Lay : Piano

EXO Drabbles


You hesitantly touched the piano keys, for it had been long since you played and your boyfriend was watching. You were afraid that you couldn't remember how to play and that would trigger off Lay's disappointment in you. But what you didn't know was that Yixing, this sweetheart, would never love you less just because of your rusty piano skills.
"Baobei, you'll do fine." Yixing reassured you, patting you on your back. You smiled feebly at him, taking a deep breath, before trying to play a song for memory.
You winced at the mistakes that came here and there, but didn't stop because Lay cheered you on - by humming to the song. You slowly picked up bits of confidence.
Then it hit you, causing you to stop playing. Your hands dropped limply to your sides. "I... I forgot the rest." You said in embarrassment, trying not to look at your boyfriend. He sighed, which made you hang your head lower, thinking that you really disappointed him.
"Baobei, have more confidence in your self. You did great." You felt Yixing pat your head and you looked up hesitantly.
"Really?" You asked timidly.
"Yes, baobei." He replied, smiling at you earnestly. But he tutted at you for your lack of confidence. "You're doing fine. Now lets run through the song, but without the mistakes, okay?" You nodded to him with a tiny smile. He returned your smile with one of his own, only more charmingly.
Yixing nudged you to the side and you shuffled to the right a little, before he settled beside you.
He slowly went through the song with you, highlighting the areas which you made a mistake before. He also added his own tiny twists into the song, making amendments where he deemed fit.
His advices, as well as teaching, were a great help and you couldn't help but feel so loved. "If you weren't an idol, I think you would be a fantastic kindergarten teacher." You commented, causing him to stop his little lesson.
You laughed at a mental image of him being flustered when he first became a teacher, but quickly warming up to the kids. "Why a kindergarten teacher?" He asked, his arms bringing you closer to him.
"Well, you are nice and patient, and you're slow to anger," You listed, resting your head on his shoulder. "I'm sure the kids will love you." You added, grinning.
You two sat a while in silence, before Yixing suggested that you two play the song together on piano.
The melodic and harmonic lines blended well, the mistakes having evaporated from just now. The pleasing piece of music — the fruit of Yixing's teaching. The song ended in a flourish, and you smiled at the touch of pride in the his eyes.
"That was great," you murmured, leaning back against his chest. He laughed in happiness, arms finding their place around you.
"No, we were great."
You turned in his arms to press a kiss to his jaw in silent agreement.
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Em1412 #1
OMG SO FLUFFY AND CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Omg this chapter is so cute I loved the way you portrayed Tao ^_^
minsul94 #3
Chapter 25: this story make my day soooo beautiful thanks <333
byunbebek #4
Chapter 22: sweeeeeeeeet overload.....n
flyingfili #6
Chapter 29: aaaaw, this one is so sweet, kriiis <3 a perfect date uh oh
flyingfili #7
Chapter 19: came here because of RandomnessOfMe recommendation!
the more i read the more i love your drabbles.
i think you really developed well by each story because the story flows better
especially love this one from all the chapters i have read so far hehe, will read more later <3
Chapter 30: Whee~ Sehunnie! ^^ I missed your drabbles