Chapter 3

Bitten: Cursed... Or Blessed?


$uho P.O.V


   I watched Yixing shut the door behind Sungjong; He was quivering as he did so. The door clicked behind him and he ame to sit with me on the bed across the romm from Tao. He sniffled and wiped away tears.

   "Hey..." I cooed gently to him and pulled him close to me, his hair. He must have been mortified when he saw all the blood and members everywhere. 

    "How did Kyungsoo... Did anyone see?" I answered with a soft 'no.' He sighed and stared ahead at Tao. "Do you think Tao will be alright," he asked. Tao had already been through a lot in the past few days. He was nearly in a bus accident; His flight request to see his family was denied again; His outing with Kris was crashed by Sasaeng fans, and now this. 

   "I hope so," I answered- not sure at all if he would be okay. Yixing wrapped his arms around my waist, and we laid back on the bed. Yes, we are a couple. 

   "What do you think he'll say when he wakes up," he asked. I mentally shrugged. 

   "I don't know. I just hope that he doesn't do it again," I said. Lay rolled me over to face him and he buried his face into the crook in my neck. 

   "It's okay, baby. I promise you that things will work out," he assured me. His warm breath on my neck reminded me that he was still here, and that I should be grateful for his presence, because I couldn't possibly make it without him. I pulled his chin up with two fingers and looked into his eyes. He closed his eyes, and I-mine, as well. He leaned in to kiss my lips. It was a sweet and tender kiss. That's all that needs to be said. As soon as we pulled away slightly, a knock on our door dragged me away from the bed, away from my baby. A woman in a white dressm white flats, a white nurses' cap, and bleach-blonde hair was standing in the doorway. 

   "Can I help you," I asked. She nodded and held out a stack of clothing in her outstretched arms. 

   "You and Yixing are to wear these," she said. I took them from her, and then she bowed and left. I shut the door and locked it behind me, and handed Lay his pure white shirt, and pure white pants. He took off his shirt and tossed it to the pure white floor. I was beginning to notice a pattern. More than the strange pattern, I noticed Lay's violent shivering. He was slipping his arms into the shirt when I stopped him; I grabbed his arm gently. 

   "Hey, baby... Are you okay," I asked. He shook his head 'no' and stared blankly at the floor. 

   "Yesterday we were making plans to go out," he said. "You remember?" I nodded. He looked into my eyes and instantly started crying. In between sobs, he managed to choke out what he wanted to say.

   "After you left with Tao... I.... Kris and I-" He fell to his knees and wept into the shirt he was supposed to wear. I froze and tried to understand what he had said, more clearly. After Tao and I left to go shopping, Lay and Kris had ? Lay was still in a crying heap on the floor. Of course, he didn't mean to hurt me. And I certainly didn't want him to hurt, so I knelt beside him. I was reluctant, but I placed my arm around his waist. 

   "It's okay, jagiya. I forgive you," I said, softly. He trembled under my touch, even as much as I was trying to comfort him. He pulled away the shirt, and tears ran down his face and neck. I wiped them away with the shirt I was supposed to be wearing (which I wasn't) and hugged him. I buried my nose in his hair and shushed him gently. He rested his hands on my chest, which was still bare; His hands were freezing -ICE COLD!

   "Jagi, you're freezing!" I pulled him to his feet and forced him into the bed that we were laying upon before. He faced the wall, and continued quitely crying and shivering. I crawled into the bed and under the covers with him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. My bare chest allowed me to feel his icy skin against mine, and it made me gasp slightly. I felt so sorry for him. I couldn't bring myself to be too mad at him.

   "Baby..." He finally spoke. "If I tell Tao, he'll-" I cut him off.

   "Kris will tell him. He loves Tao, so I'm sure he'll tell him," I said. I thought to myself, That is... If he wakes up.


3rd Person P.O.V



   It was 8 o'clock when the meeting was called. This meeting was held between every band member of every band- that is, the individuals who hadn't been bitten. This excluded Zitao, due to the fact that he was still sleeping under the effect of sedatives. Everyone was sitting nervously in their chairs, and fidgeting anxiously on the floor, and on their cushions and couches. 

    "Everybody, please look up here." All eyes averted to a podium where a man in a black suit and tie was standing. The man waited for the lights to dim, in order for the 'audience' to see the profection screen that was being wheeled into the darkness behind him. 

