

The day wasn’t full of laughter. It was full of silence. Neither of them said a thing because they know both of them were at fault but both were stubborn.

"Oppa, why are keep being late during dates!? You used to be on time."

"Oppa have a lot of things do that I am in collage. Understand what I am facing Hana-ah"  Niel said weakly to her girlfriend.

They had been dating for a quite a while now. It had been 3 years. They were in the same high school. Hana was in freshman and Niel was in his 2nd year. However, Niel had to take his 2nd year twice because he failed the year before.

They were introduced by Choi Jonghyun, most likely known as Changjo. Changjo was Hana’s big brother and also Niel’s good friend. Niel was hanging out at Changjo’s house and Hana just got home and there was where their love story starts.

They had been together through thick and thin. They promised to be together as long as they live. Hana wasn’t a confident girl like any other girl. She wasn’t skinny but the opposite. She is chubby and usually thinks herself as a burden. Her brother has always been there for her but at times, she can’t be selfish and expect her brother to be there for her ever time doesn’t she?

Ever since she is with Niel, she feel a little more love. She is quiet at times but Niel is always there to cheer her up.

Now, they were in Hana’s room, dark room. They just had their biggest fight in their relationship. They don’t really have arguments because they find it childish but this was their first time ever. It was over one simple reason, communication.

They were lacked in communication. Ever since Niel entered collage, they don’t really have time for each other. Niel keeps having project while now that Hana is in her last year, she was studying hard for her SATs. However, Hana always tries to make time for Niel but Niel was just to busy. Hana isn’t a cry baby compared to Niel but, she is still a girl.

Niel slowly went to her and gave her a side hug. He her hair and rock her side to side gently.

"I am sorry for not spending my time with you. You know that I love you right? I love you Hana ah, don’t you ever forget that." Niel whispered to her.

He carried her to her bed and tuck her in. He sang he lullaby and watch her until she sleeps. In a few minutes, Hana’s breathing became steady and signalling that she is asleep. Niel runs his finger softly on her scars that she cuts. He kiss it softly. He knows that he can never be a perfect boyfriend but he always wants make her happy. Ever since he saw her cutting, he wants to protect her. Soon enough, he feel asleep beside her.

Birds are chirping to tell Hana it was a bright morning. Hana open her eyes and see Niel’s sleepy smile and eyes looking at her.

"Morning beautiful." he whispers into her ears and nibble it.

It always been his habbit to do that. Hana gave out a small giggle.

"Morning oppa. I am sorry. I shouldn’t accuse you yesterday." She said with a sad tone.

Niel tighten his hug around Hana’s waist and place his head on top of hers. Hana face was on his chest and she smell his cologne.

"It is fine babe. It is my fault too since I abandoned you and focus on my work. I am sorry" he said and kiss her crown.

She smiled and wish this moment would never end. Niel look at her and gave her long lovely kiss on her lips.

"Happy 4th anniversary beautiful"

He said and decided to stay on bed all day long

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Chapter 1: So sweet I love it I want a bf just like that
Teenfinite896 #2
Chapter 1: Kekeke. It's so sweet and fluffy. ^^
Chapter 1: That was so sweet ^^