Nap Time

Napping Buddies

You decided to visit Ravi and VIXX and go to their practice. They were working on an upcoming event to give back to the fans. You decided to make food for the members because they've been working very hard. You walked through the building hearing many people working and you made it to VIXX's room and kocked lightly, hearing no music was playing. You opened the door and saw many things. The first thing you saw was N on the floor taking a rest from dancing. You then saw Leo and Hyuk on the couch closest to the door doing whatever they do. Then you saw Hongbin and Ken on the other side of the room drinking water. Ravi, however, was nowhere to be seen. Hyuk was the first one to notice your presence. 

"[y/n]!" he yelled and ran to you. He gave you a huge hug and asked why you were there. The rest of the boys noticed to and walked over to greet you.

"You don't want to see me?" you teased the younger one.

"It's always a pleasure to see you [y/n]!" said N. You smiled at everyone around you. 

"Oh! I brought you guys lunch!" you said excitedly. "N, Hyuk, Leo, Hongbin, and of cours Ken." you said while passing out each lunch box to each boy, except Ravi! "Where's Ravi?" you asked.

"He probably on his computer taking his break." Leo stated walking to the couch to eat the food you made. You walked to the nearest closets where Ravi was usually spotted while he was on break. You finally found him and he was leaning on the back wall legs straight out, computer on the chair and his head resting on his hand on the chair. You laughed silently and how cute the scene was.


You then started to yawn and realized you were pretty tired yourself. You set Ravi's lunch box down and silently walked over his long legs. Ravi was known for sleeping a lot and was known for being a pretty heavy sleeper. But that didn't matter because you were known to be a bit of a napper yourself. You removed Ravi's computer and his ear buds and moved it to a safer place. After moving his arm off the chair you moved this chair outside of the little closet. You closed the door quietly and came back to see Ravi hadn't moved a muscle and was still snoring slightly. You came back to him and laid between his legs and rested your head on his chest. You listened to his hearbeat and  you slowly drifted off to sleep.


About 20 minutes later you woke up and looked up and saw Ravi was awake.

"About time sleepint beauty." he said and kissed your head.

"I could say the same for you." you said sitting up in a more comfortable position. Ravi didn't budge though, he kept his arms locked around you. "Yes?" you asked laughing slightly. 

"Let's sleep for a little longer." he sounded like a little kid. You sighed.

"Okay." This time, Ravi slid down more, so he wasn't hurting his neck as much. You laid on top of him, legs intangling, and Ravi's arms around your waist. It wasn't long until the two of you were back to sleeping again.

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HanHyukie #1
Chapter 1: Soooooooo cuuuutttteeereee
Chapter 1: OMG the cuteness~
Chapter 1: Aw, cuteness overload! :3
Chapter 1: It's cute XD