
Not a Word

AN: Hi guys ^^ I'll be honest with you, this chapter is mainly being written right now to distract me... let's just say I had my eyes checked. I already knew that it would never be cured but that doesn't mean that I'm not kind of...sad cause of it. Annnd to top it off, I'm allergic to something, which in my parents' language means cat. I have three of them. That's all I guess. Warning: I had that type of eyedrops given to me which makes you unable to see sharply in close distance, so my grammar will probably in this chapter...I'll check it in 1-2 days when the effects wear off.

Love you.

(for the effect, listen to ballads or sad songs while reading this)

Sehun sat down on a cold plastic chair, only to push himself away from it only moments later, an annoyed grunt escaping him. For hours now, they had been waiting for an update on Luhan's condition, but no one seemed to know anything. Sometimes nurses or doctors would come and go, but they would always pass the family without even giving them a second look.

"Why you?" The boy asked himself, desperation lacing his quiet words."Why you...?"

"Because god knows that he is a fighter and he will endure it." Sehun heard his mother whisper, but even she didn't seem convinced by her own words. Although she barely knew Luhan, she looked like a mess: her hair was sticking in many directions, her make-up was messed up and her form was shaking slightly. For once, not even her loving husband could chase her guilt and worries away.

"It's just that.. he looked so tiny like that, mom. All beaten up and weak." Sehun murmured to himself softly before sighing a little. He couldn't help but glance at the tiny,  torn bag that they had found near the place Luhan had been lying. He had seen it many times before as usually, the small boy brought his books to school in it but now it looked so much different.

Like Luhan, it was broken.

The shrill, familiar ringing of a phone made the boy tense. His eyes widened as he realized that the sound came from the bag. Quickly, he ped it and took out Luhan's small, old phone.

"Hello?" He asked after he picked up the phone, not even looking at the name of the caller. He assumed it to be Luhan's stepfather as in the panic that had fallen upon him and his parents once they realized that something was wrong, they had forgotten to call him. Sehun was almost sure that the man didn't actually want the tiny blond to leave their house and was now panicking as he couldn't find him.

However, the voice that spoke into the phone wasn't a man's. It was a girl's, who he still wasn't quite fond of.

"Lulu? Oh my, thank god I finally found your number, guess what? My dad finally had the balls to..." Aya spoke excitedly, her voice somewhat tugging at certain strings of Sehun's heart. After listening to such happy words, how could he actually tell the girl that Luhan was in surgery at the moment and that... that there was a chance that he would never wake up?"

"Aya, it's Sehun," he said quietly, his voice a bit shaky. Although he was already a bit annoyed by the high-pitched chirps of the girl -  or by how close she seemed to be to Luhan to talk to him like that - he knew that she meant a lot to Luhan and that she obviously had every right to know about what had happened to her friend."Luhan... Luhan had been attacked." The boy's voice broke a little as unconsciously, the state he found Luhan in flashed up in front of his eyes. He wanted to scream, to cry, but he knew that right now, he had to be strong.

"You're just kidding, right?" Aya asked softly, her words coming out in a surprisingly amused manner."I bet you two think this is incredibly funny, Sehun, but I need to talk to Lulu so please, give the phone to him."

"I'm not kidding. He got into some kind of fight with his father and he was told to go away, but someone found him. I have no idea if anything had been stolen from him, but probably not as his phone is still here."

"No." Aya choked out."No, he can't be hurt, he is fine..." She continued, her voice muffled by soft sobs."How... How is he?"

"We don't know..." Sehun finally allowed himself to cry although normally, he would have been everything but proud of the huge, warm tears that rolled down his cheeks again and again, heating up his skin."He had been in surgery for some time and... and we don't know what's going to happen."

"He will be fine..." The girl whispered shakily."He has to be fine, he has to meet Kris and my stepmother..." She rambled on and on, her voice growing more and more hysteric as she listed up many reasons for Luhan to be alright.

Sehun just nodded, not even caring that the girl couldn't see him."Yes, he has to be fine." He whispered, biting into his lower lip as a nurse left the room that held Luhan and many doctors.

"How is he?" He asked hopefully but the woman just shook his head.

"I can't tell you much, not even to his father." She murmured."Not now, at least because we are still trying to stabilize his state. We don't know what the exact damage is, so we really don't want to bring your... hopes up. I'm sorry."

Sehun heard Aya whimper in shock. It was obvious that the girl, too, had heard what the nurse said quite matter of factly. Almost like she wasn't even talking about Luhan's life but about some animal's or something. It just sounded so cruel to Sehun...

"He will be fine." He murmured into the phone."I'm sure he will. Now, go to sleep and in the morning when he will be already up and happy, come visit him, okay? He's going to need his other friend, not only me."

"I... I'm scared to go to sleep." Aya admitted softly."I'm scared because what if... what if...?"

"It won't happy, trust me, Aya. Luhan is a fighter. He had been sick and beaten up before and he turned out to be completely fine." Sehun felt like he was lying to the girl but he didn't have the heart to tell her that the nurse that was still standing in the hall, shook her head slowly.

No, because he didn't want to believe her either. He desperately wanted to believe that in just a few hours, Luhan would be laughing with him at how they had all got so scared about such a small attack.

Sighing softly, he said a soft good-bye to Aya as the girl promised him that she would sleep. For some reason, he wished that she hadn't had to leave just some time ago because maybe, maybe she would never see Luhan again.

Sehun ran a hand through his hair nervously before sitting down close to his mother and snuggled into her side."We're gonna be a happy family, right?"

"Of course, Sehunnie. The happiest family ever."

And then, the door of the room opened, revealing a tired but quite depressed looking doctor who slowly walked up to the family of three, his gaze full of remorse which made Sehun whimper pathetically in fear.

And without even waiting for the man to say anything, he ran.

He ran because he knew all too well that whatever he was going to hear wasn't good.

He wished that he didn't know it though, he wished that he could still hope that Luhan was going to be fine in a few days or maybe weeks.

Although he felt somewhat childish, he didn't dare to stay. Like this, he felt like he would still be able to dream of a world where everything was going to be alright.

AN: That's it.

BUT, I hope the ending of the chap. was open enough. AKA I'm not telling you whether Lu's  dead or alive yet :3

You'll see it in the next update :3

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Chapter 85: I'm so mad that I only had the chance to read this now but thank you so much for writing this masterpiece! ㅠㅠ ♡ I was honestly surprised at the number of chapters I could clearly feel the amount of time and effort that went into this fic. And let's not even start with the number of times I grew anxious whenever something bad happened to Lu or during the first few chapters when Sehun seemed strange (I even had thoughts that maybe Lu was just imagining him or something because he doesn't talk much xD) I enjoyed every bit of reading this!! The part was so cute and sweet, and I was kind of worried about the fact that they were step-brothers but thank god their parents accepted them ^^
rracchel #2
Chapter 90: Luhan went through so much I wanna hug him so badly ㅠㅠ
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 16: Poor Lulu T^T
Chapter 100: Omg i superb love this. Good story. Thankyou so much authornim.
Chapter 99: Just finished reading this and boy, I love it! Great story!
296 streak #6
Chapter 20: Uhhh I hope luhan never back to that home...his stepfather will hurt him T_T
296 streak #7
Chapter 19: Sehun so sweet, he's so nervous :D
296 streak #8
Chapter 18: where's sehun??
296 streak #9
Chapter 17: T_T
I hope you well soon, luhan,,,,maybe you don't need back to your cruel dad,,,,maybe sehun do not let you,,,
296 streak #10
Chapter 16: wake up luhaaaaaaan, Sehun's waiting for you~~~~~~~~~