Let it rain
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Chapter 3;


Thunder sound echoed all around the house as Baekhyun was lazily watching Tv in his house, flipping through the channels to find something interesting.


*Ding Dong


"I'll get it" Baekhyun's dad said and got up from the couch to go get the room, "Honey stop playing with that remote and choose a channel already"

"But mom there's nothing to show here, argh" Baekhyun groaned and kept flipping through channels, his mom rolled his eyes.

"He's here Mrs Park" Chanyeol heard his dad talking to someone and quickly jumped from his seat when he heard that one name "M-Mrs Park! What an unexpected honor" Baekhyun bowed to the woman in front of her, Baekhyun's mom got up as well, curious to know why the woman was here.

Mrs Park heaved a sigh and looked down "I'm sorry I had to come here at this hour but-- I have something to tell Baekhyun" she said,

"umm-- Is everything alright?" Baekhyun smiled sweetly at her, Mrs Park sighed again "Baekhyun-- I really don't know how to tell you this but-- Chanyeol-- Chanyeol is-- dead"

For a second, Baekhyun felt really lonely and helpless, it couldn't be right, a world without Chanyeol? She'd got to have been kidding with Baekhyun "M-Mrs Park! There's got to be a misunderstanding-- m-me and C-Chanyeol just met an hour ago in the bus stop" Although Baekhyun was trying to convince himself that it wasn't true, his eyes were tearing up,

Mrs Park sighed "I'm really sorry Baekhyun! But we identified the body in the morgue"

"No" Baekhyun whispered and his tears streamed down his cheeks, another thunder sound came from the outside and Baekhyun suddenly felt scared, he felt scared that he couldn't hug his Chanyeol anymore whenever that loud sound was heard "I don't-- It can't be true" Baekhyun cried,

"Baekhyun I'm so--"


"Breaking News!

Search and rescue teams have been looking around the the Accident scene in Jongno street. Report has given the death of 9 passengers and the two bus and truck driver that hit each other. 

We'll be back with more news."


"My Goodness" Baekhyun's mom covered in fear, Baekhyun started panting hard while leaning his weight on the couch "Chanyeol! CHANYEOOOL!" He shouted and ran out the house, he was running under the heavy rain with his feet. It wasn't long till he fell down on his knees to the asphalt ground "MY CHANYEOL ISN'T DEAD! HE'S ALIVE YOU LIAAAARS!! CHANYEOL-AH! CHANYEOL-AH WHERE ARE YOU? COME BACK TO ME PLEASE COME BACK" with that Baekhyun let out a heavy scream and fainted.


Baekhyun couldn't attend Chanyeol's funeral because of being reported losing his mind after the event!



"Baekhyun calm down! Calm down I need you to breathe properly right now--"

"PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! PLEEEEASE!" Baekhyun screamed loudly and covered his ears "COME BACK TO ME PLEASE COME BACK! JUST COME BACK AND SAVE MEE!", Chanyeol stopped a nurse who wanted to inject Baekhyun "Is he always like this?"

"Whenever it rains!" The nurse answered, Chanyeol widened his eyes and turned to Baekhyun who was rolling around himself, screaming out his lungs "Everyone out!" Chanyeol said and looked at the nurses "Out now!" he said and everyone went out.

Chanyeol closed the cell door and came to Baekhyun's side, sitting on his knees to face him. He was hesitant at first to touch Baekhyun but each time he saw those tears on the latter's cheeks, his heart would drop and break to pieces.

Slowly he brought his hands to Baekhyun's shoulders and pulled him up to himself for an embrace, lightly batting his hair. Immediately Baekhyun calmed down in the latter's arms, not making a single sound anymore. Chanyeol had no idea what the latter's expression on his shoulder was, and he really didn't care for it, it was just such a comforting moment for Chanyeol, and he was sure Baekhyun felt the same way!

"You're lover's name was Chanyeol?" Chanyeol asked, Baekhyun didn't answer him. All could be heard was his sniffing on the taller's shoulder. "Why don't you like rain? I heard whenever it rains, the souls of the ones we love watch us from the heaven" Chanyeol soothed,

Baekhyun slowly pulled back and looked at the doctor with his read puffy eyes "Can I touch you?" he whispered, Chanyeol froze for a second "What?"

