Memories Part 2


                            I promised to be back and here I am now. I visited them every night for the past year. The others finally got there and we all had like a huge group hug with me in the middle. I swear I was going to suffocate but I knew they loved me so it was okay I guess. I ran to the couch and sprawled out. We did what we usually did which was me explaining how my day was, we played games, and just layed down outside looking at the stars. They always escorted me home before my parents would wake up and also I needed their help to get back into my room. I can jump out the window just not back into it. We were all walking in the moonlight silently when something with glowing red eyes jumped out at us.

                                                    *Present time*

                        I woke with a start. I was sweaty and panting heavily. I looked around to find the BTOB members in a circle around me. I saw how worried they were and cried again. Man I am such a crybaby! “Yah Melodii! Are you okay!?” they all shouted unanimously. “I’m so sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t remember you guys even though you were my only friends back then! You took such great care of me back then and even now! I feel awful about it! You even gave my charm necklace!” I shouted out. I gathered them all into a hug and then showed them the necklace they gave me all those years ago. “You kept it?” Hyunsik asked. “Of course! I didn’t know who or where I got it from all these years but it was so beautiful and it seemed so special to me. But I woke up before I remembered everything.” “When did you wake up in your dream?” Eunkwang asked. “You guys were taking me home and then some big red eyed thing jumped out at us. Then I woke up.” BTOB exchanged worried glances so I quickly changed the subject. “Um anyway!! Why do you call yourselves BTOB?” I was really curious about why and what it meant. “You gave us that name, remember? It means Born To Beat. You loved our performances so much that you gave us the name.” Sungjae explained. So I gave them that name huh. Awesome! I looked down at the charms on my necklace and they seemed to be glowing and fixing themselves. They had been slightly dented and cut from having worn it all these years but now they seem brand new just like when I first got them. They were all different shapes. Sungjae’s was a musical note, Ilhoon’s was a small beat box, Peniel’s was some cute shades, Hyunsik’s was a smiley face, Changsub’s was a replica of 1 of his tattoos, Minhyuk’s was a little boy, and Eunkwang’s was a microphone. I smiled at them and asked if I could stay the night. They all nodded enthusiastically and I just giggled at them. We were all beginning to lay down when I heard someone pound on the gravestone hiding us.

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nice story ^^
Hey i might not upload anything for while. Its going to be super long so yeah might take awhile!
Alright so that's 1 vote vixx! if there aren't any other suggestions then ill use them and upload the next chapter possibly tomorrow or the day after!
Chapter 4: Ooh I would like it to be Vixx please ^0^
Chapter 3: Okay so I need you guys opinion. I'm thinking of adding another group. So I need to know which one you would rather see as demons- Exo or Vixx. I'm stumped so please pick fast! thanks love ya and byeeeee
Chapter 3: Don' worry, it's a great story! ^0^ Seriously looove it so far! (: 화이팅!!
Chapter 3: Hey guys! I hope that you'll leave a comment on what you think about it! Please don't be hateful though. I'm new to this soooo yeah! byeee
Chapter 1: Really interesting storyline! Please do update asap! ^0^