A Place Called Home


Pack up your bags.

We're moving.

Sorry honey we have work.

We'll be home late.

Don't wait for us.

All these phrases have built up my life.






                                                                                                 Tammy   (you)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            









Hi my name is Park Tae Mi, but everybody calls me Tammy. Im 17 years old now and I've never had a home,No I'm not homeless it's just I've never had a place I could really call home. I'm always moving around because of my parents work. Ever since I was 5 I've moved from California to Canada, from Canada to Europe, from Europe to China, from China to Japan, from Japan to the Thailand, basically I've moved around a lot. You all might be thinking that I've lived an amazing life, but that's not true. I'm actually pretty lonely. My parents are always out at work and I have no siblings. I practically live by myself. I've never gotten to make any real friends. Before I could really get close to anyone, I'd have to move. So I've decided I don't need any friends because as soon as I make one, I'll have to leave them and move off to somewhere else.This is my life, it's not too happy but I'm okay with it. I get lonely sometimes but I can deal with it. I just need to put on a smile and live my life, because this is my life.




If you see anything written in this color that means its the person's thoughts.

This Is my first time ever writing a fanfiction so I'm new to all this.. I hope you enjoy this story ^^



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Nini_Channie #1
Chapter 13: Continue the story! I really am anticipating for what is coming next in your story.:)
Chapter 13: continue it
Chapter 9: Aww Tammy and Kris 그라ㅣ스 <3
Chapter 12: Ah don't you cry now Tao
Chapter 10: oh i like this chapter. who new Kris could just say it and take action? i did lol
Chapter 7: i wish they would just be together but probably not going to happen anytime soon
Chapter 6: wa! Kris saves the day >¡‹