Stuck in between

The One Who Stays


“Can you hurry up? It’s hot” demanded Hakyeon. He was standing outside Eri’s house with an ice-cream in one hand, leaning with his back on his car.

“Shut up and help me then! Whose idea was it in the first place to go to Jeju?!” shouted Eri as she dragged her heavy luggage with difficulty.

Jaehwan followed suit with his own bags and helped Eri with hers as he walked pass her. Eri made a low grunting noise, muttering harsh words towards Hakyeon.

“It is my idea and it’s a great idea and you should stop complaining about it” Hakyeon snarled. “Now get into the damn car or someone will suffer my wrath. You know how much I hate the sun!”

Eri rolled her eyes furiously. Jaehwan smiled at Eri and the latter avoided looking into his eyes feeling embarrassed. When all of them have settled down in the car, Hakyeon shouted “Let’s go!” enthusiastically and started driving to the airport.

The café was still closed even though everything has been repaired. Hakyeon who insisted that he won’t be coming to the café because he kept feeling pain in every part of his body had phoned Eri one night saying that he was bored and they needed a vacation.

“Didn’t you tell me yesterday that you felt like your arms were being ripped apart and you felt like dying? Are you saying that you’re completely okay now? No more headaches that you keep seeing things or – or numbing pain inside your chest?” said Eri patiently, holding in her anger.

“Yes! It’s a miracle. An Angel came to me and blessed me with full recovery so I am in no pain anymore. Thank goodness right? So it’s been decided – we’re going to Jeju tomorrow! See you at 8!” replied Hakyeon brightly before he hung up on a very flustered Eri.

The atmosphere in the car was very awkward for Eri. But this feeling was pointing more towards Jaehwan than her best friend. Hakyeon and Jaehwan were singing songs happily in the car and Eri pretended to be fast asleep on the front seat. Ever since Jaehwan kissed her, things got different between them. Eri would take every opportunity to avoid talking to him or be in the same room with Jaehwan. Jaehwan realized what she was doing and did not try to make it hard for her. He would stay away from her as far as possible and will only talk about work.

Taekwoon was never seen again after the last time Jaehwan saw him in the café. He did not came back to help Eri and although Jaehwan felt really happy about it but it made it harder for the two of them since they have to face each other. He wanted to ask Eri about his whereabouts so badly. Jaehwan was really curious why he would left like that. The last thing they talked about was Eri’s mysterious caller. Taekwoon did offer to track this guy for her but she clearly told him not to. Was he some kind of a detective or something? Jaehwan did feel something was off with how Taekwoon sounded like he knew who Sanghyuk was but he was too annoyed with him that he let this slide that time.

When Jaehwan told Hakyeon that they met Taekwoon that day, Hakyeon was really surprised. He confessed that he was just trying to keep Eri and Jaehwan away from her house that night because he did not want them to meet Taekwoon. Hakyeon was worried that Taekwoon would go berserk if he found out they live together. It pissed Hakyeon off when Jaehwan said that Taekwoon was an alright guy before he added “but I can feel that he’s a jerk” and that made Hakyeon’s day better. Jaehwan didn’t tell him about Eri’s true feelings for Taekwoon since it was her secret and she had every right to hide this fact from him with her own reason.

While Jaehwan’s sudden confession disturbed her concentration, she was thinking about her mysterious caller as well. That last call hinted something. She was in too much shock after the kiss that she wasn’t really bothered to pay attention to whatever Sanghyuk was saying. But then she began to remember their conversation that day and there was something bothering her. How was it that he called right after Jaehwan confessed to her? The timing was too precise for it to be coincidental. How did he know about Jaehwan liking Eri? Why did he warn her to stay away from him? She knew that the only person who could answer this question was the only person who seemed to have a connection with Sanghyuk. Hakyeon only lie to protect Eri but from what and who?

When they finally arrived after hours in the plane, Hakyeon shouted an idea to play rock paper scissor on who’s going to carry all the luggage and bags to their room. Eri who was already half agitated nearly punched him on the face before Jaehwan stepped between them and agreed to play it. Since she couldn’t say no to Jaehwan directly, she was forced to pull out a sudden rock with both Hakyeon and Jaehwan showing paper. Hakyeon laughed as he gloated in the form of a weird victory dance around Eri.

“So slave, you shall bring all these to 7th floor where we both will be waiting with our drinks” said Hakyeon with a huge smirk on his face.

Jaehwan didn’t look like he was happy at all when Hakyeon forcefully pulled him into the elevator. He didn’t want to leave Eri with the heavy bags alone but Hakyeon whispered that it was part of his plan. Eri stood like a statue refusing to believe what just happened.

