The Deer In The Forest

♡ Do You Believe In Fairytales? ♡

Once upon a time there was a Kingdom called Faerun. It was one of the greatest and most beautiful kingdoms in the whole world. People from far away longed to visit the kingdom, in order to greet the friendly townspeople, see the beautiful, clean streets, and more than anything… The people around the world longed to see the most beautiful forest, which was surrounding the kingdom. The forest was peaceful, yet dangerous. It would be kind to any person, who meant no harm – but it would be quite life-threatening against people whose hearts weren’t pure. The creatures of the forest were able to look into anyone’s eyes, and see what kind of evil they tried to hide inside their mind – inside their soul.

“The creatures?” You might think, wondering exactly what I am talking about.

You see, the creatures of the forest. They aren’t animals, but they aren’t human either.

Some of them might be half and half, while other creatures are completely out of our world. Whether it might be their quite sparkly, butterfly wings, on a person only about a foot tall, or the more frightening, dangerous creatures, who do not have any evil thought inside their head, even though their faces are very hideous.

There’s a lot of creatures in the forest – both beautiful, and less beautiful, but they’re all something you can not imagine.

Or, that’s what people used to say – there was something quite magical about the forest.

But that’s a long time ago.

No one has really been able to see the magical creatures of the forest anymore. I believe, I was one of the last people who actually saw one.

But who will believe in the tales of an old King? That’s right. No one with their brains and mind intact would. That’s why I blame myself, for the heavy burden I’ve put on my son’s shoulders. I was the one, who started this whole war – because deeply inside, I actually believed… That even the most clever, grown-up man, would never forget his childhood fairytales.

My son… Wasn’t one of them…

Until he saw it for himself.


 “Sehun! You can’t just run off like that!” Sehun heard a voice yell behind him, as he tightened his grip on the leather reins of his white stead, and started riding faster – not wanting to go back to that ty place of a castle. It felt like, he had been kept captive in his own home for days. He had been forced to study his manners, as well as his intelligence, since a lot of people around him had big expectations – he was, after all, the son of one of the greatest Kings, and Sehun wanted to become an even greater King.

But at it was now, it wasn’t possible.

His very own people were talking about him behind his back, laughing at him – calling him “that spoiled brat of a Prince”, just because he might have been a bit ill-mannered when he was younger.

And still was.

Sehun’s white horse whinnied, as it felt Sehun’s heels in its sides, making it run even faster through the forest. The Prince’s bow and arrows were on his back - making his errands in the forest very clear to everyone he might pass by.

“Sorry, not listening,” Sehun mumbled to himself, as if the one following behind him, would be able to hear it. However, he didn’t care. He was just that kind of stubborn Prince, who refused to listen to whatever the people around him wanted to tell him. Even his father refused to listen to his own advisers from time to time. They were there to help, Sehun knew that, but it was still a pain in the , that they wouldn’t just leave him alone, and let him rule his very own kingdom!

However, they were also the ones to decide, when Sehun could become the King, and until it happened, his power was split in half, between him and his uncle, who would rule the kingdom until Sehun was ready.

That was the reason why he didn’t have the right to decide for himself, yet.

On such a sunny day, where there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, Sehun wouldn’t spend the time, locked up inside some boring castle, where he would have to prepare for the coronation, which he still didn’t know when would be. You see, some years ago, Sehun’s father died, and ever since then, Sehun had always longed to become the new King. Don’t get him wrong, he loves his kingdom more than anything, but he hated his advisors.


It’s no fun, when the people around you – the people you’re supposed to rule over – are talking about you behind your back, saying things like you shouldn’t be ready for something you were actually born to do. Saying things like that you’ll never become such a great king, like your father was…

Sehun was suddenly forced out of his own thoughts, as his horse abruptly stopped, and even reared with a loud, frightened neigh, making Sehun barely able to hang onto the reins. His breath got stuck in his own throat from the surprise.

“W-Whoa! What’s going on?!” he exclaimed all of a sudden, just before he was forced to let go of the reins, and got thrown off his panicking horse. The prince landed on his back the hard ground, letting out a painful huff from the contact. It wasn’t a too hard landing, though, since the grass was incredibly soft – it was almost like he could feel it, even through his plate armor, and as he got a closer look at the grass, he realized, that he had never really seen such a green color before in his whole life. The little bit of fog which was left on the grass from the moist night, almost made the grass shine in the light from the sun, which had succeeded in breaking through the crowns of the many trees above him.

“D-Danm horse…” the prince coughed as he tried to get enough strength to stand again, dusting off his plate armor and orange cape, which was nearly brown from the dust from the ground.

“Where did she go, now?” he asked himself and looked over his shoulder. The last part of his horse he got to see, was its as it disappeared deeper into the forest in fear. A frown came across the Prince’s face, as he saw his very own stead betray him, and leave him behind.

