First Letter (+ A lost troll)

Dear my y little Kyungsoo,





    The school bell rung indicating the day is over. I start packing up quietly and head to my locker.

    As the crowds start to lessen I am left partially alone infront of my locker. Stuck in the small door of my locker I notice a small baby blue envelope sticking out on the side.


  'What's this?'


 "UMMA!!HELP!!" yelled a deep voice yelled. Out of instinct i shoved everything back in my locker (putting the letter in my pocket) and ran in the direction of the yelling.

"I'm on my way!" I yelled running in the direction of the voice. I ended up in my first period class, music.


 "Hello?" I said as I walked into the seemingly empty room. Then suddenly I felt a black clothe cover my eyes and long arms wrap around me.

'What the ?'

"Yah! Don't be so rough!" said a girly voice.

"I'm sorry Baekkie." said a deep voice, that I knew too well.


"Park Chanyeol. Get your hands off me before I-"

"Alright. I'm sorry hyung." said Chanyeol as he quickly released me and backed away. I was greeted by the sight of my friends 6 surrounding me. Chanyeol being scolded by  (a too-much-eyeliner-wearing) Baekhyun. Lay just standing there in a daze. Baby Sehun with  a bored expression while looking on his phone. And Chen holding a clipboard while wearing a..... unitard?

"You okay hyung?" asked a very (cute) tall panda.                                                                 "Yeah I'm fine, Taozi." I said while ruffling his hair

"So hyung, do you wanna go with to get ice cream?"asked Chanyeol

"No! We have to get fro yo or else I'm gonna get fat! And if I get fat-" whined Baekhyun

"And if you get fat your gonna explode." repeated Sehun

"And then if you explode your eyeliner will have no owner." said Lay snapping out of his daze and started walking around like a lost child.

"And then there would be no diva protecting us from the (and i quote) 'Ugly teachers who are monsters in disguise that feed on pranks, unicorns, bubble tea and eggs.' " said Chen.

"Exactly! So let's go get fro-yo instead!" said Baekhyun while dragging everyone outside.

"My car?" I asked while heading to the parking lot.

"SHOT GUN!" yelled Sehun as he raced to the car, making Baekhyun and Chanyeol run after him leaving me,a unicorn and a panda walking behind them.

"Whats that?" asked Tao as he pointed to my pocket. Then I noticed the envelope was sliipping out of my pocket.

"Maybe it's a letter adressed to you from the land of Unicorns asking for help from the wise Owl." said Lay as he opened the back seat. Where Chanyeol and Sehun where sitting while pouting. Baekhyun grinning happily. I moved to the drivers seat as I saw Lay squeeze between Tao and Chanyeol. 

'This is a story about a dwarf and a giant(s)' I thought and snickerd as I drove to the fro yo place we always go to. (a/n: you shouldn't be talking about dwarfs. xD

Baekhyun decided to turn on the radio saying 'Silence proves your boring, and I'm NOT boring'. Can't Hold Us by Maklemore started playing and I had learned this a long time ago but never had listened to the very useful information "Keep Baekhyun AWAY from the radio".Now I honestly wished I had listened to the advice.

"LIKE THE CEILING CAN'T HOLD US.... (what are the lyrics again?)............... LIKE THE CEILING CANT HOLD US~"

I was looking through my mirror to see how everyone in the back was holding up. Chanyeol (as usual) was singing along with Baekhyun, Sehun on his phone, Tao  trying to sing along, and Lay poking Sehun. Wait! Where's Chen?

"Has anyone seen Chen?" I asked.Everyone shook their heads.

"! Did we leave him?" asked Chanyeol

I groaned

"Just call his cell." said Sehun

"Oj yeah." I said and dialed his number 

"King Chen has no time to speak to peasants. Call again later." 

"Arggghhh~" i groaned again

"Where the hell is that troll?!"


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sk8ter #1
Chapter 1: ouo you left me hangin'... btw, the story is cute! please update soon. wanna read more. pretty please? :3
Marshmallowfluffland #2
Unmmmm I have seen this and I never new you wrote it!
Chapter 1: it seems interesting so far. maybe more description/narration and less dialogue^^

good luck and happy writing!
Chapter 1: i loveeee that song hahahaha is that really a saying i didn't know
Chapter 1: Aye, you gotta finish this. Unnie wants more. Fighting~! <3
YuShing7 #6
Chapter 2: D: please do go :'( I think this story is great <3 please come back if you can
YuShing7 #7
Yay ! You updated ^^ thanks
YuShing7 #8
Please update soon <3