  "I'm going to go right into this and assume you all know what is going on by this point." There was silence. "No?" Still silence. "Alright, then. I'll start from the very beginning. But, first: My name is Takashi Morinozuka. No, I did no attend Ouran Academy. I get that a lot." There was a small wave of smiles upon the room, but it died down completely again, leaving every face grim. "You might be wondering how this all came to be... So are we." There was a low murmur among the crowd. "Please believe me when I say we have been working nostop on this case. And, we have hired every great mind we can. The only person we have yet to hire is 'L.'" There was another smile cast upon the crowd. "We'll start the presentation, now." He a projector that was hanging from the ceiling and the screen was lit up with bright blue L.E.D-shaded lights. The man cleared his throat noisily. 

   "Sorry about that. I think I caught a cold. I took a shower last night and I must've got my feet wet." The audience giggled. "Red Skelton. Funny man." He clicked a button on a remote in his hand, advancing the presentation to the first slide. 

   "THis is a short, descriptive video we made to inform you all. There are graphic images -including blood and gore. If you are easily disturbed, well... I have nothing to tell you. This is imperative for yourselves, and for others. If you absolutely MUST leave, please exit through the back and leave your name with a nurse or receptionist," White bags were handed out to each member of the audience, and most of them were opened immediately. "For you more squeamish people." The man stepped offstage, and the video began. 

   The video -in short- described and showed symptoms of vampirism; showed victims and crime scenes of vampire attacks (including the gruesome scene in EXO's dorm); Gave tips on how to avoid attacksl and explained standard procedures very thoroughly in detail, By the end of the film, only a mere seven people had left the room, but nearly everyone was ready to be sick. Takashi returned to his spot and asked for silence again. 

   "Thank you for showing enough courage to watch that video. I'm going to ask you to please return to your assigned rooms, WITH your band members. If you have no band members, please come to me. Good night." The crowd disbanded and afterward, only two people remained. Takashi looked skeptically at the boy walking toward him.

    "You don't have a band, boy?" Takashi walked forward to greet him. "What's your name? What band do you belong to?" The boy stared at the ground. 

   "Jeongmin. Boyfriend," he answered, meekly. Takashi wrapped his arm around Jeongmin's shoulders. They walked quietly to a room with the name 'Boyfriend' on it. Jeongmin opened the door and thanked Takashi for walking with him, Takashi stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. 

   "Hey, Jeongmin. I can't let you stay here alone. Who do you want to stay with?" Jeongmin's eyes widened in confusion. "That's right," Takashi started again. "Choose any band here to stay with." Jeongmin thought hard for a minute, then spoke.

   "I'd like to stay with B.A.P, please." Takahi nodded at him.

   "Alright. We'll move your stuff eventually. Some clothes to sleep in will be given to you. Let's go," he said, locking the door behind Jeongmin. They walked quickly out of the room, down a long hall, to a room with the name 'B.A.P' printed on the door. Takashi knocked, then entered. He explained that Jeongmin would be staying with them, then left. He hoped Jeongmin would be alright by himself. He walked briskly through a smaller hallway, then reached the long hallways again. He scratched his head and turned around. He knew where he had come from, but he didn't know where he was supposed to go. He remembered the other staff telling him about the staff floor, and where his room could be found... But he didn't remember where they said it was. As he sought to remember where he was supposed to go, a thousand more thoughts plagued him. He asked his questions aloud to keep himself company.

   "Which room was it, again? Did it not have a plaque on the door? Did I miss a turn? No, there was no turn." He stopped in his tracks after his phone buzzed in his pocket. His heart jumped and he placed his hand above it to calm its rapid beating. He pulled his phone out and cleared his throat.

   "Yeoboseyo?" He cleared his throat again and waited for a response. 

   "We need you. Zitao from EXO just woke up in a state of panic. Hurry over." Takashi sprinted forward, hoping he was going in the right direction. He immediately found the hallway, and sprinted into the room with an open door and tons of voices. He saw Tao sitting in a close-drawn ball in a corner, and nurses slowly approaching him. 

   "Tao-ssi had a horrible nightmare-" Suho was cut off. 

   "Where is Kris!?! I need Wu Fan-gege!" Tao sprung to his feet and attempted to dash out of the room Takashi and Lay caught him by the arms and held him very firmly. "Please let me see my Oppa!" Everybody looked at each other in confusion. Tao was still trying to escape the grip that held him, but with no avail. He stopped flailing and instead slumped into Takashi's arms; He was unconscious. The nurses helped Takashi lay Tao back down in his bed, tucking him in tightly. Takashi sighed and turned to face Suho and Lay.

