
Not a Word

"Hi Lulu..." Aya whispered quietly as she slowly walked to her brother's bed, pale lips curling into a small smile." Sehun told me to come here first cause he wants to stay with you through the night..." Her voice broke at the last few words as slowly, tears trickled down her face."His parents are worried, too. By the way, Mr Lee called me that your father had picked you up. He was expecting you to at least call him that you're fine and all. I told him what happened and he sounded really sad. Seems like you managed to get him love you."

It was so weird to talk to Luhan like this for the girl. She was already too used to speak and giggle around with him, to snuggle close to him on cold nights when their only lullaby was the whistling of the cold wind that would seep into their room through the tiny cracks on the wall. But now, Luhan was lying there motionlessly, one of his eyes covered by a bandage. Most of his face was painted black and blue by numerous bruises while his once unblemished, soft lips were cut open, still bleeding a little.

Had she not loved the boy so deeply, Aya would have ran away. But Luhan was her brother, the one who she truly treasured because they were alike, because their pasts were similar...

Back when she was little, she would never understand why her classmates liked to decide that someone was their sister or brother. It all seemed pointless to Aya; saying you are as close as family with someone just because you are friends with them, pretending to be siblings where you are not.

It all had been nothing but a stupid game to her and there she was now, crying as she prayed for the life of the boy she adored like he was her brother by blood.

She never expected things to turn out like this, but Aya knew well that life could be odd at times.

"Sweetie, I think you should go home now..." Sehun's mother suddenly interrupted the girl's musings as she put a comforting hand on Aya's shoulder."He is not going anywhere for now..."

"I know..." Aya mumbled back as she bit into her lower lip, deep down wishing that she could just hug the woman and be comforted by her motherly presence. But she knew that Sehun needed his mother much more than her right now.

Sehun was the one in love with Luhan, after all. Aya was nothing but a sister who was worried about her brother deeply...

"Now, go home, sleep and come back tomorrow when you have the time. If he wakes up, we will be sure to phone, okay?" At any other occasions, the woman's soothing voice would have been enough to lull the girl into a state of peace, but Aya was far too distressed for that at the moment. Although she nodded numbly, her lower lip was still quivering as she reached out towards Luhan as if the boy would see that and take her hand.suddenly wake up and take her hand.

"Okay." Aya mumbled softly."But please, call me even if he just wakes up for a moment, I want to know..."

"Of course we will, sweetie. But go now, it's already pretty late." The woman replied with a gentle smile before giving the girl a gentle push towards the door."You gotta be in top shape for when he wakes up, don't you?"

The girl nodded once again and silently walked out of the room, tears shining in her eyes. It all seemed too frighteningly surreal to her. She wanted nothing but to go back to Mr Lee's house and find Luhan there, slumbering peacefully."Oh Lu, why would anyone hurt you?" She asked from herself.

Aya knew that she should have called her father, but she decided to walk home. By the time she was allowed to see Luhan, the moon had crawled up the sky along with many stars that seemed to be glaring at her as she made her way through the concrete jungle, tensing whenever cars would pass her.

She hated walking alone, but she lived pretty close to the hospital and it wasn't that late. Actually, the cool air managed to calm her down slightly, for which she was thankful. She didn't want to break down because she knew that Luhan didn't want that.

It was really strong to keep going, pretending that her brother would be fine very soon, but Aya tried. For Luhan and not for herself.

By the time the girl stepped into her house, Sehun was already by Luhan's bedside, clutching the boy's tiny hand almost like the brief but warm contact could heal the boy.

"You will wake up soon, right?" He asked quietly, his voice unsure and pained."We really should go around town soon, you know. My mom showed me a small restaurant just a few days ago. I think you would love the food there and well, you really need to put on some weight. God Luhan, you're so skinny. I know that if you were awake, I would be too scared to tell you this but at times I feel like you're just like a snowflake...Pretty but so so fragile. Luhannie, you have to get better right now because we have so many things to do still. You have to meet my stepfather and talk with him for a while because of some things, you have to cook with my mom because I know that it would be really nice if you tried cooking together, you have to... You have to do so many things still..." Sehun's voice broke as he brought Luhan's hand to his lips, kissing it multiple times... He felt incredibly tired yet he was too scared to close his eyes, even for moments.

Luhan seemed broken right now and he wanted to be there to put him back together.

Every moment and minute, hour and day, Sehun was going to be there to help the older boy. He was going to hold him when he was in pain, he was going to make him laugh when he was sad. He was ready to do anything that could help the tiny boy because he was in love.

But, oh, why did it have to hurt so much?

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Chapter 85: I'm so mad that I only had the chance to read this now but thank you so much for writing this masterpiece! ㅠㅠ ♡ I was honestly surprised at the number of chapters I could clearly feel the amount of time and effort that went into this fic. And let's not even start with the number of times I grew anxious whenever something bad happened to Lu or during the first few chapters when Sehun seemed strange (I even had thoughts that maybe Lu was just imagining him or something because he doesn't talk much xD) I enjoyed every bit of reading this!! The part was so cute and sweet, and I was kind of worried about the fact that they were step-brothers but thank god their parents accepted them ^^
rracchel #2
Chapter 90: Luhan went through so much I wanna hug him so badly ㅠㅠ
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 16: Poor Lulu T^T
Chapter 100: Omg i superb love this. Good story. Thankyou so much authornim.
Chapter 99: Just finished reading this and boy, I love it! Great story!
296 streak #6
Chapter 20: Uhhh I hope luhan never back to that home...his stepfather will hurt him T_T
296 streak #7
Chapter 19: Sehun so sweet, he's so nervous :D
296 streak #8
Chapter 18: where's sehun??
296 streak #9
Chapter 17: T_T
I hope you well soon, luhan,,,,maybe you don't need back to your cruel dad,,,,maybe sehun do not let you,,,
296 streak #10
Chapter 16: wake up luhaaaaaaan, Sehun's waiting for you~~~~~~~~~