A Missing Piece

A Missing Piece
#imagine "Oh my gosh! I cant do this!" Lily yelled, as she threw herself down on the bed. "And why not?" her best friend Cara asked. "Because!" Lily whined, "It just doesn't feel right!" Cara sat down next to her best friend and sighed, "Lily do you love Kris?" she asked, Lily looked at her friend, "Of course I do!" "And you don't doubt that he loves you right?" Cara asked. "No..." Lily answered. Cara looked at her friend "Then what's the problem?" Cara asked. Lily sighed, " I don't know... but something doesn't feel right..."
Cara gave her friend a hug, Lily tried her best to smile.
"Knock Knock..."
The friends heard a voice say. They both turned around and looked to at the doorway. Lily smiled when she saw who it was, "Tao..." she called quietly. Tao smiled and walked into the room. Lily got up and hugged him. "You look beautiful Lily..." Tao said as he admired Lily's beautiful white gown. Lily smiled and blushed a little. "Tao thank God you're here! " Cara exclaimed, "Can you please talk some sense into this girl? She's getting cold feet!" Cara said as she pointed at Lily. Tao gave her a concerned look. "What's wrong Lily?" he asked. Lily sighed. Cara patted Lily on the shoulder. "I'll give you two some time alone..." she said as she exited the room.
When Cara was gone, Tao sat down on the bed,  he motioned for Lily to come sit by him. He looked at her, "Now... tell me what's wrong." Lily sighed, "I don't know Tao... I just... don't feel right about this..." she confessed. Tao grabbed Lily's hand, "Lily. What you're doing is right..." he told her, "You love Kris and Kris loves you. And what do two people do when they love each other? They get married, and that's what you're going to do today." Tao said. Lily sighed, "I know Kris loves me and I love him, and I do want to marry him, but it's just that..." her voice trailed off. "It's just that what?" Tao asked. "It's just that I feel like there's someone else..." she finished. Tao looked Lily, "Do you think Kris is cheating on you?" Tao asked. Lily shook her head, "No... well at least not physically..." she said. "What do you mean?" Tao asked. "I mean that I feel like there's a piece of his heart that's somewhere else..." Lily said. Tao took a deep breath, "Lily looked at me." he said sternly. Lily looked at Tao, "Kris' heart, belongs to you. And ONLY you. Kris is my best friend and I know him better than anyone, so trust me when I say, he only loves you...." Tao told her. Lily looked at Tao with teas in her eyes. "Are you sure?" she asked him. Tao smiled, "I'm positive..." Lily hugged Tao and muttered a tearful thank you. Tao smiled in return and then got  up and exited the room.
He walked down the hall to another room. He opened the door and went inside. Tao sat down on the bed and let out a painful sigh. He thought about what Lily had said,
"I feel like there's a piece of his heart that's somewhere else..."
The words stung Tao, because he knew the truth.
Although Kris' heart belonged to Lily,
there was a small piece... being tugged by someone else.
And that someone was Tao.
Tao had always been in love with Kris, he didn't know when, or how it started, but he was certain that Kris was the person he loved.
But there was a problem, Kris didn't love Tao, well at least not in the way Tao wanted to be loved.
Tao realized this a while ago, when Kris met Lily. When Kris started dating Lily, he started changing. He started a showing a side of himself, a side that no one had seen before. Well, except for Tao.
Kris was so happy with Lily, and he expressed his happiness to Tao on many occasions.
"I don't know... She just makes me feel... different..." he would say, "I've never felt this way about anyone before..."
When Tao heard these words, his heart sank, he knew what was happening. Kris was falling in love. Tao decided he start preparing himself for heart break. He started distancing himself from Kris, and tried to make new friends, he even tried dating. Tao dated lots of girls, hoping to find the girl that would make him forget his one-sided first love.
Sadly Tao's desperate attempts to fall in love all ended  badly. Every girl he dated would break with him shortly after they started dating. Their reason was always the same.
"Tao... I just feel as though you don't love me as much as I love you..."
Tao heard these exact same words too many times, and they were true.
Tao didn't love any of the girls he dated.
He heart only belonged to one.
The one he couldn't have.
Tao sat on the bed and stared off into space. He was so deep into his thought about Kris that he didn't even notice when someone entered the room. The person crept up behind Tao and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Boo." the person whispered, Tao jumped and turned around. He saw that Kris standing behind him.
Kris smiled at Tao and sat down on the bed next to him. Tao did his best to smile back. "I've been looking all over for you," Kris said. "What are doing up here?"
"Just thinking..." Tao answered.
"About?" Kris asked. Tao sighed, "Life..." he answered.
Kris nodded and the two friends sat in silence for a while. Then Kris spoke up.
"Tao...." Kris called his friend. Tao looked at his friend, "Yeah?"
Kris sighed and gave his friend a hug, "Thanks..." Kris responded.
"For what?" Tao asked , he was taken by surprise. Kris kept hugging Tao, "For everything..." Kris answered.
Tao smiled, and hugged Kris back.
The friends pulled away from each other. Kris stood up and looked at his watch, the he looked at Tao.
"It's time." Kris said. Tao nodded and stood up also. He gave Kris a pat on the back and then the two  exited the room.
They walked downstairs and out the door into the back yard, where the wedding would take place. The venue was beautifully decorated, and all the guest had already taken their seats. Tao and Kris made their way up to the alter and took their positions.
The string quartet began to play the all too familiar wedding march. A few seconds in walked the bride's maids. The bride's maids all made their way up to the alter in an orderly fashion. After them Cara made her way down the aisle, followed by the star of the show, Lily.
She looked stunning in her flowing white gown. Her face was bright and glowing. Tao glanced at Kris, he smiling also.
It was in this moment that Tao realized something. All he wanted in life was to see Kris happy, and Lily was the thing that made Kris happiest of all.
Tao watched the happy couple recite their vows, "I now pronounce you husband and wife." the minster said. "you may now kiss the bride." 
Kris smiled at Lily and the took his face in his hands. He closed his eyes and kissed his beautiful bride
Everyone clapped and cheered. Tao watched with a smile on his face, and a single tear in his eye.
On the outside, Tao looked as happy as could he be,
but on the inside, his poor heart dropped, and shattered in a million pieces.
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Ilabya #1