    "Can someone please tell me what exactly happened here?" Suho looked at Lay, then after receiving a nod, proceeded to talk. 
    "Tao sat up really fast yelled 'No, don't hurt Wu Fan ge!' He tore his blankets." Suho pointed at Tao's tattered sheets and continued. "He jumped off his bed, but his feet were tangled in the sheets, so he fell. Lay and I went to go comfort him, but he screamed at us and then started crying. We asked him what was wrong and he told us he had a nightmare."
    "What was it about," Takashi asked.
    "He said Kyungsoo turned Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai, and XiuMin into vampires. Then, Chanyeol brutally turned Kris into one. That's exactly what happened, sir. He was just having flashbacks of earlier." Takashi nodded. Suho quickly stood up and yelled.
    "WHERE IS SEHUN!?" Takashi called someone on his cell phone and declared an emergency, and that they were to find Sehun at all costs. "He might be with LuHan," Suho suggested. Lay cried loudly into his pillow. 
    "You two stay here with Zitao!" Takashi darted out the door, but was stopped by Suho
    "I have to come with you. I need to find my magnae!" Takashi sighed, and gestured for Suho to follow him. They searched for a head of rainbow hair.
~~~Sehun's P.O.V~~~
    I ran behind a nearby wall and waited for my heart to slow back down. I was just chased by a guard dog- a doberman! Once I decided the dog was gone and it was safe I ran back to the room where the paramedic people took LuHan. I tried pushing and pulling the glass door, but it was locked. 
    "!" I kicked the wall and frantically paced back and forth, clutching my hair in frustration. I heard clicking heels and thought quickly. I fell to the floor with an echoing thud. The clicking stopped, and a voice rung in the air.
    "Hello? Is someone there?" I coughed once or twice to attract her attention. She ran to me quickly and knelt by my side. "Are you okay!?" I opened my eyes and looked at her face. I then whispered softly.
    "I need my LuLu... He's not going to make it, is he?" I forced a tear down my face and closed my eyes again. I dropped my head, making it seem like I lost consciousness. The lady called someone out of the room LuHan was in, and they both dragged me quickly into the room. One of them shook my shoulder and felt my forehead. I opened my eyes and looked at the lady again. She was wearing  a white dress, a white nurses' cap, and had bleached hair tied up into a tight bun.
   "Are you okay," she asked me. I just nodded. "What's wrong, kid?" I rubbed my head because there was pain, seeing as I whacked it on the floor. 
   "My boyfriend was bitten, and... I don't know if he's okay, or where he is, and I'm so worried. I need to see him," I cried. I forced tears to stream down my face in attempt to make her pity me more. She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and sighed. She looked around, checking for other people.
   "What's your boyfriend's name?" I sheepishly told her. "If you promise to report straight back to your assigned room and not tell anyone about this, I'll let you se him." I nodded furiously.
   "I promise," I said. She gently grabbed me by the arm and led me to the bedside on the opposite side of the room. I recognized him immediately. 
   "LuLu," I whispered. I looked back at the nurse, who gestured for me to move closer. I sat beside him on the bed and shakily reached out to his face. Again, the nurse gestured for me to move closer. I brushed his cheek with the back of my fingers, but quickly pulled away in shock.
   "What is it" she asked. I tried to reply, but emotions welling up in my stomach caused me to sit there wide-eyed, 
   "He's so cold," I thought. I touched his face again, feeling his ice-cold skin. I cupped his jaw and carressed his face. His skin didn't even to warm after I held him. I grabbed his hand and held it firmly, but gently, moving closer to him. The nurse walked away. I stared at his face, and I could have sworn I saw him blink, but I must have been imagining things. 
   "Oh, LuLu... Why did this have to happen to you?" Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I couldn't cry. I had to be strong for LuHan. I leaned in close to LuHan's face and kissed his lips; They were stone-cold and I almost flinched as I touched them. I retracte and sat up quickly. It almost hurt to touch him- a sort of twinge in my heart. I stood and placed LuHan's hand on his chest, then turned to leave. I was suddenly stopped as my hand was grabbed from behind. 
   "Please don't leave me." I gasped after I recognized the person to whom the voice belonged. I faced ahead and blinked rapidly to clear the tears from my eyes. I couldn't believe it was him, and I wouldn't... Until I turned around. I turned ever so cautiously and slowly to face him, seeing his hand firmly attached to mine. I looked at his eyes and saw that they were shut.
