The Missing Dreams


Kim Yunhee was a beautiful and talented young lady. She was always placed as number one in the entire school. She belonged to every school club there was and she attentended every single meeting. She was always there to help all the teachers/staff every minute of the day and she was always the teachers' pet. She passed every test she took. She played every intsrument the school wanted students to play. She did everything that made her the way she was: perfect.

She had the brains, the talent, the looks, and everything! She may look like she was the perfect girl, but nobody is perfect. Deep down inside, she was going through so much pain. She didn't cut herself because she thought that it wouldn't solve anything and that it might encourage her peirs. She didn't do anything about it, but to face it and add more to her suffering. She hid it deep within her body, heart, and soul. That was, otherwise, the place where she wouldn't let anyone see.

One day, a man payed her a visit. Their meeting changed everything. Kim Yunhee will have to face more than she expected; things she didn't even know existed. More pain, more tears, more dangers. Life will never be the same.


Hello, everyone! First, please let me start off with an apology to those who are still waiting for me to update my other fanfic. I'm sorry, but please wait a bit longer! I'm having some troubles with that fanfic because my brain isn't functioning well. I have too many things stuck on my mind. I also have school work. I don't know why my band teacher forced me to skip so many important classes to go from beginning to advanced/symphonic. Ugh. Anyway, please forgive me and I hope you understand. I know, I may not be a good writer! But please give me a chance! I have already promised myself and to many other that I will become a better writer! Before you criticize, understand. Thank you and I love you all! Oh, I almost forgot! Special thanks to HwangAhYoung at the EXO4EVER Graphic Shop! Thanks a bunch!


P.S: Just read it

I'm sorry for not updating! I've been very busy with school! Please forgive me and be patient! Thank you! :)


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