Simple - For echowillow

Selling my soul for pudding [Fic Request Page]

Prompt: 'Simple' by Mr Children
Pairing: Yesung/Kyuhyung
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Slice-of-life
Summary: Kyuhyun has a dilemma that he can’t seem to figure out.

[A/N: An old ficlet which I wrote for echowillow on livejournal quite a while ago. I don't have anywhere else to put it since I'm not particularly proud of it that it would have it's own page. But she liked it and I hope you guys do too. Based very, very loosely on first impressions of the song.]


Kyuhyun just couldn’t figure it out.

They had nothing in common. Yes, they both liked singing. Yes, they were both in the same subgroup. But within those general categories, there was also Ryeowook, and Ryeowook wasn’t the person who was the cause of Kyuhyun’s sanity crisis.

Where Kyuhyun was witty and biting, that guy was lame and always getting teased. Where Kyuhyun preferred to be silent, that guy could talk people’s ears, heads, arms and all sorts of other assortments of body parts off. Where Kyuhyun avoided bodily contact save for where it was in his job description and the “really, really bad times”, that guy craved it till the extent that it became creepy.

And, that guy loved turtles. Kyuhyun thought he was the sort of person who would break into hives if he so much as stared at pictures of nature for too long.

Yet, whenever they had the chance to meet – and it was not so often now, with their differing schedules and success as a group giving them more independence, and the result was with the lack of similar interests, inviting him out on any premise would be all the more suspicious. But, whenever they did, Kyuhyun’s eyes would always draw themselves to that person. That form, now toned in the wake of the gym frenzy prior to their 4th album release (of which he’d politely excuse himself). Those eyes, so strangely dead on screen, but those who saw him in life would know how much the camera missed in catching that bright sparkle. And when that person sang, at least when he was in tune, Kyuhyn would catch himself become jealous, which for a self-assured creature like him, was rare that he ever did.

But probably the strangest attraction of all was to the fingers. Those short, stubby things his eyes would center upon, and his thoughts would turn of those nights where he’d wake to the sensation of touch on his lips and shivers, not those of fear but of pleasure, would chase themselves down his spine.

Yes. He was attracted to Yesung.

He didn’t get it either.


There were several ways Kyuhyun could have done it. He could have gotten all flustered, beat around the bus, hemmed and hawed, until someone got sick of it, pushed them into a closet and let natural instinct take care of it. Or he could have been suave, courted Yesung until the other man accepted him, had a healthy relationship on every level, and the best of it would be in bed Or he could have kept his feelings in his heart, silently suffered until his heart changed like they had the habit of doing and courted someone most likely less weird. Or if it didn’t, then he’d had have gotten on continuing to pretend, gotten a wife, a couple of trouble, work, retire, grow old and then died.

But Kyuhyun was not any of those. Instead, he chose to do everything in the matter of his logic – confront Yesung, lay out the truth in every detail, throw out every single trick in the book, and then hope of the best. If Yesung accepted his confession, then good – a victory. But if he didn’t, then no loss. Kyuhyun would treat this as a defeat, but a valuable one. Already, he’d done his pre-campaign preparation so that it wouldn’t be even the slightest blow to his heart.

But like all things, plans only went so far in execution. And what he didn’t expect was Yesung looking at him with that vague look of his and feeling the need to explain his confession.

“I mean, I’m just attracted to you. I don’t know why.” Kyuhyun ended up saying after a moment of uncharacteristic flailing. “Well, not saying there’d be no reason to be attracted to you, just that I can’t see it. We don’t have similar interests. I can even give you a whole list of things that put me off that you happen to embody. And face it. You’re weird.”

Seconds after that sentence left his mouth, Kyuhyun realized that a better strategy could have been employed in such a situation by utilizing less snark and more flattery. But it seemed no damage was taken as Yesung only continued to give him that bewildered look.

“Not that you’re totally bad or anything. Just that… not with me. I just don’t see any admirable qualities I’d want to pounce on.” Kyuhyun paused, “but of course, there must be some reason or another I’m attracted to you.”


Kyuhyun stared at Yesung for a moment and added ‘calling your bluff when you obviously want to hide it’ as another transgression of the older man. He glared a little, but Yesung didn’t budge. And after a while, Kyuhyun burst out in frustration “Alright. Fine. Maybe I’m just ually frustrated and my body’s acting weird because of that. So maybe it’s just a passing infatuation that can be easily solved.” And feeling extra spiteful, Kyuhyun added, “Maybe we should have a go at it then, to get it over and done with and to test my theory.

Whatever he expected (anger, outrage, annoyance), he certainly didn’t expect Yesung to say ‘okay’, then tackle him to the ground, lips molding against his with surprising sensuality.

Kyuhyun would later vehemently deny having moaned then. How could anyone moan while being painfully tackled to the ground, no matter how skillful the tongue exploring his mouth was?


