The Insane and The Insecure

The Insane and The Insecure

The Insane and The Insecure by hibariharu



“Oh no. Please, not this again!” Ai Ri exclaimed exasperatedly. Having the same conversation again with her best friend is making her sick in more ways. Facepalming, she heaved a sigh. “Please, Minah! Stop it.”

Minah only smirked, knowing fully well how much in denial her best friend is. “I won’t stop, Ai Ri! Come on. Why don’t you just admit that you like the guy too?”

“NO! Oh god!” Ai Ri plopped her head on the table. “Please, no! I don’t like him! There’s no way.”

“That’s what you say but that’s not what I saw when you guys partnered for that science project,” Minah teased. She looked at Ai Ri in complete triumph as she takes another sip of her smoothie.

Oh, yes. Ai Ri is in that stage of denial. Kris, a.k.a. campus heartthrob and on legs, had apparently confessed to Ai Ri, who cannot believe it, of course. Hello? That’s Kris Wu. Kris Wu doesn’t just go out and make confessions. He’s the school talk and campus paper headline. Why would the Kris Wu confess to almost non-existent Ai Ri? The science project was surely wasn’t enough, since Ai Ri was only ogling and mute most of the time.

“I still say you like him!” Minah added, making Ai Ri shiver and groan in response.

“I don’t! God, Minah, why do you keep on insisting?” Ai Ri asked irritatedly. She sat up straight and took a swig of her strawberry juice. “And Kris, he doesn’t like me, okay? He’s just… you know, testing his power of wooing girls!” She finished with a dramatic wave of her hands.

“I don’t think so,” Minah reasoned, looking at Ai Ri in the eyes. “Look, girl, have you ever heard him dating anyone? Anyone at all? Girl? Boy? Whichever?”

Ai Ri stared back at Minah.

“Exactly! None! Nil.” Minah leaned back to her seat and crossed her arms. “Kris isn’t the type of person who flies from one flower to another!”

“How would you know what? And, if you really see him that way, go on, date him!” Ai Ri barked. “Because I certainly won’t!”

Minah rolled her eyes. “I have a boyfriend, obviously? Are you stupid or yes… you are stupid! Why in hell are you giving Kris up? Hello? Kris? Don’t you know who Kris is?”

“God damn it, Minah! Of course I know Kris! Exactly why I’m saying I don’t like him, okay?” Ai Ri couldn’t contain the irritation on her tone and words, so she let it flow. “Okay. I was partnered with him in Biology. I know that he thinks he’s a know-it-all and he acts all gentlemanly because he’s that kind of a guy. Playboy and most of all a show-off!”

“Wow. Grudge, huh?” Minah said. “Look, if you would give the guy a chance, okay?”

“No!” Ai Ri breathed. “Why me anyways? Out of all the girls in this campus, why me? It’s ridiculous! Hara is there, Taeyeon is there, Suzy is there. There are a lot of girls who stands out more than I do? Who’s more attractive than I am!”

Minah smiled. “The cat’s out of the bag.”

Ai Ri blinked. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’re insecure.”

“What? Me? Why would I be?”

“Because you think Kris is way out of your league. You think that maybe he doesn’t really like you because his look and status doesn’t match yours.” Minah explained, looking intently at Ai Ri and watching as the color drains her cheeks until they get pale.

“No.” Ai Ri whispered. “Of course not.”

“Denial, still.” Minah pointed out. “But you’ll figure it out. And besides I don’t think Kris is the kind of guy who gives up easily.”

“What, what about me?” A deep voice suddenly joins in the conversation. “Hello, Ai Ri! Hi, Minah.” He greeted.

Ai Ri didn’t even want to turn and look at him. Obviously, it was Kris—her greatest nightmare at the moment. Ai Ri gripped the glass of her juice and tried to breathe slowly. She wasn’t ready to meet Kris, certainly she doesn’t want to see the guy at all. But fate is a playful thing.

“Hi, Kris.” Minah chirped, smiling widely at him. “We were just talking about you?”

“Really?” Kris looked happy. “Mind if I join your table?”

“Yes.” Ai Ri chirped.

“No.” Minah said firmly.

“Uh, thanks.” Kris muttered, and then he turned to Ai Ri. “Hi, Ai Ri! How are you today?”

Ai Ri stiffened, Kris suddenly took the seat beside hers and she could smell the perfume that he was using. God, was it so manly. She tried to smile and reply, “Just fine. You?”

“Better, now that I see you.” Kris smiled, leaning in to the table and gazing intently at Ai Ri.

Minah looked at the both of them and smiled. “I guess, I should leave you two to your devices then? I still have a class. So, see ya!” Minah quickly stood up, gathered her things and went.

Ai Ri had her eyes wide and unbelieving. Did her best friend just leave her here with her bane? No. This couldn’t be happening. “Uhm, I have a class too.” Ai Ri stood up.

Kris brows furrowed and he eyed Ai Ri in curiosity. “You’re leaving already?”

