Shopping trip part one

The real him

No one's POV: 

"Leave me alone" Tao muttered when he felt something poke him 
"Wake up" came Kris' voice and poked Tao again as said guy groaned and opened his eyes 
"What?" he whined
"You and Sehun fell asleep in my living room and got popcorn everywhere, that's what" Kris replied and Tao rubbed his eyes as he sat up and Kris walked over to wake Sehun up 
"What time is it?" Tao asked 
"Almost two in the morning" Kris replied as Sehun yawned and Kris chucked his suit jacket onto the seat and held an award in his hand.

"You won something then" Tao said happily
"I don't deserve it though" Kris muttered and Tao frowned
"Why not?" he asked and Kris sighed
"It doesn't matter" he replied as Sehun finally sat up 
"Win anything?" he asked and saw Kris hold up the award before walking out of the room
"You two are cleaning up the mess when you come back later" he called before walking into his room and Sehun stood up to stretch his arms.

"How long ago did we fall asleep?" he asked 
"I have no idea myself" Tao replied 
"Where did Kris go?" Sehun asked 
"Up to his room and left us here" Tao replied to which Sehun shook his head
"Come on, I'll give you a lift" he said and Tao nodded as the two made their way to the front door, not bothering to shout goodbyes to Kris. 


"Why are you staring at the wall like that?" Tao asked when he walked in later that day  
"I'm thinking of redecorating the place" Kris replied and Tao looked at the wall he was staring at 
"The wall looks alright to me" he said 
"Hmm... Upstairs could do with a new makeover then" Kris muttered 
"Well then go to the shops and see what there is to offer" Tao replied 
"With people who would recognise me the moment I stepped out? No thanks" Kris said to which Tao rolled his eyes. 

"Which is why you would need to wear a disguise" he replied 
"And you honestly think that would work?" Kris asked and Tao shrugged his shoulders 
"Unless you have crazy stalker fans who know that you had randomly decided to redecorate your house" he replied 
"Alright then, but you're coming with me" Kris replied and started walking up the stairs 
"Why do I have to go?" Tao asked 
"You suggested the shopping trip, you're coming with me" Kris replied and walked to his room to change whilst Tao stood there groaning to himself. 

"Me and my big mouth" 


"Are you seriously wearing that?" Tao asked when Kris came back down the stairs
"Yes, everyone usually see's me in fancy clothes, hair done up and with make up so I thought the opposite and they wouldn't" Kris replied 
"Good idea... but we seriously need to get you a new wardrobe" Tao said 
"My wardrobe is perfectly fine" Kris replied and Tao raised an eyebrow before shrugging his shoulders 
"Whatever you say" he muttered and walked out the door with Kris following and glaring at him. 


"Where are we going?" Kris whined as he and Tao walked down the road 
"You wanted to go look at wallpapers and stuff like that for decorating right?" Tao replied
"But I'm hungry" Kris said and Tao sighed
"Can't it wait?" he asked and Kris shook his head
"I swear to God you are like a child" Tao muttered and led him another way from his original path to a cafe nearby so Kris could eat. 


Is that Kris?

Why do he look so rough?

Nah, that can't be him, he wouldn't wear that in public

"They're catching on" Kris muttered 
"And what you like me to do about it?" Tao asked, turning to see a group of girls staring at the two of them 

Are they on a date?

No way! Kris isn't gay and I'm sure that's not him!

"Us? Dating? Dream on" Kris muttered whilst Tao rolled his eyes and turned to face the girls 
"Not sounding mean, but it's rude to stare" he began 
"Plus you really think this guy here is Kris? Please, Kris wouldn't be caught dead wearing clothes like these and walking around bare faced" he continued and the girls paused before nodding 
"Seems logical" one of them said and Tao nodded before leaning in closer to them.

"Exactly and from what I heard, he's going to a decorating store this morning" he said and the girls eyes widened
"Are you sure?" one of them asked and Tao shrugged his shoulders 
"You can always check to make sure" he replied and the girls nodded before they ran out of the cafe and Tao turned back around to find Kris glaring at him. 
"What?" he asked 
"You fool! The shop you just sent them to is where we're meant to be going" Kris replied moodily and Tao waved the comment away.

"Relax that can wait another day" he said 
"Well then what am I going to do now?" Kris asked
"You're going to buy yourself a new wardrobe" Tao replied before a smile appeared on his face
"Because on the way here I finally found the Gucci shop I had been searching for on my day off" he added and Kris stared at him opened mouthed... was he actually being serious? (Whhyyy soooo seriousss?)

Why hello there my fellow readers 

Quick notice for you guys. I know you all like how I'm constantly updating and all, but I may not be able to update as frequently in the next few days because 

A) School work has started to come flooding in and

B) How do I put this... my left eye is hurting... if that makes sense... and I'm getting these bad headaches so until my mum books an opticians appointment for me I'm going to try and limit my laptop time.... (like that will ever happen) 

Until the next chapter!!


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Chapter 5: And then there’s me awkwardly cooing in my room at the gif of Lay lmao
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Chapter 34: AWWW KRIIIS :(
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