“What kind of plan is this hyung?!” complained Jaehwan as the elevator door closing in.

“Just trust me on this”                                        

“You just want to get back at her because she replaced your precious antique cups with new ones aren’t you? You’re just using the plan as an excuse!”

Hakyeon’s eyes started watering slowly. “Those are my collection for seven years Lee Jaehwan – SEVEN – YEARS! Now if you go back and help her, I will literally kill you with my own hands!”

At the lobby, Eri was sitting on the floor just staring at the amount of things she’s supposed to carry. There wasn’t even anyone around to help her.  Sighing heavily, she stood up and picked her bags slowly, thinking on ways to make Hakyeon’s life harder than it was already.

Suddenly, there was a weird banging noise behind her. She looked back to find no one. Whatever was making that noise seemed to be coming from the hotel’s garden. It was probably a cat, Eri thought but then the bushes started making noise again. There was definitely someone there watching her and when she looked back, that person got startled and hid behind the bushes in a hurry.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” called Eri. There was no response.

Eri made a brave attempt to walk straight towards the source that has been making the noise. She was definitely sure there was someone hiding in the garden. There was a shovel leaning on the wall. Slowly making her way to whatever it was, she grabbed the shovel gently. Eri was shocked by the sudden ringtone from her cell phone. She received a message from a familiar number.

“Lee Jaehwan is in danger”

Eri had to read that twice to make sure if she got it right. Why would Jaehwan be in trouble? Wasn’t he just upstairs with Hakyeon? Before Eri could think of anything else, there was a second message from Sanghyuk.

“Lee Jaehwan will die”

It took seconds for Eri to throw the shovel away and ran as fast as she could towards the elevator. She punched the button furiously, worrying about Jaehwan that she grew impatient over everything.

“Come on, come on…”

Eri kicked the elevator angrily when it took so long and proceeded to the emergency stairs. Her heart was racing violently in her chest. What’s going to happen to Jaehwan? Was Sanghyuk lying to her? She needed answers.

  Eri knocked on the door repeatedly as hard as she could. She was panting heavily, her sweats trickling down on her face. The door opened to a moody Hakyeon scowling at her.

“Are you trying to break the door?!”

“Where’s Jaehwan? Is he okay?”                                                                                                       

“What do you mean? Of course he’s okay. He’s in his room right now”

 Eri fell on her knees weakly right on the threshold. Hakyeon was puzzled. He closed the door quietly as he helped her on her feet. He led her away from the room.

“What’s wrong? Why are you sweating? Don’t tell me you’ve been running up here to the 7th floor?”

Eri gave him the phone and Hakyeon read the text message. He had a perplexed look on his face.

“Do you want to tell me who Sanghyuk is now?”

Hakyeon gave her the phone back without another word. His eyes were searching wildly for something or someone around them.

“Hakyeon-ah, just tell me. I’m getting tired of all these mystery you’ve been hiding from me”

“That’s the problem. I can’t”

“Why not?”

“He made me promise”

“I’m your best friend! We don’t keep secrets from one another!”                     

Hakyeon avoided her glance at that statement.

“There’s nothing to worry about. He’s not a bad guy”

“Then why is he sending me this message? Why did he tell me to stay away from Jaehwan? What does he want from me?”

Hakyeon was getting annoyed with the situation. He didn’t know what to do and he felt hopeless in front of Eri. Hakyeon didn’t like it when he’s quarrelling with Eri about matters that involve her.

“Well to be honest, I don’t know either. He hasn’t been completely honest with me. I asked him to tell me everything but he kept asking me to wait and believe him. Trust me Eri – I don’t know anything. I really don’t”

“Then how can you be so sure that he can be trusted?”

Hakyeon had a cold nervous sweat on his forehead. He bit his lower lip praying that he had the right answer to give her.

“Hakyeon-ah?” Eri asked

“He’s… he’s a friend”

“Is he someone I know?”

“Uhh… well…”

“Tell me the truth!”


Eri pulled him back harshly when he tried to get away from her.

“Okay listen, I don’t want another fight. I don’t like it that we have been constantly fighting with each other since I don’t even know when. But if you’re sure that he’s not a bad person; that he’s completely harmless then I’ll trust you on this. Just tell him that I won’t be leaving Jaehwan until he gets his memories back. Okay?” Eri pulled him into a gentle hug. “And I’m sorry”

When Hakyeon was sure that Eri had left to get their stuff back into their room, he quickly reached for his cellphone.

“What are you doing?!” Hakyeon yelled.

“I’m sorry hyung”

“Did you follow us?”