A flurry of limbs, movements, rocking, biting, nipping, , rubbing, pleading, panting, screaming and s later, Kyuhyun lay, inert, head resting atop Yesung’s chest. He had never felt so fulfilled and comforted in his life, and the fingers running through his hair weren’t exactly urging him into activity either.

It took him a while then, to respond when Yesung suddenly asked. “So. Are you satisfied? Has the infatuation worn off?”

Kyuhyun twisted around so that he could look into Yesung’s eyes. And for a long time, he didn’t say anything, only staring, his brows knotted, as if trying to puzzle the mysteries of the universe.

Then, he slowly shook his head. “No… It hasn’t worn off.”

“Huh.” Yesung pauses, staring off into space before looking back at Kyuhyun to state the obvious. “Guess your theory was wrong.”

Kyuhyun smacked Yesung’s arm, which was the most easily smackable in his position. “Yes, obviously. Doesn’t explain why I’m attracted to you.”

Yesung tried to rub his stinging arm, then gave up. “Well, maybe it’s just because love in unexplainable. “

Kyuhyun paused there.


Yesung looked down then shrugged.

“That simple?”

“Got a better explanation?”

Kyuhyun didn’t. And as he thought of that thing called love that caused both war and peace, pain and healing, despair and hope and a whole lot of other contradictions. And he thought of the feeling in his heart compared to the rational thoughts in his head and realized that maybe Yesung might have a point. Maybe it was that simple.

So… that was love.


“I just realized that you said very little this time round. I thought you’d go into one of your lengthy explanations and I’d probably fall asleep halfway.”

One of Yesung’s eyebrows raised. “Well, you weren’t the only one tired by our little romp.”

“Oh, so if you weren’t tired…?”

“I’d probably launch into one of those philosophical descriptions of the examples of the different types of undeserving love and then I’d make some fancy statement and you’d argue a bit before I’d point the flaws in that argument and we’ll repeat the cycle until you end up seeing things my way and then I’d make sweet love to you again.”

“Hmm… sounds complicated. Glad we took the easy way. Although, are you sure about that last part? Whatever that was earlier, it wasn’t sweet.”

“Fine. If you like. You can call it rough.”

“Rough love, huh? Was it going to be one of the exampled you might have given me?”

“Well no, but abusive love… maybe? But that’s a dangerous zone that might end up backfiring on me. Controversial and easily contested that one.”

“I’m not into S&M though.”

“Never said I was.”

“Well, I don’t know. You’re weird so, you might actually be using this as a pretext for unleashing some sort of leather fantasy on me later. Maybe I should be more cautious about this.”

“…And people say I’m the one with the nonsense that never stops coming from my mouth. Ah well, at least the fanfics did always show one good way to shut such idle mouths up.”

“Wait. You read fanficti- mmph!”



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Train_girl #1
Pairing-kang lina(oc) & exo's tao
Story- lina is a girl that is really stupid with relationships so she went online & searched & actually found people that train about relationships. She met the trainer called tao. He was suppose to teach her but slowly they fell in love .
I hope u will write mine! Thanks!
byouille #2
hello i hope you can make this

characters:lee seung gi and bae suzy

Prompt: based on lee seung gi's song "like the first time" they broke up but they can't get other all the trivial things that left such a big impact on eachothers' lives so they decided to give it another try
Chapter 2: finally read this just a few minutes before my birthday itself. Thank you for accepting my request ^^ Even though the 2 fics /somehow/ contradicts themselves, i find the second one oh so y?? heheheh. it's so... iadfnladskjfanlsdjf kekekeke, it makes you think a lot of what's going to happen. Whereas the first is so cute. hehe. One's like bribing their way up, the other is just being himself. hehe. i love it, thank you ^^
Hi again, would you please write a LayHan one?
Where yixing is a lawyer who isn't supposed to fall for Luhan, while handling his case but does anyway, which might endanger both of them, but still decides to fight for Luhan.... sorry if this sounds stupid /.\
Chapter 6: xD "obnoxious snoring" lmao. THANK YOU <3 :D i loved it.
YeonAh501 #7
Chapter 4: LOL Those two fics are so cute!! XDDD Both the KyuSung and Infinite ones. Still snickering at DongWoo faceplanting onto SungGyu...come on, how could they NOT see that one coming.

And KyuHyun...things with YeSung NEVER turn out the way you expect them to be. It's part of his charm XDDD /secretly adores KyuSung forever
ladybirdcarina #8

/sobs happily
The colorful pens at the booth were too tempting to resist, so I guess I'll leave a request :)

Characters: Jonghyun and Yonghwa from Cnblue

Prompt: "You become the tear that never dries. Even if I erase you, you grow again. You become the scar without the pain," from the song Lie, but any or all of the song works, too.

Thank you in advance for the consideration :)
Alright, I think I'm ready to request

Characters: Dongwoo and Hoya
Prompt: "If we live under the same sky, we'll probably meet some day."

I really like the theme from Godori so if you can incorporate that it would be great. However you write the story is fine, but I like happy endings.

Thank you if it's accepted and feel free to decline if you're not interested :)