Without answering, Baekhyung brought his hand up to Chanyeol's face and caressed his cheek lightly, Chanyeol just couldn't understand why it felt so comforting and good. It was like he knew this feeling from somewhere. His heart skipped a beat as Baekhyun played with his short black locks of hair "B-Baekhyun--"

A thunder sound echoed and quickly Baekhyun came back to Chanyeol's embrace, hugging the latter tight with a whimper. Chanyeol felt really lost, he just wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and moved his hand in circles behind his back "Shh I'm here Baek! I'm here" he said,

Baekhyun didn't answer him again, he just hugged the doctor tight and cried in his embrace. There couldn't possibly be a reason that this person was his Chanyeol, Baekhyun was sure it was just a dream. After all, he was just a desperate lover who lost his mind after his boyfriend died.

When Baekhyun fell asleep in Chanyeol's arms, Chanyeol lightly pulled away and watched the latter's face 'He's beautiful' Chanyeol told himself, He really wished he knew what kind of life Baekhyun lived before he ended up here; who his lover was, what he studied, what kind of person he was.

Chanyeol lightly carried Baekhyun to his bed bridal style and covered him fully with the blanket. "I couldn't get the chance to tell you how amazing your voice was" Chanyeol mumbled to the sleeping boy and smiled, though it was quickly replaced with a frown as his eyes landed on the deep wound on Baekhyun's cheek "God! Why do you mess with this thing so much?" he mumbled and scrunched his face "Look what you've done with it" 

Sighing Chanyeol kept patting Baekhyun's shoulder as he was looking around the cell, on the other side of the room, the other side of the cell wall was covered with different texts and numerous drawings, Chanyeol wondered if it was Baekhyun who wrote them or his room-mate! He then noticed the small drawer in the cell and curiosity took all over him. Since he knew he was assigned both Baekhyun and his room-mate's cases, he didn't see anything wrong with checking it.

Slowly he walked to the drawer, and opened it, he went through the clothes and found nothing, then went to the other drawer with another pile of clothes and went through them too when suddenly his fingers hit something hard under the clothes.

He stopped and quickly pulled the clothes away to find a dark blue notebook with a large "B" on it's cover, 'It must be Baekhyun's' Chanyeol thought and looked at Baekhyun who was still sleeping on his bed.

'I'm his doctor, there's nothing wrong with checking it now is there?'  Deciding that he had the right to check inside it as his therapist, Chanyeol slowly opened the first page of the diary.

Something quickly caught his eyes as he went through each page. He frowned and looked at Baekhyun again, then back at the diary. He hid the notebook inside his uniform and went out the cell, only to be met with a bunch of nurses leaned on the door to listen inside barging in "Omo omo" the said as they were caught,

Chanyeol just looked at them in confusion and continued on his way, "OMO he's sleeping" he heard one of the nurses saying,

"Chanyeol-Shi! What did you do?"

"Did you give him drugs?"

"How were you able to calm him down?"

Chanyeol stopped and turned to them "Just call me whenever he's like this" he said and turned to continue on his way.


When he got into his office, he quickly rushed to his desk and opened one of his desk drawers, taking out a book he found and opened it. Some corners of the pages were torn. It was always Chanyeol's habit to tear the page corners in order to focus better.

But-- Why had Baekhyun done the same with that? 

Chanyeol sighed and covered his forehead "Are these all coincidences or am I just fooling myself?" Chanyeol mumbled to himself, but all these events during these two days couldn't have just been an accident, could it?

Chanyeol couldn't help but wonder if he had met Baekhyun before in his life by any chance.




Baekhyun closed his eyes to relax in Chanyeol's embrace, after 8 years of loneliness in the hellhole, he was feeling his Chanyeol for the first time, hugging him like always as thunder sounds echoed around him. He didn't care if it was a dream anymore, it felt real enough for him. This doctor even smelt like his Chanyeol.

 He felt lightly being carried somewhere but didn't open his eyes, when his back touched the soft mattress and his body was covered, he realized that Chanyeol had carried him to bed  "I couldn't get the chance to tell you how amazing your voice was" he heard Chanyeol mumbling, 'You did! You always told me that' Baekhyun mentally cried, 

"God! Why do you mess with this thing so much?" he heard again, 'With What Channie?'

 "Look what you've done with it" Chanyeol said, 'Oh! You mean my wound? Because it's what you left for me Channie! It's what makes me happy, because it reminds me of you! Why don't you remember me Channie? Why? Who are you? Why do you look so much like my Chanyeol?' He wanted to ask all these but he was afraid even this slightest illusion he was having would disappear, so he just kept quiet and pretended to be asleep.

He felt the patting on his shoulder stopping and the weight leaving the bed, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Chanyeol's long figure approaching his drawer.

