We Are Broken


As he looks out his window, she's drying her tears. As she's crying out for someone, he's praying for happiness. 
They are broken.



"Someone help."  She cries.

"Someone save me." He prays.

Maybe. Just maybe, they heard each other.

Thank you remrem at Escape From Reality Request Shop for the beautiful poster!


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shewolf_8p #1
Chapter 4: Authornim i reeeaaaallllyyy anticipate ur stories so pls update soon *gives best puppy eyes* <3
WinterRain #2
Chapter 4: im curious ...
i see u not update for a while ..
i hope will update n keep writing authornim !!
its interesting
Chapter 4: you should definitely keep writing this story! u
i am a new reader and the story is very interesting! i also like you writing skills! keep up the good work and i hope to see a new chapter :)
Chapter 4: Keep writing! I'm a new subscriber and I just love your story! Fighting!
Chapter 3: tbh. i really like the story so far and you should keep writing.
Nuest17exo #6
Chapter 3: You're right. I don't think anyone's liking it, i think the readers are loving it, considering the fact that they have subscribed:) Please do continue! I've been anticipating this story for while. i just love how unique and creative it is compared to the other fanfics. Looking forward to your decision:)
Chapter 3: I don't know about anyone else, but I think you should keep writing! I love this story ^o^
I like the storyline! Good job, I'll be waiting for your next update :)
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 2: This fic is awesome so far. As soon as i read the forward i hit 'suscribe'.[ I'm so proud of myself:)]
The comment below this one, is 100% right. This plot [with depression as the main character] is something people would not usually do, so it's unique.
If you don't update soon I'm going to pass out. Fighting!
Chapter 1: It's so dramatic and interesting so far! I love how you gave depression a character. It makes it so much more tangible and creative. Update soon plz~~