You were my Destiny - Do we love without hating?

You were my Destiny - Do we love without hating?

Taecyeon sat on a bench, not knowing where to go. Some minutes ago, he was left by the most imoprtant person in his life. He wanted to die. 

If Juliet would leave Romeo, because she lost interest, wouldn't he want to die? wouldn't he wish, he'd never met her? Wouldn't he want to erase every single moment they spent together, since it makes no sense to keep the memories? 
But still, Taecyeon shook his head, he don't want to forget her, that lovely girl, who changed him. 
Ok Taecyeon, that beastly womanizer, who was just out for one-night-stands or played with other girl's hearts.
But now, he was the one, who sat on a bench, who was now, a broken-hearted boy. 
Words were spinning in his head, he didn't know, how to deal with them. They were getting louder and clearer.
Finally, he began to scream, tears were running down his face. He stood up, cause he couldn't hold it in anymore. His pain was getting harder to manage.
Taecyeon you deserve this!! - he thought to himself.
Now, he was kneeling. It was dark, no one was outside. He was completely alone.
Why am I such a jerk?!?! - his ears began to ache. His hands covered both sides of his head, like he was trying to reduce the pain.
Why couldn't I just tell her about it?? and Why didn't I immediately ran after her?? - he almost yelled at himself.
He started to scream, while he looked up at the empty sky, where stars supposed to shine:
He looked down again, knowing that she won't come back:
If you only knew, that I love you more than my own Life...
His hands and knees touched the ground. He took is hand and placed it on his chest. ..
It's hurting too much without you! I would lie if I say that you didn't mean a thing to me ... But...please..don't lie.. please don't say... you only think of me as ... as a beast...
I'm not a beast! I will turn to the most charming prince for you .. there is no other girl in my heart and there will never be! 
He began to tremble. His body became weaker and weaker. His eyes closed and he fell to the ground.
...Yoona ... 
It was good to reject him. He doesn't deserve my feelings for him, is he?
But why did it felt so wrong to say these hateful words. He looked so innocent. His eyes could replace a lighthouse. 
What are you thinking to let him go, even though you love him?? Are you loosing your mind, your heart? 
What have I done?! He means so much to me! 
Tears were running down her face, she was not sure at all. What should she do, she had  no other choice: 
Taec's Dad: Yoona? can I speak to you for a moment?
Yoona: of course *bows*
Taec's Dad:It's about Taecyeon...
Yoona: What's with him?
Taec's Dad: He wanted to propose to you ...
Yoona: *shocked* .. r-rea-really?
Taec's Dad: But you should reject it ... *feels.sorry*
Yoona: *even more shocked* w-wh-why?? 
Taec's Dad: I really like you as my future-daughter-in-law but he has ...*lying* another girl in his mind!
Yoona: ww-w-what?!
Taec's Dad: Do this favor to me and reject his proposal, he will break your heart. I know him the best!
Yoona: *tries to hide her tears*
Taec's Dad: don't worry, he will be happy, even though, he'll pretend to be in pain ... trust me.. it's the best for both of you ...
Yoona [pulled herself together]: o-okkay, I-I-I will do it, ... f-for the sake of both families...
Taec's Dad: okay, ... that means this is the last time we see each other, hope you will do it without regrets later on... 
Yoona: Neh, the last time ... Gamsahamnida for telling me this , I'm going to tell him the next time ... I head to home now ...
Taec's Dad: Farewell! 
Yoona left the room as quickly as she could. 
The day came, when he proposed...
Taec: ... your beauty filled every room I went in after I've met you the first time, I still can't say if it was Love at first sight but that doesn't matter to me anymore. You let a golden Love-flower grow inside of my mind by just thinking about you. I hope that if we're already husband and wife, we can learn from each other, smile together and cherish every day of our being. Yoona, I want to ask you, if you want to become my wife...?
Yoona [almost in tears]: ... Taecyeon-ah, it's over ...
Taec [his smile faded]: .. with what?
Yoona: You're an idiot, not knowing why... you go out with other don't really love me!
Taec: What?! *confused* if I don't really love you, then why would I kneel down and ask my Love if she want to marry me?!?
Yoona: don't try lying to me ! It's definetely over... 
She immediately stood up and ran out of the restaurant. She couldn't stop her tears from rolling down her cheeks.
At the restaurant ... 