“Uh, yeah. Sorry.” Ai Ri bowed slightly and went to turn her back against the guy. There was a shuffling and the sound of a chair scratching against the floor as Kris stood up too and took her arms.

“Ai Ri, if this is about the confession, I want you to know that I mean it. Every word.” Kris said solemnly, his voice a trail of sadness and perseverance. “I like you.”

“Please.” Ai Ri interrupted immediately. “Please.” She breathed. “Please don’t say that. You don’t like me. You’re imagining things. I… I’m sorry. I have to go.”

As Ai Ri shook off Kris’ hand off her, Kris can only stare.






“I heard what happened at cafeteria yesterday!” Minah started. “Girl, you don’t reject Kris in front of all students!”

“News flash! I did yesterday.” Ai Ri replied, stacking her books in her locker while Minah nagged her about yesterday’s events.

“Oh god, Ai Ri! You are so stubborn!” Minah groaned.

“Glad to know that.” Her best friend replied.

“Tch. Why can’t you see that Kris genuinely likes you?”

“Oh yeah. What is your proof?” Ai Ri closed her locker with a bang and looked at Minah. “Proof that he actually likes me.”

Minah shook her head and frowned. “Wasn’t the confession enough?”

Ai Ri rolled her eyes and proceeds to walk with no destination in mind. “Anyone can make a confession, Minah.”

“Yeah, but Kris isn’t anyone. He’s someone.” Minah reasoned out.

“When are you going to take my side? For once, okay. Take my side too.” Ai Ri said. “I thought you’re my bestfriend?”

Minah let out a dramatic gasp. “Of course, I am, sweetheart! That’s why I’m helping you in finding a boyfriend! Because you haven’t had one in like… forever!”

“Who says I need a boyfriend? I’m perfectly fine on my own!”

“No, you’re not, sillyhead. Anyways, come this way.” Minah took Ai Ri’s hand and dragged her outside the halls and into the school grounds.

By this time of the day, a lot of students are out in the grounds. Either they are there for club practice, or they’re there to goof around. Nonetheless, it’s crowded. What took Ai Ri’s attention though wasn’t the cheerleaders who’re practicing their new routine nor the freshmen trying to hit on senior girls, it was a small stage built in the middle of the grounds. A small crowd gathering around it. To Ai Ri’s surprise, it was exactly where Minah was taking her.

“Make way, midgets!” Minah said, referring to the freshmen at the back of the crowd. “The lead character is here.”

Ai Ri’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll know soon enough.” Minah muttered. “Hey! I thought I told you guys to clear the way?”

Minah and Ai Ri eventually made their way across the crowd. Ai Ri found herself situated at the very front of the small stage. She looked at Minah to ask what everything is all about but all she got was a wide wicked smile.

It was then when she heard someone comes up on the stage. She turned her head and was surprised out of her wits to find Kris there, looking down at her. He was smiling widely, but his eyes were obviously unfocused. What the hell is happening?

“Minah, what is this ?” Ai Ri asked.

“Just listen, geez,” Minah replied.

Ai Ri was, of course, hesitant to listen. It was Kris who is up there! She doesn’t know what kind of screwing up he might say.

Kris coughed first and went to the mic. “Uh, hello everyone.” He greeted nervously.

Everyone snickered but greeted him back nonetheless. Of course, everyone is curious as to why the campus crush is making a scene right now when he usually doesn’t.

“Uhm, thanks for coming here. I didn’t expect a crowd, actually.” He started. “But I’m still glad that you guys came to hear me out. Especially you, Kang Ai Ri.”

Kris looked at Ai Ri affectionately with a smile on his face. Ai Ri in turn, blushed madly and looked away. The crowd, however, was already cheering and clapping.

“Okay. So, all of you must have an idea now on what I have to say.” Kris stopped and breathed. He focused his eyes on Ai Ri, although the girl wasn’t really looking at him.

“Ai Ri.” Kris started. “I know that you must be uncomfortable by now, but please hear me out.” He sighed. “I’m pretty sure you know that I’d only known you from the Biology class we shared last semester. Maybe you think that it wasn’t enough for someone to like another. But, if what I’m feeling isn’t like, I don’t know what it is.”

“Bat crazy,” Ai Ri muttered under her breath. She was about to turn around, but Minah held her hand tightly.

“What are you, stupid? Stay!” Minah mouthed angrily, gesturing towards Kris. “Stay or I’ll tear your Harry Potter books in pieces.”

Ai Ri’s mouth dropped at the threat. It certainly was a threat. She sighed and looked back at Kris, her eyes deadpan.

“Uhm, Ai Ri, would you go out with me?” Kris resumed, his eyes looking expectantly at Ai Ri who in turn gave him a startled look.

“What?” She hissed. Ai Ri looked at Kris then to Minah. “What did he say?”

“You heard the man, Ai Ri,” Minah said.

“What?” Ai Ri repeated loudly. “WHAT?”

Kris smiled and went down the make-shift stage. He went in front of Ai Ri and held her hand. “Would you please go out with me?”

