5. False-Hope and Love

There Is No Such Thing As 'Forever' In This World
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A month of dating and I finally revealed our relationship to the public. It was a mess; fans went crazy and all promotions were halt. The chaos didn’t last too long because surprisingly everyone approved of Jenna. ---- and I have also agreed to remain friends; my parents remained by my side and cheered me on. Jenna’s father moved back to America to finish off some business.


Two month’s after this, Jenna was hospitalized. Her tumor has reappeared within her brain; the doctors said she had little time left. There wasn’t much I can do for her. It hurts, everything.


“Oppa~” Jenna smiled as I entered her hospital room.


“Jenna, how are you?” I asked sitting down by her bed.


“I’m feeling great! Can we please go out Gikwang? Please? I’m so bored here! It’s been three weeks since I’ve been out.” She pouted.


“Fine, I’m taking you out and no one can stop me,” I winked.




Walking the streets freely feels great. There are people who snaps a picture or two once in a while, but no craziness. Everyone knows Jenna’s condition. I feel bad, but I can’t do much.


“What are you thinking about Gikwang?” She poked my cheeks.


I looked at her with sad eyes.


“Stop doing that!” She protested. “Doing what?” I asked.


“Why does everyone look at me like that? Can you just treat me like a normal person? I don’t want any cancer perks. I don’t want anyone to feel bad for me just because I have cancer. I’m fine; I’m just like everyone else. I can eat, sleep, and breathe normally. Stop worrying. I got through it once already. Okay?” She took a deep sigh.


I can’t do it though. I can’t because we all know, this time it’s different. It won’t go away. The cancer cells will only continue to grow and multiply. “Alright my love,” I smiled at her brightly, hiding my worry.


“LOOK A PHOTOBOOTH! Can we go take pictures? They’re so cute Gikwang, please~” she dragged me towards the little booth either way.


“How does this work?” I asked looking around inside. “Like this” she did some things and we took some pictures.


“Jenna!” she turned around quickly and I kissed her on th

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