Why did you leave me

My Ex-Boyfriend




"Say ahh~" Myungsoo hummed as he placed the piece of beef at Ri Sae's lips. "Ya. You know I don't-.." before she could finish,Myungsoo shoved the meat in ,making her glare at him.

"Myungsoo,you treat your girlfriend so weirdly." Sungjong pointed out. Myungsoo pouted as he turned to Ri Sae. There was so much of a difference,usually she would be the one that is initiating all the talking and couple stuff,but now he was the one that did it.

"Well 3 years ago,I treated him weirder." Ri Sae chuckled.

Sungjong suddenly went to his bag and dug out for something. He furrowed his eyebrows as if he had lost them,but smiled again when his fingers touched the familiar shape of the object. He fished it out and pushed it towards Myungsoo and Ri Sae.

"Isn't this...the picture that we took 3 years ago? I never remember it being printed though." Ri Sae looked at Myungsoo.

"Of course I printed this. Babo." and with that he flicked her forehead.



Ri Sae slumped her shoulders in defeat and lean on the table with her head. "When did you print this?" she asked without even looking up. He smiled and ruffled her hair.

"3 years ago."


Woohyun continued to hold Mi Hyun's hand after eating at the restaurant,Infinite and the 2 girls walked towards the roller coster,the highest of them all and the only ones who looked really excited,was Mi Hyun and Ri Sae. Well,both of them had a logic of 'The more scarier it is,the more fun.' That is what makes the 2 really weird.

"Ya,can't you stop jumping up and down?" Myungsoo frowned as he held onto Ri Sae's arm.

"Mian. It's been years since I last rode a roller coster!" Ri Sae said with a smile,still plastered on her face,never wanting to go away. "ME TOO!" Mi Hyun shrieked which made Woohyun cover his right ear.

"These 2 girls have a thing for roller costers. What are you going to do,Woohyun? Myungsoo?" Sunggyu smirked playfully as he patted both of them on the back.

And clearly,Woohyun and Myungsoo,does NOT have a thing for roller costers. The 2 guys looked at each other and gulped their saliva nervously.

"Omg let's go to the first seat!" Ri Sae squealed as she dragged Myungsoo to the first ever seat. I'm in deep . Myungsoo silently thought.

"Let's go second!" Mi Hyun said as she dragged Woohyun right behind Myungsoo and Ri Sae. The 2 guys secretly glanced at each other worriedly.

Before the ride started,Ri Sae calmed down and turned to Myungsoo. "You can hold onto me if you're afraid." she smiled and put out her arm. "Shouldn't I be saying that?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not stupid,I know you're afraid of roller costers." Ri Sae rolled her eyes,which made Myungsoo gasped. "If you knew,then why did you still drag me to the first seat?!"

Ri Sae cupped his face and leaned in to give him a light kiss on the lips before smirking. "That's why i'm the evil girlfriend,Kim Myungsoo."

Woohyun turned to Mi Hyun. "Ya i'm afraid of roller costers too. Aren't you gonna give me a kiss for support?" he pouted. Mi Hyun's smile dropped and she became nervous. We're not even an official couple yet. She thought. She kept quiet as she thought she can get away with it,but nopes.

"Kiss me on the cheek." Woohyun said as he tapped his right cheek. She leaned in but suddenly,Woohyun turned his face,pressing his lips against hers before pulling away and chuckling mischievously. Mi Hyun blinked,and then blinked again.

Before she could say anything,the siren was heard. "Alright people,we will be starting." the staff said before the roller coster started to move. Woohyun gripped on to Mi Hyun's hand and gave her a nervous smile.


Myungsoo was screaming all the way while the girl beside him laughed throughout the entire ride,and the same thing goes to the couple behind them. When the ride was finally over,both Myungsoo and Woohyun walked as if they had stiff bodies.

The rest of Infinite was busy laughing their off,the 2 bestie was hi-fiving each other and telling each other which part of the ride was the most fun,while the 2 guys looked at each other,going to faint anytime soon. But before anything could happen,their girlfriends ran over to them and hooked their arm with theirs,making the spirit in them come to live again.

"You like me that much,huh?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow. Ri Sae chuckled but something caught her eye,the emptiness around Myungsoo's finger. She grabbed his hand and looked at every finger.

"Ya,where's the ring?" she asked sternly. Myungsoo opened his bag and dug for it,before sliding it on his finger. He grabbed both her hands and looked at it.

"Now it's my turn to ask. Where's your ring?"

She took out the necklace that was holding onto her ring,which was hiding behind her school blouse. "I was afraid that it would drop during the roller coster ride." she smiled.

"Ya...do you guys want ice cream?" Dongwoo asked as he squeezed in between Ri Sae and Myungsoo.

"Hyung!" Myungsoo yelled.

"Jashik. I've been calling for both of you for the past 1 minute!" Dongwoo pulled out a straight face before he smacked Myungsoo's head.

"Yes Dongwoo,we want ice cream." Ri Sae chuckled before all of them sat at some tables near the rides.


"I will order,but you guys are paying!" Ri Sae said as she stood up. "I want chocolate!" Mi Hyun said.

"I know." she smiled.

"2 vanillas!"

"1 more chocolate!"

"1 strawberry."

"Chocolate chip."


"1 more strawberry."

Ri Sae took a mental note before she walked to the ice cream booth. "May I help you please." a guy's voice appeared and she looked up. "Taemin? Tae...min." she furrowed her eyebrows.

He sighed before he looked away. "Who are you."

"Don't play dumb. Why did you transfer?" she asked while she frowned.

"Choesonghaeyo,agasshi. I don't know who you are. May I place your orders?" Taemin said with a straight face. His straight face showed hurt,anger and sadness. He is depressed.

Ri Sae sighed. "2 chocolate,2 chocolate chip,2 vanillas,2 strawberry and 1 mango."

"You may sit. I'll ring the bell once it's done." he said coldly.

"Taemin ah." Ri Sae pleaded but all she got was ignorance. It was sad to see Taemin giving her the cold shoulder. It isn't even like him,he was a sweet and nice guy. Why did he even turn out this way? Why did he plan to steal Ri Sae away from Myungsoo? Because he was desperate.

He never gets what he wants. And this time,he really liked Ri Sae and wanted her to love him,she was probably everything,to him.

When Taemin reached the back of the booth,a tear escaped from the corner of his eyes."Yoon Ri Sae,I hate you. Why did you leave me..."



So...readers...the story is ending soon. Probably not the next chapter,but there will be an epilogue. I'm not going to make a sequel for this. I repeat,no sequel. But there will be 2 more new stories,I just have to finish this and Your Sweet Guy. Don't be silent readers. Subscribe,comment or even vote! Saranghae guyzz~

-Mi Eun

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Chapter 15: (。・Ω・。)ノ~ i love ur story..btw is Taemin's phone password ur birthday? 'coz if it is, we share the same birthday but I'm a year older \ (•◡•) /
Chapter 21: Aww~ how cute! Thank you for your story!! So fluffy~~
Chapter 2: Just started reading~~ aww myunggie is so cute!
Chapter 20: awwww..best friend forever
Chapter 20: Taemin ah,I'm sure you'll find you're destined girlfriend soon :)
Chapter 5: So happy Yoona Unnie Appeared xd
Chapter 2: It's funny how fast myungsoo said that he wanted to be her boyfriend eventhough they just met. But in reality it really does happen. Great job for being able to show that here, author-nim.
Chapter 19: Taemin ? Why he...
Btw , daebak ! Update soon ~ \^o^/
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 17: Awwwwwwwwww so sweet^^
Chapter 17: Omo!!Update soon xD