Ai Ri’s eyes widened. Her eyes went back in forth from her hands in Kris’ and to Kris himself. Okay. She won’t deny anything anymore, Kris is obviously handsome. He’d make any girl swoon just from his smile and expressive eyes. But, Kris, Kris is at the top of the food chain! And Ai Ri, well, she’s really close to the bottom. She sighed and freed her hands from Kris’ grip.

“I’m sorry Kris. I told you I can’t.” Ai Ri explained calmly, looking apologetic herself so that the guy would take it lightly. She swears she doesn’t want to hurt the guy but dating Kris is like a fairytale. They don’t happen in real life.

“What? Why?” Kris asked confusedly.

There was already a cacophony of mumblings and faint whispering in the crowd. Obviously, they were puzzled as to why the girl would reject the Kris Wu. Even Minah couldn’t believe her best friend.

Ai Ri sighed. “Okay. Look, Kris. We…” she gestured to the both of them. “We aren’t match for each other. Uhm, okay. I guess you know that already, right?”

“What? I don’t understand, Ai Ri.” Kris' brows met in confusion.

“Oh god,” Ai Ri groaned. “Kris. Look at me, like really look at me.”

“I am looking at you!” Kris reasoned.

“Okay, shut up. Listen.” Ai Ri breathed. “Me, I’m no supermodel beauty like you, okay? Do you get that part? I… I’m the girl who gets away with a B in every subject. I’m no smarty kid and definitely not a looker, so you see my point? I don’t get why, out of all the campus beauties in this school, why me?”

“Ai Ri, you’re getting out of the topic here.” Kris sighed. “And based from what you said, it’s kinda obvious that you like me too.”

“What? NO! No. Me? You? Why would I like you?” Ai Ri shook her head. “No. I don’t like you, haha, please.”

Kris raised an eyebrow. “You don’t?”

“I don’t,” Ai Ri forced out a smile.

“I think you do, so go out with me.” Kris stated, smirking at her.

“You’re really not thinking, are you?” Ai Ri said sarcastically. She let out a dry laugh. “Look here, Mr. Wu. If… if, I ever agree to go out with you. Do you know what will happen? People would stare at you then at me, then think, ‘Oh, is that his girlfriend? Probably not ‘cause she looks like his servant or something.’See? I don’t like that to happen! I don’t want to be the girl who walks out with some god, because I’m just mortal. Human. Peasant.”

“What the heck are you saying?” Kris growled, irritated. He took Ai Ri’s arms and pulled her close. “Are you that insecure? You are beautiful! In every way, dammit!”

Ai Ri gasped. “No, I’m not, head! Are you really looking at me? I even weigh a few extra pounds than I should be! I eat chocolate for dinner! How is that beautiful? Are you insane?”

Kris closed his eyes and breathed. He can hear the murmuring of people around them, obviously having fun at the scene unfolding in front of them. But they, they are not the important person here. It is Ai Ri. And as stubborn as she is, he still likes her. Every part of her.

“Ai Ri, listen,” Kris began. “I watch you every single day on that Biology class.”

“Of course, we were seatmates! We’d see each other a lot!” Ai Ri exclaimed.

“No, shut up, just listen.” Kris said sternly. “I like the way your hair flows down your shoulder when you lean in. I like the small tug on your lips when you finally get a lesson right, the way your ears redden whenever you caught me staring at you, the way our hands brush at every possible instance. I like it. Damn, I even like the way you tie your shoelaces!”

Ai Ri looked at Kris with wide eyes, clearly not expecting his confessions. She gulped. “W-what are you? A stalker?”

“Call me whatever.” Kris answered. “I don’t care. I like you. I want you. If you would just accept that and put it in your mind.”

“WHAT?” Ai Ri shouted. She tried to wiggle out of Kris grip but he was too strong. Too strong for her liking. “Will you let go, you oaf!”

Kris smirked. “You like me, don’t you?”

“Dream on.” Ai Ri muttered.

“Reality is better that my dreams though.” Kris said.


Kris then loosened his grip on Ai Ri. Ai Ri took this opportunity to get her hand back and walk out of the scene. But before she could do that, Kris held her by the waist and pulled her close. So close that their noses almost touch.

“I like you. Your lips, especially.” And with that, Kris rested a hand on Ai Ri’s jaw line and kissed her on the mouth.

Ai Ri’s eyes widened and she squirmed, but Kris was holding her too tightly. And when she couldn’t fight anymore, Kris kissed her with added vigor, pulling her closer to him. And when she couldn’t fight anymore, she wrapped her arms around Kris’ neck and returned him the favor.

Then, the cheering ensued. Minah taking the lead enthusiastically.

Kris let go of Ai Ri’s lips for a moment then whispered. “I knew you like me too. And for the record, I think I’d be addicted to this.”

Ai Ri frowned at Kris. “I never said I like you!”

Kris only smiled then proceeded to seizing Ai Ri’s lips once more.

The crowd cheered again with Minah shouting something that went like, “At ing last.”





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guys! i wrote a new short fic feat. sehun! :D please check my stories! kamsa.


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I LOVE this story so much!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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