   "L-Lu..." I slowly reached to touch his face again. He opened his eyes as soon as my shadow covered him. I gasped, then let out a sob; I wasn't sure if it was because his eyes were actually open, or because they were blood red. 
   "Hey, baby," he said weakly. His voice... Although it was angelic before... Before he was bitten, it was even more beautiful now. There were musical tones in his voice- almost like the sound of an airy organ. I watched his attempt to smile- his fangs in the way. I couldn't... I broke down in tears beside him, kneeling on the floor crying like a newly widowed woman. I held his hand for dear life, as if at any moment he would be taken away from me again. He my head with his other hand and 'sssh-ed' me, saying soothing things; This calmed me. After I finally got a grip on myself I sat back up on the bed. LuHan had finally managed to smile past the fangs. 
   "Baby, how do you feel," I asked. LuLu shrugged. 
   "I've been better, but I've also been worse, so..." He shrugged again. I looked in his eyes that were plagued with sadness, then looked away; Looking at him became extremely painful. He rested his hand on my thigh, and I resisted the urge to crush him in a hug. 
   "Baby... It's just a physical change. It didn't change who I am, or the fact tha tI love you more than anything else," LuLu said. 
   "Oh, Lu..." Tears gathered in my eyes again. I bit my lip and forced the tears back. 
    "Sehun, would you still kiss me the way you used to?" I nodded and leaned forward to whisper in LuHan's ear. He gasped and gulped, and I knew why. It was a test for him. 
   "Lu, I trust you. I know that you're still you, and you know I still love you. You see how much I trust you? Not just anyone would bare their neck this close to a vampire's lips... But, with you, you can have every drop of blood in my body," I whispered. He softly snuck his hand around my neck and shakily held me there, breathing freezing cold air on the side of my neck. 
   "Sehun, I miss you. Please come and see me every day." I pulled back to look him in the eyes. 
   "Are you going somewhere," I asked. He smiled and my face. 
   "No, you are," he said. He was pointing behind me I turned around and saw JunMyeon-Hyung running with another man down the hallway. They took a sharp turn to the right before they saw me. I hesitantly left LuHan, reassuring to see him each and every day, and ran out the door- only to crash into JunMyeon-Hyung. We both tumbled to the ground in a pile of tangled pile of limbs. 
   "Oooooh..." I heard JunMyeon groan in pain above me. 
   "What are you groaning about? You're the one who is crushing me! Now, move your ," I said, shoving him aside. I rubbed my hipbone tenderly and stood up. JunMyeon-Hyung was still on the floor. 
   "Hyung, get up," I said, helping him to his feet. He glared at me- killing me with his mind- and shoved me backward.
   "WHERE WERE YOU!?" His face was as red as LuHan's eyes. I cleaered my throat to keep from whimpering (that fall hurt more than I would like to admit). 
   "I was with LuHan, Hyung. Please don't be angry." I put on my 'magnae face,' and played as sweetly as I could portray. His face -despite my effort- remained as still as a statue. 
    "Takashi-Hyung, could you take Sehun back to the room? I'll be walking behind so I don't have to see him," Junmyeon asked the man who was leaning on the wall behind me. I was hurt, but of course I don't blame him. He was being a good leader, worrying about me; It's only normal to be mad after beign scared, then trampled. We arrived at a room where there wer only four people -Suho, Lay, Tao, and myself- and four beds. There were also a few small dressers, but nothing more. 
   "Sehun!" Lay ambushed me and wrapped his arms around me, shocking me by being colder than LuHan was. This really worried me. 
  "Hyung, are you okay? Why are you so cold?" Lay noded and patted my face like a very concerned mother.
  "I'm fine, Sehun-Ah. But, you scared me. I was so scared you had been hurt or-" Lay cut himself off and shook his head. "I'm just glad you're okay. You had better get to sleep, though. Here; You're sleeping on this 'trundle' underneath Tao. We need you to make sure he doesn't get up at night. I mean, we are locked in from the outside, so there is no way he could get out anyway, but we want to be sure."
    Without talking or looking at Suho, I crawled into bed. I turned my back on them and nestled deep into my hard pillow. Almost instantly, I fell asleep. I dreamt of LuHan, and how morning couldn't come fast enough.
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Foreverdreamergirl1 #1
Chapter 5: *.* Poor babies...Please update soon!