A waiter stood next to him and patted him on his shoulders. 
waiter: My girlfriend isn't any better...
Taec: ..just let me pay all this.. *stood up*
waiter: neh. It'll be alright
Taec: *paid* thanks *ran out of the restaurant*
Taecyeon ran as fast as possible, he ran to catch up with Yoona, but she was nowhere to find. She disappeared, maybe forever.
End of Flashback-------
Yoona was still walking around without knowing where to go.
Is he hurt? Is everything over now? Why didn't he ran after me? If he really felt something for me, he would ran after me! Maybe this other girl is more important to him...
It's so dark outside... where am I ?
She was never been so afraid like she was at this night.
But who knew, that this night was the last night.
... Taecyeon ...
Taecyeon felt the cold ground touching his cheek and belly.
He couldn't move a finger. It was really over, not only with Yoona but also with his existence. If Yoona wouldn't live by his side, then there would be no reason to live for him.
She had something in her heart, it was her pure way of loving, that kept him alive. 
But the doctors were right,... it was a wonder that he was still alive for more than 6 months. SHE was the reason.
But now she's gone. He felt, how his heart beat slower and slower. He even began to count his last heartbeats.
He promised himself not to cry anymore, but he just wanted to say one last thing to her, but he knew, it can't happen.
His view was getting worse. He felt like a blind dog, searching for it's food. 
Taecyeon couldn't pull himself together, he had to cry but he doesn't even had the power to.
All of a sudden, something moved him from his current position to the position, where he could watch the night sky.
Someone was shaking him. He couldn't recognize this person clearly and couldn't hear a voice. 
Just a little noise which sounded like a lullaby hummed to a child, like a sound of waves crashing at each other but still creating this harmony.. it was the sound of comfort.
There, he knew who that person was. It was none other than Yoona.
Was he already dead or was he still alive?
Was it a dream? 
If he had the strength to say something, he would tell her so much even if she doesn't believe, she deserved the truth.
Yoona patted his head, she didn't know why she was there but she was there. She saw someone lying on the ground and promptly ran to that person.
She didn't know exactly why she knew it was Taecyeon before, but she was right.  
His lifeless body was lying there, She turned him around to face him.
Yoona saw his eyes, which were still open, like he was trying to recognize something.
Don't ..leave me! can you hear me! 
It's NOT over, ... not with us! *cries* just .. don't! - yoona cried.
Taecyeon really tried to move something from his body to give her, at least, a sign. 
He wished her Love and more than that. His last heartbeats reached the deadline. 
He tried hard and finally could move his hand to touch her lips.
It was more of a coincidence, that he touched her lips, 'cause he was already caught in the grainy world.
Taec, I don't know why, you're lying here but I will always be by your side. - Yoona thought, while tried to pull herself together.
In fact, Taecyeon couldn't hear a word she was saying, but the warmth of her tender lips was enough to understand what she wanted to tell him, they also reminded him of their first kiss.
He smiled, it changed nothing of this situation, but it would influence Yoona's life forever.
Yoona saw it and ever since then, she knew, that he will never be in this world anymore but he will be always in her world.
It doesn't matter, where she was heading to, she knew, everything must be a plan of this world and she was just a little bolt in the whole complexe. 
But Yoona was pure in heart with herself, with Taec and the rest of the world.
That's why she is sitting with her special someone at a bench, knowing that Taec wishes her love, but neither forgetting about her past Destiny nor regretting loving Ok Taecyeon.
Tell me what you think and if you liked it then also please read my other Fanfic, which is a bigger project but I plan to write more little one-shots ^^ if you want a sequel or a story-line then just post is on my wall , I'm really thankful 
gamsahamnida *bows* - :D JS 
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Chapter 1: omg this is so good
i'm a little obsessed with taecyoon right now :3
Why did he die? O.o
That was a really good stories
I want to see what happens so please continue^^ Mind if you can read mine? I want to know what your opinion is^^ thank you
Yangmei #5
Since it's Taecyeon, I'm totally subscribing and reading <3