First kiss

First Kiss

Here we go..... enjoy ^^


Myungsoo P.O.V


           It's a beautiful day, the summer before I start seventh grade. For Sungyeol, it's the summer before eighth grade.

           I'm watching TV. Jenny Jones is on. The guests argue about their unfaithful husbands or wives, while their wives or husbands deny all of the accusations of infidelity. Suddenly, Sungyeol plops down next to me on the couch, coming from bathroom. He nuzzles very close to me and rests his head on my shoulder, complaining about how bony it is. I tell him to shut up. I feel very conscious of his head on my shoulder, and then I feel conscious of him staring at me. I look at him and smile.

           "What's up?" I ask, confused.

           "Nothing," he answers, shaking his head.

           He nuzzles even closer to me, I feel awkward. His arm slides in between my arm and my body, and he clings to me. A billion thoughts race through my head and then all of a sudden...nothing. I feel him staring at me, the heat of his face close to mine. I look at him, and I see three eyes. He looks straight into my eyes, pinning me with his gaze, locking my eyes with his.

           "Don't you wanna kiss me?" He asks sweetly.

           My mouth drops open, and I quickly close it, realizing that it was not the right look to give. I start to sweat a little. What's worse, I feel his arms snake around my neck. I glance down for a second, sensing an awkwardness, like he doesn't know what he's doing. I look up again into his big eyes. His confidence suddenly blows me away, and I am intimidated. Time ceases to pass in minutes or even seconds...but in miliseconds. Actually, the only time that exists is measured by the small movements that he makes.

           A smile slowly forms on his lips.

           I start to blush, feeling my blood rush into my cheeks, and I feel stupid, like I don't know what I'm doing, which I don't. And in that moment I curse him for making me feel stupid; he knows what he's doing to me.

           I have to do something. His next move might be an embrassing question, like, "Do you not know how to kiss or something?" or "Are you s prude?" or "What's wrong with you, boy?" He's too close to me. He's moving too fast for me. He's too close to my face! He's too intimidating. He's too...cute!

           He stops smiling.

           Oh no! What's he thinking now? I'm so stupid! I should've done something! He thinks I'm a prude! I am! So what?!?!? So, I'm s prude. Give me a break! break!

           He wets his lips.


           His face inches closer.

           Oh, man. Only a breath away from my face now, I see his lips form a smile before he presses his to mine.

           Slow, soft and sweet. Only his arms around me keep me from flying.

           After what seems like a few minutes, he stops kissing me and look up. His eyes sparkle, and he smiles. He giggles and says that I'm cute. I stare at him. He nuzzles back against me and watches TV. I sit there, staring at him, dumbfounded.. with a stupid smile pasted on my lips. Wow..



A/N hoho..finish already..

I'm sorry if there is any mistakes or typo.

Actually I update using my phone..hoho..

Thank you for reading ^^

╮(╯▽╰)╭ give you hugs...

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Chapter 1: absolutely adorable!
deliciousyou #2
Chapter 1: This is cute^^