Because Of You

Classmates - Sunggyu

Once you got into the cafeteria, kids snickered and laughed at you for coming back to school.

"So you decided to be a bad girl then come back. Maybe you should be punished." The guys sneered as Sunggyu tensed his hand that wrapped around yours.

"They’re not worth it." You dipped your head as you got your lunch as Sunggyu nodded following you.

"Oh look at the drop out and the sleeper in class, what a cute couple." The popular girls cooed as you walked to your seat in the back of the cafeteria. People threw paper balls at you and pencils as Sunggyu started to get annoyed. He began to stand up and you just put your hand on his strong fist that pressed against the table. Shaking your head lightly you closed your eyes and went back to eating as he sat back down.

”______? Is this what every day is like for you?” Sunggyu asked as you nodded your head sadly.

"You made it worse most days." You said quietly as he felt his heart ache for you, for everything that he has put you through.

Getting through that day wasn’t that difficult, but you had been through worse. A couple days went by as Sunggyu stuck by your side. Then one day Sunggyu got called to the office and you were all alone again to face the school that had been so cold to you. At the end of class, the classmate that sat behind you stuck a piece of paper on your back that said pinch me. As you walked through the busy halls on a break people kept pinching you as you threw your elbows at them trying to get them off. Walking down the long hallway they suddenly stopped and looked up as did you. Sunggyu was standing in front of you, glaring his eyes at them as he clenched his fist.

"Jerks" Sunggyu hissed as he took the paper from your back.

Later that night, you began to cry on your bed as you felt all of the emotions that you had bottled up, explode inside of you. Muffled talking outside of your door pulled your head up from your pillow to see Sunggyu standing at your open door.

"What do you want?" You said through your tears as you held your pillow close to you.

"I am just so sorry, for everything that I had put you through." He gently sat down on your bed as you kept your eyes on him. "I put you through those things because I liked you. I was just too shy to actually tell you, I am so sorry about all of the things that I did to you and all of the pain that I put you through." Sunggyu said as a tear trailed down his cheek knowing all of the pain that you have suffered in one day. Sitting closer to him, you wrapped your arms around him and held him close.

"I liked you too, that is the only reason why I kept on going to school. It was because of you." You smiled looking up at him happily.

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Chapter 2: Awww this story is so good. <333
It also made me angry when I have read the bullying part.. tttttttt people like those should get a life for God's sake!

Thank you for writing <3
Chapter 2: You decided to continue it?! Omg, yey!!!
This was adorable <3
Chapter 1: awwww....
this one-shot is really cute!
Chapter 1: This was cute! I wish there was more :'(
Any chance of continuing this?
Pretty please?