won't be so easy kid." 
"Dude that was ing crazy!" Chen said coming up to them. Kai turned to Kyungsoo. 
"How did you know how to do that?" 
"I spent two years building cars and working on engines." Kyungsoo answered again wishing he could just shut his mouth." 
" we could really use someone like y-" 
"No thank you. I'd rather to home." 
Kai's eyes narrowed then nodded.
"Fine. Baekhyun will take you home. In the meantime. Think about it." 
Kai took Kyungsoo's arms and pulled a pen out of his pants pocket writing a number on Kyungsoo's arm. 
"In case you change your mind." 
Kyungsoo was relieved to see the college building when Baekhyun stopped. 
"Sorry about Kai...he's kind of crazy." 
"No kidding." Kyungsoo mumbled before hopping out the car. 
He was barely in the door of his shared dorm room when he was burnt rushed at my his giant best friend. 
" I saved your life!" Kyungsoo said coming in the room. 
"They could have killed you! Or kept you as a slave or some ! Why the hell would you ever get in the car! We could have figured something else out!" 
"Oh so your the only one who could sacrifice themselfs?!" 
" I never asked you to! It was my problem! Mine! Kyungsoo! Don't even be so reckless again!" 
"I'm not listening to this . You're welcome by the way." 
Kyungsoo stalked off into the bathroom and shut the door. 
Chanyeol fell to bed holding his head in his hands. 
He was so thankful that Kyungsoo was alive and in one piece that he momentarily didn't care about the fight. 
"Kyungsoo you can't ever do that again. I love you to much to lose you." Chanyeol whispered into his hands trying to control his breathing. 
Kyungsoo took a hot shower hoping that it would help him forget the events of the night. It was a one time thing he would laugh a about a year from now. Kyungsoo only wished that someone had told him how very wrong he was. 
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Chapter 2: omg i love cars this is perfect ;u;
slowbutsure #2
Chapter 1: sounds interesting..
I hope Kyungsoo is fine around jongin kekeke~