Start over?

The real him

No one's POV: 

Kris had chosen a café in which he knew people couldn't follow him and spy on him in case he caused a scene and walked away from his dad... or his dad doing that instead... either way nobody could take photographs or record the incident so Kris was fine. Walking into the café, he was expecting to find that his dad was running late or not coming at all but once inside, he found him sat in the corner. 
"Didn't expect you to turn up" Kris said, taking a seat across his dad 
"I actually thought I was late" his dad replied and the two of them fell into a silence as a waitress came by to take their orders. 

"I didn't meant to scare that guy at your house the other day" his dad muttered 
"Well you told him you were staying at my house until I got back.... ouf course he's going to panic a bit because he wouldn't know what to do" Kris replied and his dad nodded
"Maybe I over reacted a little bit" he said 
"A bit?" Kris asked before the two fell silent again and Kris took a sip of his drink before speaking again 
"Okay I'm here... what do you want to talk about?" he asked as his dad sighed
"I want to know why you cut me of like that" he replied and Kris paused. 

"Surely you knew why" he said but his dad shook his head 
"I have no idea why, I hear nothing from you and the next I see of you is at the funeral before you just blanked me out again" he replied
"Because of how you treated me in the past" Kris began 
"I never wanted to do this acting stuff you forced me into it and never gave me a break. I wanted to go out and play with my friends, you were forcing me to go to auditions. I wanted to give up and do something else you stopped me. You were voilent at times, you wasn't there when that stuff with that guy happened and you just left mum like that" he finished before his dad spoke up again 
"I was only doing what was best for you". 

"No you wasn't, you only did it because you thought I was better than everyone else. I was a teenager and was so stressed than I almost did stuff I was going to regret. I felt as if you was never being a dad to me and I use to fear you but that grew into hatred" Kris replied and his dad nodded
"I always use to think I was doing what was best to you. I never listened to your mother the nights we would argue about you and whether this was right or not. When your mother walked out and took you with her I thought it was just so she could hold you back... I guess I didn't realise what I lost until I saw you at the funeral and how tired and vulnerable you looked for the first time in so long" he explained and the two of them said nothing as the waitress returned with their food. 

For a few minutes the two sat there just eating, not staring at each other or saying anything. For them it was becoming awkward and Kris finally spoke up 
"She never stopped loving you" he said quietly as his dad stared at him 
"Even up to the last day she still loved you" he added whilst his dad sighed 
"I guess I was being a stubborn prick to realise it and fight to get her back" he muttered 
"Just a bit" Kris replied and both of them actually surprised themselves when they found that they were actually laughing at the comment.

"I guess this is a start" his dad said 
"I guess" Kris muttered in response 
"So how about it Yifan? Can we start over?" his dad asked but Kris said nothing 
"We don't need to be best friends again straight away... I just want to start over the right way" he added and Kris nodded slowly 
"I guess we can".... 


"Where have you been mister?" Tao asked as Kris stepped back into his house 
"I took your advice and saw my dad" Kris replied, making Tao stop in his tracks 
"R-really?" he asked to which Kris nodded
"How did it go?" he asked and Kris said nothing as he checked the back garden and smiled 
"Want to go play basketball?" he asked as Tao's eyes widened 
"H-huh?".... did he seriously just ask that? 

"Wanna go play basketball?" he asked 
"Uh... okay... where to?" Tao replied 
"Around the back of course" Kris said and opened the door to the reveal the backgarden where in the middle was a basketball court 
'Of course' Tao thought to himself and mentally face palmed himself 
"Are you coming? Or are you scared I'll kick your ?" Kris called over to which Tao raised his eyebrows 
"Be careful with what you say" he called back and ran over to join Kris for a one on one match. 

Hey guys!! :D 

This is going to be the only update for tonight... on a random note I managed to put two kpop refferences into my coursework... I don't know whether that will go down well or not but *shrugs shoulders* I will have to find out.... 

Also, I'm confused... do you guys want JongTao or not? Judging by comments some of you want it and some of you dont... :S 

Until the next chapter!!

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Chapter 5: And then there’s me awkwardly cooing in my room at the gif of Lay lmao
Chapter 9: I love this story
aarushic_18 #4
aarushic_18 #5
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Chapter 34: AWWW KRIIIS :(
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Chapter 24: AWW Kris :(
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Chapter 20: I rather had Xiuhan then hunhan tbh
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Chapter 13: My first Taoris story! I really like this one:-)
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Chapter 56: loved it !