“You know I have to. I told you last night”

“Eri is starting to get suspicious of you. I can’t do this anymore”

“I know and I’m sorry. You don’t have to get involved anymore. This is what I have to do. Just pretend that nothing ever happened between us”

Hakyeon heaved a deep sigh as he his forehead. Everything has been tiring him mentally.

“How are you? Are you still feeling sick?” Hakyeon asked sincerely.

“Yeah I’m fine. It’s nothing serious. You know how it’s like, I just need to eat my meds and get some rest and then it’ll go away”

“But you’re not getting any rest at all. Why don’t you listen to your father’s advice and take the surgery?”

“Hyung, I won’t do it until this is over”

There was no point in telling him twice. Hakyeon knew him too well to never give up in the middle of everything; especially if it involved Eri. He just wished that he could at least tell him what he was doing so Hakyeon could help him.

“There’s something I need to tell you about Jaehwan”

“What is it?”

“Jaehwan told me something the other day. He – uhh – ”

“What did he do?” Sanghyuk’s tone was serious.

Hakyeon was torn apart. He wanted to tell him about it but it would kill him if he knows. How would he feel if he knows that Hakyeon agreed to help Jaehwan?

“I’ll tell you later. Eri’s calling for me. I need to go now” Hakyeon lied.

“Okay then”

“Take care of yourself do you understand that?”

“I will. You too hyung – and please look after her”

It took about half an hour for Eri to carry their luggage upstairs. Fortunately Jaehwan managed to went out without Hakyeon noticing and lend her a hand. She wasn’t too excited about Jaehwan coming at her like that. She still felt awkward around him after his sudden confession and though she tried denying the fact; his kiss.

“Are you okay? Why is your face red all of a sudden?” Jaehwan asked. He was staring at her worriedly.

“Not – nothing! The weather’s hot, that’s all” said Eri hurriedly.

Eri cursed so hard inside. She couldn’t stop thinking about that day. Images of Jaehwan pulling her around as their lips met –

“Stop thinking about it!” yelled Eri in frustration. But the more she wanted to avoid it, the more she found herself blushing over it.

Eri planted her face on her hands when the memories refuse to go away.

“You’re sure you’re okay?”

Eri jumped when Jaehwan patted her back. “I – I – uhh – ”



“Hakyeon hyung was right. You’re a terrible liar” Jaehwan said casually.

Eri frowned and pushed him back slowly. “Go away”

Jaehwan followed her into the elevator with a grin etched on his face. Hakyeon had warned him about this sudden change in Eri. Their conversation that night was still fresh in his mind.

“You kissed her?!” Hakyeon yelled.

Jaehwan had went to Hakyeon’s house when he finished cleaning up the café that day. It was the first thing that came into his mind.

“Please don’t kill me” Jaehwan pleaded. He felt like he was caught doing something bad to Hakyeon’s daughter.

Jaehwan could never forget Hakyeon’s first reaction when he received the information. Hakyeon looked really disturbed but Jaehwan was sure it was because of something else. The older was pacing from left to right anxiously.


Jaehwan felt like he was invisible.

“No… No...” Hakyeon mumbled alone.

“HYUNG!” Jaehwan yelled when he couldn’t take it anymore.

Hakyeon stopped into a halt. His eyes widened when he realized that Jaehwan was there. “Did… did I say anything weird while I was walking?”

Jaehwan shook his head and Hakyeon sighed in great relief.

“Go back to work” Hakyeon said absent-mindlessly.

“Hyung, we’re not in the café right now” Jaehwan said carefully. “Are you okay?”

Hakyeon sighed, rubbing his temple slowly. “Jaehwan-ah... can I ask you a question and I want you to promise to give me an honest answer?”

Jaehwan nodded. “I promise”

“How do you feel about Eri?”


“Be honest Jaehwan – you gave me your word”

“She’s my friend”

“Do you see her as a woman?”

“Of course I do. I told her that I like her. Were you even listening? ”

“You know what I mean Jaehwan” Hakyeon said sternly.

Jaehwan looked back into Hakyeon’s eyes. He was definitely serious about it.

“I – like – her” he confessed again without even knowing why; emphasizing on each word.

Hakyeon looked at him as though Jaehwan was out of his mind. He didn’t say anything much. Hakyeon kept on pacing around the area as Jaehwan waited for a response. When none was given, Jaehwan turned him around to face him.

“If you don’t want me to like her just say so”

“No I’m not. It’s just that – it’s complicated. Why didn’t you tell her how you really feel before?” Hakyeon said carefully.

“You know why” said Jaehwan sadly, hugging a pillow while he sat down on the couch.