However, he was soon interrupted, as he heard a low growl coming form right behind him, making the young prince straighten up with a loud, surprised gasp! It ran coldly down his back from fear – a freezing shiver. The hair on his nape rose, as he slowly turned around to face the dangerous creatures right behind him.

“W-What…” he stuttered slightly, as his eyes grew wide and he backed a bit away from the four animals. They were almost as tall as he was – four wolves. Four dark grey wolves, with quite sharp canines, that could probably rip him open in just about 2 seconds, despite his plate armor.

Sehun drew his sword, as his arrow wouldn’t be able to do much for him in this situation. He didn’t like to admit it, but he was still quite scared, since he had never before in his whole life, seen such big wolves. They probably weighted twice as much as he did. Their eyes were dark, almost pitch black, and they were all staring directly at him, as if they were looking through the barriers of his own eyes, and looking directly into his soul. Unveiling every secret he tried to hide from everyone around him…

He could surely feel it.

And it scared him, in some way.

But they were just animals, right?

“Where the is Tao when I need him?” he growled for himself, referring to the person, who had followed him out here, looking for him – but now he wasn’t even there! Sehun was pretty sure, that Tao could have kicked the wolves’ asses as easy as blinking!

“Tao! Zitao! Where the hell are you?!” Sehun called, looking shortly around, as the wolves kept coming closer – lurking like some kind of monsters, as if they weren’t even animals. He had heard, that wolves wouldn’t attack humans either – unless the human found his way into their territory, that is.

“… Am I in their territory now…?” he thought for himself, but then one of the wolves started growling louder, making Sehun freeze completely in fear.

He was pretty sure, that he was going to die. He would never become the king, and he would never get the chance to wear the crown either. He could almost imagine, how the wolves’ sharp razor teeth would easily penetrate his plate armor, and then finally bite through his royal flesh, and finally kill him.

“God, help me,” he stuttered slightly, still trying to hold his sword steadily against the four wolves, even though his hands were shaky. Just as the wolves were about to attack him, he heard something walking around right behind him, fearing that it would be something even more dangerous and scary than four gigantic wolves. He turned around quickly, hoping that it was actually Tao he could hear, so he would be able to save him.

But no.

It was just a deer.

A young, slender deer, which just stood and stared at him, with its big, dark doe-eyes. It’s eyelashes bent perfectly in small arches, surrounding its innocent, perfect eyes. The light brown fur, seemed perfect and soft, and the white dots on its bum, just made it look even more adorable than it already was. Sehun wasn’t much on a lover for cute things, but this deer wasn’t just cute, it was beautiful.

How come it wasn’t scared of the wolves like he was? And why wasn’t it scared of him either? It was standing so close to him, just about two meters away – just staring directly back at him, as if it had never seen a human being before – or as if it had never seen a prince before.

A different, more threatening growl sounded from the wolves, as the deer quickly started running away – jumping beautifully with its long, thing legs, over rocks and small hills. The wolves forgot all about Sehun, and decided to go for the deer instead – hunting it through the forest and leaving Sehun behind, with a puzzled face. The young prince dropped his sword to the forest floor, and sank onto his knees as his adrenalin slowly disappeared from his veins in his body. His breath was quite fast, as if he was exhausted, his limps felt weak and his eyelids heavy.

“What just happened…?” he murmured. His heart was beating faster than ever. It felt like, his heart was close to burst through his chest and chest plate. It didn’t feel like the beating of a heart from an adrenalin rush, or the like. He felt slightly dizzy, too.  

“I think I just need to get back to town… Now,” he growled lowly for himself as he got on his feet again and decided to find a way out of the forest before the wolves returned back for dessert.

Just before he walked away, though, he picked up his bow and arrows, which he had dropped in his fear.

But then he realized something strange about it…

The string of the bow, had been bitten over, and the feathers on the arrows, too.

Someone must have been hungry?”



Sorry for the late update~

I know, I'm stupid. ;;A;; ~

But I've been busy, and I've been rewriting this chapter for about 4 times now... Because I didn't know how to start the story... ouo''

Hope you like it, though~

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suntaeil #1
Chapter 1: Love you, authornim ;;
Vaskelaffen #2
Chapter 1: Thank you Deat Rin Rin^^ Love it!!!!! And can't wait to meet Luhan again^^
Jaemint #3
Sounds so interesting and I loved your other story! Please update and good luck with this one :3
_HunHan_ #4
I can't wait for it~ :)
its sounds so fudging awsome!!!
update update update!!~
Uhadah :D Glæder mig til at læse den ^^
hunhan_chunjoe #7
wow this is the first hunhan story to write good luck with that! fighting!^.^