↠ a day with four seasons ╳ apply soon!





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updates from the author.

So I finished the layout but I still have a long way to go. I need to make the application and I also need to make the character plotlines. Haha, I'll have them up soon so be on the lookout for it. Also, please be patient with me!!! I am a sloth.  (updated 06 sept. 2013)

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the RULES 

ONE // No bashing! I can't explain how much I hate when people bash other's work. It's disrespectful and it for the person who is being targeted. So please be kind to one another. It makes things easier.

TWO // Suscribe before after applying. Upvoting is optional but it is very much appreciated!

THREE // Love interests may be from any group. EXO's Byun Baekhyun is taken.

FOUR // Ulzzangs...This is just to remind you not to use those creepy looking ulzzangs who are like babies or something. Chose more life like ulzzangs, girls you might see on any normal day, ya'know? The majority of normal people don't look like dolls. Ulzzang Baek Sumin is taken. 

FIVE // If chosen, remember to comment regularly. You applied to the story so you might as well read it, right? If you aren't chosen, you may appear as a cameo. Also, I really like those "update soon" comments. They're like motivation to me. 

SIX // There is currently no deadline so take your time with your apps and make sure you do everything correctly before handing it in. The hints are there for a reason!!!

SEVEN // I'll be choosing 3 girls since your greedy author has decided to be in the story herself. Sorry! 

EIGHT // The password is a link to your favorite song.





 plot line section


Four roomates find themselves reliving Valentines Day over and over again. they don't have any idea as to why it would happen but they soon realize that Valentine's day was the day they each lost a huge chance at being with their crushes. as they slowly figure this out, they decide to take action and make their realities different. instead of reliving history, they take advantage and seize the day by making their crushes fall for them. each day is different but each day relived is one step closer to what could be. 

a/n : this is my very first apply fic and my very first story!!! please support it and sorry for any wrong grammar, if the story's bad, etc. haha~ i'm just starting to write so tips would be useful too. even if you aren't planning on applying or reading the story, thanks for stopping by.

special thanks to silver linings and their apply fanfiction ideas. i probably wouldn't have made a fanfic without their ideas because i'm totally brain dead and writers block loves me. anyway, i totally recoommened silver linings, they have great plots. check them out! 

if you wish to visit silver linings or check out their apply fanfiction ideas, click here ()

layout credit





A Day With Four Seasons :// Hey! So I've finished the plotlines~ Just tweaking them a bit. They'll be up by the weekend so don't worry!!! I'll have them up soon


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Chapter 2: Hello!
^ ^
I wanted to apply but the source code has a password...
I've applied..^^
where should I put the password?
I'm applying, in the midst of making my app !!^^
I think I'll apply too! I really like one in particular too.
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the application!!! Weeeeeeeeh:))
elation #6
this is a pretty cool story. i shall apply. c':
oohh intresting i want to join! Good luck with all you have left :)