He must've not found anything interesting in the drawer since he moved into the second one. Baekhyun's heart skipped as Chanyeol took out his diary out, 'That's mine' 

He quickly closed his eyes as he noticed Chanyeol was about to turn his back. After a few seconds, he opened them again and saw that Chanyeol was looking at the pages with a big frown on his face, touching the pages and sliding his hand to the torn corners. Baekhyun frowned as well, He couldn't possibly know about it, right?

He watched as Chanyeol hid the notebook inside his clothes and walked out of the cell. Baekhyun quickly closed his eyes again and pretended to sleep. He could hear some nurses talking to Chanyeol outside the room and the voices were fading, indicating that they were following the taller.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and dug himself more inside the blanket as his tears were welling up in his eyes 'Are you my Chanyeol? Then take the diary my love! Take it and read it. 

Maybe-- just maybe if you're really my Chanyeol, You'll remember me!' he cried silently as some memories flashed in his mind once again;




"Ya--" Baekhyun stopped writing in his text book in class as he heard the page tearing sound coming, he looked at his book's left page, then back at Chanyeol who just tore the corner of the page "Channie I'm seriously going to change my seat one of these days" Baekhyun growled,

Chanyeol pouted and looked down "But Baekkie there wasn't any page left in any of my book to tear, and I just couldn't stop myself when I saw yours. Sorry" 

Baekhyun sighed "Aish Seriously! What kind of habit is this?" he mumbled and hid his text book under his hand "Don't do it anymore! You'll ruin my books" 

Chanyeol gave him puppy eyes and then looked down "But-- You know I can't focus if I don't do that" he faked a sob, Baekhyun sighed again "Y-Yah! No puppy eyes" he lightly snapped Chanyeol's arm, but Chanyeol was still looking down.

Baekhyun bit his lower lip and looked at his book, then at Chanyeol 'I just hate you for being this cute'  he mentally said, "Okay okay! here" he mumbled and brought his book a little in front of Chanyeol and went back to taking notes,

"I love you Baekkiee" Chanyeol beamed and kissed his cheek, "Not in publiiic" baekhyun growled, Chanyeol giggled and went back to read his book, his hand on Baekhyun's book, flipping through the pages with his one hand and tearing the page corners.

Baekhyun just rolled his eyes at the stupid giant 'I love you too, you freak' 



"Haha look it's the girly Chanyeooool" The bullies of the school went pass their lunch table and laughed at Chanyeol, who just looked down with flushed cheeks,

"YAH!!" Baekhyun barked and got up from his chair "Don't call Channie girly! He's manlier than all of you here" he shouted,

"B-Baekhyun-ah! sit down" Chanyeol mumbled and tugged on Baekhyun's shoulder, "Ah Channie why should we stay quiet? How dare this fat brat call you a girl?"

"Who are you calling fat brat shorty?" The fat guy approached them and grabbed on Baekhyun's collar who didn't even flinch a bit and kept eye contact with the boy,

"L-Leave him alone" Chanyeol got up from his chair and pulled Baekhyun away, hugging him tight as if they were going to take him away from him anytime.

"You two are just gross!" The boy snapped "And Byun! If this boyfriend of yours here wasn't such a girl he wouldn't have kept diaries now, would he?"

"I-- DON'T" Chanyeol shouted, Baekhyun pulled back from Chanyeol and hit the bully hard on the chest "YOU BASTARD! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH KEEPING DIARIES! NOW OFF BEFORE I TELL THE PRINCIPAL YOU STOLE MRS LEE'S MONEY FROM HER BAG"

Gasps were heard all around the cafeteria and the bully gulped in fear "Y-You're just lucky I'm not in the mood to beat you" he growled and walked away, his gang following him.

Baekhyun panted and turned to Chanyeol who was looking down in shame. He quickly ran to the tall boy and jumped to his arms, burying his face in the crook of Chanyeol's neck "Channie-ah--"

"--He was right Baek-- I-- I really have a-- diary" Chanyeol mumbled in shame, "So what? There's nothing wrong with it at all" Baekhyun said softly to his ear,

"Y-You really think it's okay? Y-You don't hate me now?" Baekhyun pulled away and cupped Chanyeol's face with a smile, not caring at all about the stares given to them by other students "Why would I hate you Channie? I love you" he said, "Okay! Let's try something out. From Today I'll write in a diary too" 

Chanyeol grinned widely at his boyfriend "You-- you really will?" he asked, Baekhyun nodded eagerly "Of course! Why not? I want to be like my Channie"

"I love you Baek" Chanyeol smiled, Baekhyun kissed his cheek and hugged him again "I love you too Channie-ah! So much more" 


The next day, Chanyeol bought Baekhyun a diary and gifted it to him. There was a huge "B" carved on it's cover and Baekhyun really loved his present so much.

