He's your boss?

The real him

No one's POV: 

The shoot had been going on for an hour now, Tao just sat there watching the two of them do their job and wondered whether Jonghyun had noticed him yet or what he would do when he eventually noticed Tao 
"Right we're going to take a five minute break so you guys can change into the next lot of clothing and do whatever else you need to do" the photographer said and Kris and Jonghyun nodded before they walked of set 
"Go get me some water" Kris said to Tao 
"Go get me some water what?" Tao asked, if Kris wanted something he was going to ask for it politely 
"Now" Kris replied and glared at Tao who rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Jerk" he muttered and walked over to where the water bottles were being kept and picked one up for Kris before turning around and walking straight into Jonghyun 
"What are you doing here?" Jonghyun asked 
"I'm with my boss" Tao replied and Jonghyun frowned
"Boss?" he asked and Tao nodded as he pointed in the direction of Kris and when Jonghyun looked, his eyes widened 
"He's your boss?" he asked and Tao nodded
"Man I feel so sorry for you, from what I've heard he's diffcult to work with"Jonghyun added.

"Don't get me started" Tao replied and Jonghyun laughed before walking back to his make up artists and Tao walked back to Kris 
"What did he want?" Kris asked as he took the water from Tao 
"I was apologising to him because I walked into him" Tao replied and shrugged his shoulders 
"I see" Kris muttered and drank his water whilst he kept his eyes on Jonghyun and Tao frowned at how strange he was beginning to act. 


"Right one more picture and you're free to go" the photographer said 
"Finally" Tao muttered and Sehun laughed 
"At least it's not as long as the photo shoot a few days ago" he replied 
"Don't remind me" Tao said as Kris and Jonghyun posed for the last picture 
"And that is that" the photographer announced and whilst Jonghyun and Kris bowed and said their thanks, Tao felt like cheering because now they were free, he could leave, get his day over and done with quickly and he could go home and relax!

"Tao go get my jacket" Kris said as he walked over 
"Where is it?" Tao asked 
"In the dressing room I think" Kris replied and turned to Sehun to talk about his schedule tomorrow whilst Tao headed back to the dressing room to get his jacket. 


Walking into the dressing room, Tao paused for a second to make sure he didn't hear Jonghyun in there in case he walked in on him changing and after the shock he had this morning... he didn't want it again! When he was sure he couldn't hear Jonghyun, he walked further in and began looking for Kris' jacket 
"Here it is" he muttered as he picked it up and turned around... to see Jonghyun with his shirt of 
"Tao" he said and Tao lifted up the jacket to cover his eyes 
"Sorry" he said and was glad that the jacket was there to cover up his blush. 

"It's fine, we're both guys" Jonghyun replied
"Yeah well I was afraid of a repeat from this morning" Tao replied from behind the jacket, making Jonghyun frown 
"What do you mean by that?" he asked 
"L-long story" Tao replied and began walking out 
"So I'll see you around?" Jonghyun called out 
"Y-yeah" Tao replied and made sure he was out of the room before finally removing the jacket from his face, sighing in relief and walking back over to the other two. 

"Have you caught a temperature?" Sehun asked when Tao handed Kris his jacket 
"No, why?" Tao replied 
"Your face is bright red" Sehun said and went to check Tao's temperature whilst Kris rolled his eyes 
"I'm fine, really" Tao said and took Sehun's hand away from his face and the three of them made their way out. As they did so, Tao turned back around and saw Jonghyun walking out of the dressing room who noticed Tao leaving and quickly waved goodbye and Tao waved back as Kris saw and frowned, did Tao know Jonghyun?


"Right my shft is over so I'm out of here" Tao said as he ran to the front door 
"Wait" Kris called from the living room and made his way to the hall 
"You're not needed until tomorrow evening" he said and Tao frowned
"Why?" he asked 
"You're going to help Sehun get me ready for an awards ceremony" Kris replied 
"What like dress you up for a red carpet?" Tao asked excitedly whilst Kris raised his eyebrows.

"It's nothing special" he replied 
"Well I've never done anything like that before" Tao said 
"Well get use to it, you'll probably be doing a lot of them" Kris replied
"Awesome" Tao said and with that walked out of the door whilst Kris stood there frowning 
"Strange boy" he muttered... 


Day five of being PA Tao:

So... this morning was disturbing... I saw Kris walking into the kitchen ... ! I'm surprised I'm not scarred for life. Why was he ? He bought a boy back the the house the other night! And when I asked him if he was gay, he said he liked experimenting... so basically does he mean he swings both ways? Then there was a photo shoot and Jonghyun was there and I walked in on him topless... WHY DO GUYS HAVE TO BE UNDRESSING OR WHEN I'M AROUND? D: 

BUT, this leads me to an article that I read about Kris the other day and that his fans are beginning to question his uality... does that mean that he's being caught out and somebody he's slept with in the past has hinted at something? *shrugs shoulders* only time will tell... 


So, I would've updated earlier... but you see... I'm quite the scatterbrain I spilt some pepsi on my bedroom floor and where I spilt it there was this piece of paper that had stuff written on it that dyed my floor T_T 

Also, I read that Baekyeol that everyone keeps going on about 10080... why? 


Do you know what's worse? I went to mum to basically whine about it like I did with the others... and she was watching Titanic and it was the bit where Rose found out Jack had died T_T So from now on, whenever there is a fic that's written starring EXO that becomes popular and people rave about it... DO NOT RECOMEND IT TO ME IF SOMEONE DIES!! PLEASE T_T 

Until the next chapter! 

 (funky funky ChenChen!!)

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Chapter 5: And then there’s me awkwardly cooing in my room at the gif of Lay lmao
Chapter 9: I love this story
aarushic_18 #4
aarushic_18 #5
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Chapter 34: AWWW KRIIIS :(
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Chapter 24: AWW Kris :(
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Chapter 20: I rather had Xiuhan then hunhan tbh
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Chapter 13: My first Taoris story! I really like this one:-)
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Chapter 56: loved it !