Letters For You

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Receiving letters from an unknown, Luhan starts to wonder who is the sender. The letters she sent seem to always brights his day. Seeing as he couldn't find any clue at all to who she is, he decides to leave it to fate. He believes he will meet her someday, one way or another.




Dear Luhan, 

The moment I laid my eyes on you,  I felt a wave of emotion hit me. It was overwhelming. Do you remember when we first met? Oh, who am I kidding, of course you don't. You were running to god knows where and it seems like you were in a hurry, you bumped into me and we both fell. You helped me pick up my scattered belongings and apologized to me. I was not able to respond to you because I was mesmerized by your beautiful bright eyes that were staring back at me. That split second felt like ternity for me and a split second was all it takes.

For me to fall for you. 





"Hyung, you got letters!"

Luhan scrambled off from his bed and dashed to the front doors. He snatched the letters from D.O who blinked his eyes at him, and flips the many letters in his hands in search for the cream-coloured envelope. Once he founds it, his eyes glittered and he dashed back to his room and slammed the door shut, not before yelling a thank you to D.O.

Luhan made sure to lock his door before carefully opening the envelope. He reads the letter and a smile tug on his lips. The words she describe him, never fail to make him smile. He always loved the way her beautiful handwriting stretch along the papers. Her last word before ending the letters are always the same, making his heart beat increased.

Once he finished reading the letter, he placed it in a box where all the previous letters are in and sighed. He wanted to know so bad who the girl is but she is too damn good in concealing her information. The only way he could recognize her is by her beautiful, neat handwriting.

He didn't even know where to start searching for her. He had no clue at all. And it frustrates him.

All he can do is wait, for now.






Any similarities is pure coincidence.

Hope you enjoy ! ^^


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mifky91 #1
Chapter 12: Nice story. Ngeh ngeh. I am amazed. Lol. Keep writing and updating. Im so proud of u. Heh ^_^
Chapter 12: i totally forgot about this fic and then i saw it updated and i was rly happy!! school can be stressful and time consuming so it's ok if you don't update~ don't feel pressured or bad! take your time and keep up the good work!
floxycurl #3
Chapter 12: This is great ^^ Update more please... your story are incredibly awesome and amazing.
Chapter 11: And they are friends already CX
I really want to read sora's point of view tbh.
Chapter 10: Omg I'm squealing every time I read every single letter. And they finally met! I'm squealing once again.

Acccck. cx
Chapter 11: i was having a really bad day but this made it all better^^ so cute ahhhhhh
ScarletAlphaHunter #7
Chapter 11: YAY!! they're finally friends now.....*CUTE*
great story...^^LOVE IT! >_< <3 <3
ScarletAlphaHunter #8
Chapter 10: YAY!!! they finally meet each other!! ~HAPPY~^_^
Update soon....:-)
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaah~! >< this story is getting better and better.. XD i hope you'll update soon! <3 <3 hwaiting ~ =))
Chapter 10: What a destiny!