He promised Chanyeol that from then, He'd always write everything inside the diary.


End of Flashback


"Chanyeol" Baekhyun whispered and his heart anchored with the thought of not knowing what happened to his lover, "Come back" he whimpered and cried himself to sleep that night.




Chanyeol took a deep breath and rested his head on his desk, This was one crazy case. He kept playing with the diary's cover as he lazily rested his cheek on the desk 'I should read this' finally he decided and flipped the cover to take a look inside when his door opened "Doctor Park since Baekhyun didn't get to attend his therapy today because of-- the rain thingy he has, I put him for tomorrow, but your last patient is still waiting"

"O-Oh! Sorry I completely forgot about that" Chanyeol got up from his seat "What's the name?"

"Zhang Yixing! I'm sending him in"

"Zhang Yixing?" Chanyeol whispered. Oh right, he was Baekhyun's roommate, wasn't he? Chanyeol remembered and picked up his notes and glasses to be able to take some notes when the door opened. He turned around and noticed a boy walking in daze inside. Chanyeol noticed that the boy kept tapping on something as he walked. 'Now I remember! The first time I saw him in the cell he was tapping on the wall with a small frying pan' 

"Well hi there" Chanyeol smiled, "Zhanng Yixing?"


"E-Excuse me?" Chanyeol frowned, Did this guy just told him to-- lay? 

"Yixing is hard to pronounce, he said. Should I call you something else instead? mmm, how about Lay? he said" Yixing mumbled and looked down, Chanyeol just watched him "So, Lay! Guess I'll call you that, huh? Why don't you take a seat? Lay" Chanyeol offered and Yixing sat down, tapping the couch with his fist, 

"Okay so we should get to know each other for the first day! What is this habit you have?" Chanyeol asked and held Yixing's hands in his own "Why do you keep tapping?"

Yixing was moving back and forth now that he couldn't move his hands, it was like this boy had to be in a moving position no matter what. But Why?

"Would you like to tell me about yourself, Lay?" Chanyeol asked,

"He said It's all over, He said I did good, He said that he'll be back" Yixing mumbled, his eyes filling up in tears,

"That's what he said? That he'll be back?" Chanyeol decided to go on with the conversation, "Yes!" Yixing's voice cracked and a sorrowful tear dropped from his eye,

"So, Did he?" Chanyeol asked, Yixing thinned his lips together and looked away "He said that he'll be back when I finished the last painting! I've been drawing that painting for years, still nothing"

"You didn't call him? Or-- he didn't call? So those paintings and texts on the wall-- they were yours?" he Chanyeol asked, Yixing seemed to have stopped moving for a bit, Chanyeol liked that calmness and he intended to make Yixing even better,

"He said everything's going to be fine! He said we would always be together. He said he'll attend my last gallery when he--" his voice trailed off and he started tapping on Chanyeol's hand hard as his tears dropped hard from his eyes,

'No No No Don't get like that' Chanyeol mentally pleaded and held Yixing tight "Yix-- Lay?? You had a gallery?" he tried to change the subject,

"I-- I-- I had an-- a-art gall--" Yixing cried harder and snuggled to Chanyeol's chest, hugging him tight "He never came... He never came" he whispered,

"Who? Tell me his name" Chanyeol hugged him back and waited for his patient's reply "Lay?"

Yixing shook his head "I will only say his name once he comes back, he will come back! He will" he whispered

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Its been already 5 years since the last time I read this... Hoping one day when I get back here in the future, this story will be updated T-T...
rasiasorongon #2
Chapter 12: Authornim update please ???
piecesofmoments #4
Hi authornim...i saw that you logged in this year...i hope you're not thinking about leaving us snd maybe thinking about coming back? So many people here love you and your stories so i hope you comeback and update this beautiful fic~
Chapter 12: it's 2016 already AND I'M STILL WAITING THE NEXT CHAPTER OF THIS FANFIC !!! Please update and conplete this story soon, author-nim, it's awesome ♡♡
vlee_gonghyung #6
Chapter 12: Please updateeeeee
salmamohamed482 #7
Please update author-nim....
I still have hopes that you will complete the story...
It is perfect....pretty please
panikorea #8
Chapter 12: do you update once in a year or something...'couse i so want to know when the next chapter will come up.
panikorea #9
Chapter 12: oh come on..this fic is amazing.. please please please update... and ewwww i want to kill park's family and yuri so bad.
Please update ~~~ Its so good ! Please please...