Jaehwan nodded. “And him

“Who? You mean Hongbin?”

“I know she still loves him”

It was an uncomfortable situation for Hakyeon. He has been dreading this one-to-one conversation with Jaehwan. As he sat down beside him, he placed a comforting hand on Jaehwan’s back.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m scared”

“Scared that you won’t get to hear the answer you want? Don’t worry about stuff like that. What’s important is that she knows how you feel. Whatever is going to happen will happen. Who knows if she’ll start having feelings for you after that?”

Jaehwan did not expect Hakyeon to approve of this.

“Hyung why are you doing this for me?”

“Do what?”

“This! Approving of me liking Eri – I thought you’re Hongbin’s friend? Don’t you need to tell me to forget about Eri because you need to protect their relationship?”

“I should be but aren’t you being cruel right now? Am I not your friend too?”

“You are but I’m just saying that – you two have been friends since high school! You’ve known Hongbin for more than 4 years and our friendship hasn’t even reached one year. If I have to be honest right now, I’m getting suspicious with you hyung”

Hakyeon opened his mouth and closed it when he realized that he has nothing to say back. Jaehwan was right to doubt him. He has been acting really weird ever since he got injured that day. No matter how many times Jaehwan asked him, he never told him what really happened.

“I think Eri likes you too. She just doesn’t know it. Eri’s really gullible when it comes to her own feelings. She doesn’t’ know what she really feels inside so it’s your job to bring it out for her” said Hakyeon changing the topic hastily.

“Are you doing this so you can get rid of Jung Taekwoon?” asked Jaehwan sensing something.

“Better you than him anyway”

Jaehwan didn’t know how to tell Hakyeon about Taekwoon but Eri told him to keep it a secret. He can’t lose Eri’s trust just yet.

“What about Hongbin?”

“Right, Hongbin…” Hakyeon mumbled, lost in his deep thoughts again. Jaehwan pushed him slightly with his elbow.

“Why do you do that whenever I say his name?” asked Jaehwan feeling a bit jealous. It reminded him of the time when he was alone with Eri on the bus and she has the same expression when she was thinking about Hongbin.

Hakyeon looked into Jaehwan’s eyes with a guilty look. He didn’t even answer the question; he just told him that he’ll help him on this matter. For the very first time, Jaehwan felt like he couldn’t trust him.

Eri put down the last bag on the floor and crashed on the bed with her arms spreading out. She locked the door to prevent both Jaehwan and Hakyeon from getting in since she had two different reasons not to engage with them. Her cellphone vibrated again. She pulled it out from her jeans’ pocket to see Taekwoon on the line.

“Hello? Taekwoon-ah, where are you?” asked Eri gently.

“I’ve been away. Listen, I need to see you right now” said Taekwoon urgently.

Noticing the sudden tone in his voice, Eri got up from the bed.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Are you in the café?”

“No, I’m in Jeju. Hakyeon brought us here for vacation”

Taekwoon paused before he continued “Is he there too?”

“Who are you talking about?”

“That guy – that new guy”



“Yes he’s with us. What about him?”

“I need to talk to you. When will you come back?”

Eri felt irritated with him acting like Hakyeon. Why has everyone been acting mysterious around her lately?

“I don’t know when since Hakyeon forced me into this. I have no choice but to follow him. It’s up to him”

She could hear Taekwoon sighing slowly on the other line.

“Give me a call once you’re back okay? I have something to do now. I’ll see you when you get back” Taekwoon concluded.

Eri slumped back on the bed, her cell phone bouncing till it fell on the floor.

“What is happening…”


To be continued…


p/s: sorry T.T this is not because of writer's block. this fic has its own ending written already and stuff but I have been extremely busy im sorry :'(






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LittleJennie #1
Chapter 16: huh...what is this? leaving it like that? it is way too cruel, author-nim.....
Chapter 14: Don't leave me hanging here ㅠ_ㅠ I love this story so much. So much tension. Update soon ^-^
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
zexotic #4
Chapter 11: its really a good story,it even made me cry:') please update!!'-')9
Sehungege #5
Chapter 11: THIS FIC IS SO- URGH SO GOOD. I like how its so mysterious and i LOVE the story plot and the characters and stuff XD Author-nim you are currently the best author^^ And this story pulls me in. I mean, there's not a lot of vixx fanfics, so..yeah. UPDATE SOON PLEASE AUTHOR-NIM^^
Chapter 10: Please update! Its a nice story
Elisse #7
I'm suscribing to this! It seems interesting :) But I'm someone who doesn't read incomplete stories >< So I'll be waiting patiently, author-nim! :3